South Carolina will be Later than Normal on Items Ranging from Vegetables to Peaches

South Carolina will be Later than Normal on Items Ranging from Vegetables to Peaches

GAtks0314 018Spring South Carolina produce shipments  are taking place, although the main volume is still ahead in the weeks and months to come.  However, it is not going to be a normal, or typical year for shipments due to weather factors.

South Carolina peaches rank second in volume nationally, however a freeze wiped out the early season peaches.  While there will be limited volume in June, it will July and August before there are significant peach shipments.

South Carolina Vegetable Shipments

The state also ranks in the top six in the nation for leafy green, cantaloupe and watermelons, while placing eighth in cumber volume.

It has been cooler longer than normal in South Carolina slowing the 0growth of vegetables, plus some crops had to be replanted due to the earlier freezing conditions.  More recent warmer weather has crops trying to catch up.   The state ships produce throughout the year.   Currently, South Carolina vegetable loadings range from leafy greens, to more limited amounts of broccoli and asparagus.

Among the early season summer items to start shipping in the next month or so are watermelons, cabbage and early summer vegetables, plus blueberries.