Average Shipments are Forecast for New Season of Washington State Apples

Average Shipments are Forecast for New Season of Washington State Apples

Growers in Washington state will deliver a robust crop with high quality across all varietals thanks to moderate weather. The forecast also shows a “continuing trend of higher overall numbers of organic apples and new varietals including Cosmic Crisp.

Washington state produces 90% of the country’s organic apples, which continue to gain traction. Organic apples represent nearly 16% of this year’s crop, up from 11% five years ago.

The report highlights growth in the state’s five most popular varietals. Gala leads at 19% of production, followed by Granny Smith at 14.5%, Red Delicious at 13%, Honeycrisp at 12%, and Fuji at 10.5%.

Cosmic Crisp, developed by Washington State University, is expected to account for 9% of this year’s crop. Cripps Pink will represent nearly 7%, Envy and Golden Delicious 3.5% each, and Ambrosia 2%. All other varieties make up about 6%.

The apple forecast is based on a survey of WSTFA members. The report represents an estimate of the total volume of apples harvested for the fresh market in 2024.