Michigan Asparagus Shipments to Conclude in a Couple of Weeks

Michigan Asparagus Shipments to Conclude in a Couple of Weeks

North Bay Produce, Inc. of Traverse City, MI reports Michigan asparagus shipments will be ending in the third week of June.

Growers for North Bay have been picking twice a day to beat the heat and speed harvest before the asparagus becomes seedy.

The firm’s recent press release also provides insights into several other crops.

North Bay’s domestic blackberry season in Georgia and North Carolina was delayed by rain in late May. The dampness forced some fruit to processing markets. The company anticipates increasing domestic blackberry volume this June, while supplementing its blackberry supplies in the first half of June with imports from Mexico and Guatemala. Good blackberry volume should be available into the July 4 holiday.

North Carolina and Georgia blueberries were also set back by late May rain, although Georgia’s Rabbit Eye blueberries are expected to be on the market for the next few weeks. North Bay has positive expectations for the summer’s New Jersey blueberry crop, which is important in supplying the Fourth of July holiday.

Mexican raspberry supplies were winding down in early June, as North Bay moved to California for domestic sourcing, which will run into the fall.

It’s early in the growing season, but Michigan apple production should be good, according to the Michigan-based grower and international fruit marketing firm.