Washington Stone Fruit Volume is Peaking: Mango Shipping Update

Washington Stone Fruit Volume is Peaking: Mango Shipping Update


Stone or soft fruit shipments from Washington state are peaking.  Meanwhile, here’s a round up mango shipments from key countries.

As the Washington state summer soft fruit shipping season enters final months, peak loadings are now underway for the next month.

For example, Stemilt Growers LLC of Wentachee, WA will be peaking with shipment of  Artisan Organic peaches and nectarines that started in late July.

Based in south central Washington state, Artisan Organics peaches and nectarines are grown in arid and almost desert-like climates.  These climates coincide with warm days, which allow peaches and nectarines to achieve high sugar levels and cool nights that allow the tree to rest and give stone fruit the opportunity to establish beautiful coloring. The climate combined with volcanic soils gives peaches and nectarines the necessary nutrients to flourish.

The company’s Douglas family transistioned to growing organic fruit about a decade ago.

Washington stone fruit, apples and pears – grossing about $4800 to Chicago.

Mango Update

by National Mango Board

The Mango Crop Report from the National Mango Board has been updated.

Mango volume shipped on week ending 7/29/17 was approximately 3.2 million boxes.

  • During the same week last year, volume shipped was approximately 2.9 boxes.

Mexico Mango Shipments

  • Mexican mango shipping season began in January and will run until October with a projection of approximately 74 million boxes.

Volume on week ending 7/29/17

  • Volume shipped from Mexico was approximately 3.2 million boxes for a total of 62 million boxes for the season.
  • During the same week last year, volume shipped from Mexico was approximately 2.9 million boxes for a total of 60.4 million boxes.

Haiti Mango Crop

  • The Haitian season began in March and will ran until August with a projection of approximately 2.1 million boxes.

Volume on week ending 7/29/17

  • Volume shipped from Haiti was approximately 5,053 boxes for a total of 2.2 million boxes for the season. During the same week last year, volume shipped from Haiti was not available.

Brazil Mango Crop

  • The Brazilian season will begin in August and will run until November with a projection of 7.8 million boxes.

Please note:

  • U.S. entry ports report incoming mango volume on different schedules; some report daily and some weekly. This will cause discrepancies between the volume shipped from the source and the volume arrived at the U.S. entry ports in any given week.
  • Boxes are 8.8 lbs (4.0 kg). Boxes from Haiti are 9.9 lbs (4.5 kg)