Peruvian Blueberry Exports Fall 25% Thus Far This Seasons

Peruvian Blueberry Exports Fall 25% Thus Far This Seasons

Peruvian blueberry exports for 2023-24 have been disappointing thus far this season.

Peru has exported 10,000 tons of blueberries through July, which represents a 25 percent decrease compared to the same period in the previous campaign, according to infoMercado, using figures from Proarandanos.

Proarandanos reported this drop was due to a lower production of blueberries because of the El Niño phenomenon, which causes high temperatures.

It had been projected that during the 2023-2024 campaign, which began in May and ends in April 2024, the amount of exports would show a drop, especially in its key period.

Proarandanos noted in early August it projected volume could fall in this season between 10 percent and 15 percent. But this figure needs to be updated.

In addition, one of the most affected varieties is Ventura, which is planted on 14, 826 acres. This represents about 35 percent of blueberry exports in Peru. The Ventura and the Biloxi variety have 60 percent of the planted area in the country.

Ventura is the most planted variety in Peru. So by coming late in its production, an impact on the export volume is evident.