Apples Remaining to be Shipped Remain Well Above Past Averages

Apples Remaining to be Shipped Remain Well Above Past Averages

The U.S. Apple Association released its May 1 apple holding report, which shows 53 million bushels of fresh-market apples. The association said this is 33% more than inventories reported in May 2023 and 30% more than the five-year average for inventories.

USApple also reports processing apples at 23 million bushels, 36% more than inventories from last May and 36% more than the five-year average.

This is down from the 124.4 million bushels from its Dec. 1, 2023 holdings report.

Washington leads the country with 62,272,381 bushels of fresh and processing apples, higher than the five-year average of 48,302,250 bushels as of May 1.

New York follows with 5,786,262 bushels of fresh and processing apples. The Empire State’s five-year average as of May 1 is 4,024,774.

Michigan comes in third with an inventory of 3,669,000 bushels of fresh and processing apples, which is also higher than the state’s five-year average of 1,933,200 bushels.

Red delicious fresh and processing holdings lead apple varieties with 11,744,443 bushels, which is on par with the five-year average for the variety of 11,920,823.

Honeycrisp is next with an inventory of 10,929,357 bushels of fresh and processing apples. This is up from the five-year average of 5,899,102 bushels of fresh and processing apples.

Granny smith comes in third with 9,389,762 bushels of fresh and processing apples in holdings, which is higher than the 7,003,534-bushel five-year average for the variety.

Gala sits in fourth with an inventory of 9,312,343 bushels of fresh and processing apples. This figure holds steady with the five-year average holdings for the variety of 9,281,365 bushels.

Fuji comes in fifth in holdings with 6,826,807 bushels of fresh and processing apples, which is similar to the five-year average for the variety of 6,415,417 bushels.