New Jersey Peach Shipments are Underway

New Jersey Peach Shipments are Underway

New Jersey ranks 3rd nationally in peach shipments, behind California (which produces more than all other states combined) and South Carolina. Georgia, The Peach State, ranks 4th.

New Jersey peach shipments got underway in light volume about a week ago.

Recent statistics published by the NJ Peach Promotion Council (NJPPC) estimate that 55 NJ growers are producing about 3300 acres of peaches and nectarines and should harvest between 50, and 55 million pounds of fruit in 2021.

The New Jersey Peach Promotion Council emphasizes tree thinning is necessary to not only improve size but also to keep the tree branches and shoots from breaking with a heavy crop, and even dying from overload, particularly when it is stressed from dry weather. and heat.

A mature peach tree may have 12,000 flowers or 10,000 little peaches but only needed 500 to 600 mature large fruit.

The NJPPC is a voluntary organization of growers, packers, shippers, marketers and allied industry dedicated to the orderly marketing and promotion of NJ Peaches.