Idaho, Eastern Oregon Onions Are a Big Part of Shipments

Idaho, Eastern Oregon Onions Are a Big Part of  Shipments

A big part of the U.S. onion shipments originate from Idaho and Oregon.

Idaho harvest onion acreage in 2021 was reported at 10,900 acres, the same as 2020 but up from 8,400 acres in 2018. 

Oregon’s harvested onion acreage in 2021 was reported at 21,800 acres by the USDA, up 7% from 20,300 acres in 2020 and up 13% from 19,300 acres in 2018.

In 2021, Idaho onions accounted for 15% of all U.S. onion shipments reported by the USDA, while Oregon commanded a 13% share of all U.S. shipments.

Idaho onion shipments were reported in all months during 2021, but the heaviest shipments were reported from September through April.

Domestic truck shipments of Idaho onions totaled 11.24 million 50-pound bag equivalents in 2021, with export truck shipments reported at 478,000 bags. 

Idaho’a piggyback onion shipments were reported at 4,000 50-pound bags, while rail shipments of Idaho onions totaled 1.98 million 50-pound bags.

Oregon’s domestic truck shipments of onions totaled 9 million bags in 2021, while export truck shipments of Oregon onions were reported at 904,000 bags. As with Idaho, Oregon onion suppliers shipped during every month of 2021, with the heaviest volume from September through April.

Oregon’s piggyback shipments of onions in 2021 totaled 70,000 bags, while rail shipments of Oregon onions tallied 1.87 million bags, according to the USDA.