Central USA Produce Shipments from Texas to North Dakota

Central USA Produce Shipments from Texas to North Dakota


From the South Texas-Mexican border to the Canadian border, here is a look at produce shipments originating out of the central United States.

Lower Rio Grand Valley Produce Shipments

There are steady Texas grapefruit shipments, amounting to around 200 truck loads weekly, with about one-fourth this volume in oranges.  Just south of San Antonio, cabbage shipments are increasing…..However, the biggest volume comes with Mexican produce shipments.  There is everything from such tropical as mangos, papayas, and pineapples to watermelon, peppers, roma tomatoes, broccoli and carrots.

A word of caution.  Although volume is very light with Mexican tomatillos and chayote, some quality problems are being reported.

Lower Rio Grand Valley/Mexican produce – grossing about $4800 to New York City.

Sweet Potato Shipments

Both Louisiana and Mississippi are shipping sweet potatoes, but volume is light.

Michigan Produce Shipments

Heaviest produce volume in Michigan remains with apples, primarily out of the Western area of the state, averaging about 175 truck loads per week…There are about 125 truck loads of potato loadings a week….Finally, there are still some storage onions left, but it is in a seasonal decline.

Michigan apples – grossing about $2400 to Atlanta.

Wisconsin Potato Shipments

Central Wisconsin is shipping over 300 truck loads of primarily russet potatoes weekly.

Wisconsin potatoes – grossing about $2200 to Houston.

Red River Valley Potato Shipments

Eastern North Dakota and Western Minnesota are shipping red potatoes in similar volume to that of Wisconsin.

Red River Valley potatoes – grossing about $1950 to Chicago.