Strong Demand for Trucks Hauling Florida Spring Vegetables

Strong Demand for Trucks Hauling Florida Spring Vegetables

DSCN4899There is strong demand for refrigerated trucks for Florida produce shipments, although there appears to be no shortages.

Florida tomatoes are providing the heaviest volume averaging about 750 truck loads weekly.  There also is good, but increasing volume with sweet corn, cucumbers, bell peppers and potatoes.  A number of other mixed vegetables also are being shipped.

Spring growing conditions in Florida is resulting in mostly good quality product for hauling for items originating out of central and southern areas of the state.

Blueberries shipments have become a big item in Florida and growers expect to harvest between to 21 million-22 million pounds, up from the 17 million shipped last year.   Volume will be increasing through mid-April.    Steady shipments are now expected through May, overlapping an expected later than normal start in Georgia.

Growers in northern Florida began harvesting the week of April 6th with much higher shipments seen this week.  Florida typically finishes blueberry shipments by Mid May, but due to excellent growing weather, loadings are expected to continue further into May.

Because of February freezes, Georgia is expected to increase harvests in early May, later than the typical mid- to late-April start.

Central Florida blueberries – grossing about $2800 to Chicago.

Southern and Central tomatoes and vegetables – grossing about $3200 to New York City.