Peruvian Avocado Imports are Increasing as Mexico Subsides

Peruvian Avocado Imports are Increasing as Mexico Subsides

Peruvian avocado exports have been largely focused on Europe during the opening stages of its season, but the industry now sees a market opportunity in the U.S.

Mexican avocado shipments are in a seasonal decline. Until now the South American country’s options in the U.S. have been limited due to heavy volumes from the world’s largest exporter. Mexico shipped 50 to 70 million pounds a week during April.

Peru is expected to be supply most of the U.S. market during July and August. The season will likely wind down in September.

Peru is expecting exports of around 360,000 metric tons (MT) this season, which would mark a 25 percent increase over last year. The country also is starting exports to Asian markets including Taiwan, South Korea, India and Japan.

Peru has significantly extended its season on the front-end due to orchards in new northern growing regions coming into production.