Longer Season for NW Cherry Shipments are Seen by Some Observers

Longer Season for NW Cherry Shipments are Seen by Some Observers

Some cherry shippers in the Pacific Northwest expect their 2024 season to be the longest and largest in the region.

Superfresh Growers, one of the largest producers in Washington, announced their cherries should be in season as early as late May and extend into August.

The Washington cherry season usually ships from June to late August. 

Last year, the company added a third cherry facility, which they say will enhance their ability to deliver cherries to retailers and consumers alike. The company grows cherries from the Canadian border to Hood River, OR.

“Superfresh Growers is proud to uphold our position as the Northwest’s longest and largest cherry crop for the past two seasons. Anticipate nothing less as we gear up for another successful harvest,” said Destiny Nash, Cherry Sales Lead. 

“The addition of the third packing line last year optimized our turn-around times from orchard to retail partners. With a notable 30% increase in production capabilities, we are poised for continued growth and success.” 

The latest census from the USDA shows the state had 43,429 acres of cherry production in 2022.