The Corruption and Incompetence of Big Government

The Corruption and Incompetence of Big Government

IMG_6360By Larry Oscar

Just as you think the news about our government couldn’t get any worse, it inevitably does. It seems that every week we get some new revelation about how more corrupt or incompetent one of our government agencies has become.

If you recall about seven years ago the incompetent politicians in Washington were saying the banks were corrupt and too big to manage.  If anything is “too big to manage” it is our government.  The politicians were scrambling trying to pin the blame for the housing collapse on the banks making those “risky loans”.  The very loans than the US Attorney General, Janet Reno in 1995, had forced the banks to make or face a federal lawsuit under the Community Reinvestment Act.

Now we have that filthy rich socialist Elizabeth Warren from the left wing state of Massachusetts crying out again that the banks are too big to manage and should be broken up. Oh that’s a great idea. Nothing like letting China have the only large bank in the global market place. I’m sure that will be good for all of the rest of the free world. Maybe it’s just the fact that I’m getting old, but it sure appears to me that the decline of the United States is accelerating at an ever increasing pace.

I’m afraid the corruption and incompetence goes all the way to the top. Unfortunately, when you look at downsizing it always comes down to government jobs.  We can’t simplify the tax system with a flat tax or a national sales tax.  Why just think of all those 115,000 IRS workers who would be out of a job.  Not to mention all those tax attorneys or the workers at tax preparation companies. So we have a corrupt IRS that just keeps getting bigger and more evil every day.

We can’t have simple efficient airport security like Israel does.  Oh no, we have to have a bloated 35,000 government worker TSA that is riddled with thieves and has a 95% failure rate on security tests.  It was two years ago that “Mr. Potato Head” in the White House said he was appalled at the Veterans Administration behavior and their miserable performance at the VA Hospitals. He appointed a new head of the VA and assured us that things were going to get straighten out. Guess what? They have actually gotten worse. And no one can be fired at the VA for their poor performance and incompetence . After all, the VA has over 300,000 full time government employees and we can’t afford to upset that rotten apple cart can we?

If we gave all the veterans a health card and let them go to the private sector, like the rest of us, it would eliminate those 300,000 VA government workers.  And everybody has forgotten about the good old Post Office.  Those bozos are so incompetent that the Post Office has lost over $47 billion dollars over the past decade, and still counting, with no profitable year in sight.  Now do you see a trend here? I sure do.

We can’t “right size” our government because we have too many government workers who are dependant on the government for their jobs.  And guess what?  We have 47% of the American voters now getting a handout from one of these government agencies.  Which brings us to the big picture… Greece.

You have been hearing a lot about this socialist nation. They are in debt about $350 billion.  They only have about 11 million people, so that’s about $32,000 dollars of debt per citizen.  How does that relate to us you may ask?  Well, we are over $18 trillion dollars in debt.  That is about $60,000 per US citizen.  Yes folks we are just about in twice as much debt per citizen as Greece.  Which is why “Mr. Potato Head” is carping on “climate change”, and a new tax scheme called “cap and trade” that will get his grubby little hands on even more of our money to grow the government to an even bigger size.  And that will overwhelm our capitalist system of free enterprise. Check your history.

Go back to the late 1950’s and early 1960’s and you will find a gentleman from the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics named Nikita Khrushchev who said they would not have to fire a shot to defeat the United States.  He said that they would defeat us from within.  Maybe it is just me, but I bet this country will continue to decline at an ever accelerated pace while the future generation we have spawned keeps playing games and texting ho ho’s on their cell phone.

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.