Predicted 14% Peruvian Avocado Increase Would be a New Record

Predicted 14% Peruvian Avocado Increase Would be a New Record

A 14 percent increase over last season is forecast by The Peruvian avocado industry. If it holds this will mean a total of 630,000 tons in production for this season.

The Peruvian Association of Hass Avocado Producers (Prohass), projects a record season.

The Peruvian season occurs between March and August with about 500 to 600 containers a week.

A main cause for the production increase is the addition of 24,000 new producers, covering approximately 49,420 hectares. These growers have a maximum of four productiveacres, with a yield between 2 to 8 tons, which did not exist before.

This is in addition to the production of medium and large companies, ranging from 24 acres to more than 98,840 acres.

According to official data from Prohass, for the current season, they plan to export approximately 630,000 tons. The primary destination is Europe, followed by the United States, Asia in third place and South America, mainly Chile and Argentina, in fourth place.