California, Peru, and Colombia Avocado Volumes are Ramping up; Mexico Declining

California, Peru, and Colombia Avocado Volumes are Ramping up; Mexico Declining

Volumes from California are ramping up, reaching 15.5 million pounds in week 20. In terms of imports, Colombia is second to Mexico, with 3.3 million pounds imported into the U.S. during week 20. Peru earned third place for imports with 2.4 million pounds. 

The latest report from Avobook shows that in week 20, Mexican avocado exports to the U.S. dropped below 40 million pounds for the first time since 2023, reaching 33.4 million pounds.

Projections from the Hass Avocado Board show that volumes from Peru should peak between weeks 29 and 31, reaching 18 million pounds. 

Colombia is currently at its peak season, and volumes are expected to remain above 1 million pounds per week until August. 

In week 20, Mexican avocado exports to the U.S. were lower than in 2023, when the country exported around 45 million pounds.

California’s Avocado Commission report they expect good volumes through the July 4th holiday, after which shipments will decrease. 

“Demand in April was quite strong and the percentage of the crop harvested this year is ahead of last year. In early May, about 25% of the California avocado crop has been picked,” said Terry Splane, vice president of marketing for the California Avocado Commission.

The report shows outside the U.S., Canada is the main destination of Mexican avocados. The state of Michoacan has sent 58% of its exports (excluding the U.S.) to Canada.

Jalisco exported over 60% of its avocados to the U.S. between weeks 1 and 15 of 2024, followed by Canada with just over 17%. 

For Michoacan, Asia is its second-largest export market, with almost 25% of its exports (excluding the U.S.).

The total inventory of conventional and organic Hass avocados registered in the U.S. on week 20 was 67.7 million pounds of which 37 million pounds came from Mexico, 24 million from California, and 4.7 million from Colombia. The remainder came from the Dominican Republic and Peru. 

Sales in week 20 rose to 53.2 million pounds.