Shipping Updates: CA Navels and Lemons; Plus WI and RRV Potatoes

Shipping Updates: CA Navels and Lemons; Plus WI and RRV Potatoes

DSCN4971The California navel forecast of 86 million 40-pound cartons — up from 76 million last season — is larger than originally predicted.  Shipments are just starting out of the San Joaquin Valley.  Volume will be increasing as we get latter into October.

Central San Joaquin Valley fruits and vegetables – grossing about $6400 to New York City.

Lemon Shipments

Lemon shipments out of  California and Arizona from the desert growing region, which will provide most loadings for the next few months, with volume expected to be off by 15 to 20 percent compared to a year ago.  However, volume out of the San Joaquin Valley should be similar to a year ago.  Lemons shipments will continue out of the desert until December before moving to the San Joaquin Valley.

Wisconsin Potato Shipments

Wisconsin potato yields are expected to average 440 to 460 hundredweight per acre, which is considered very good.  A year ago, the Badger State averaged between 410 and 420 per acre, which also is considered to be good.  (add # shipments per week)  Harvest continues.

Central Wisconsin potatoes – grossing about $1000 to Chicago.

Red River Valley Potato Shipments

90 percent of the Red River Valley crop from North Dakota and Minnesota will be harvested in October.   Some potatoes have been going directly into the fresh market, but most are being placed into storage.  Average yields and shipments are seen for this season.

Grand Forks, ND red potatoes – grossing about $1750 to Chicago.