Imports of Asparagus from Peru are Approaching Peak Volume

Imports of Asparagus from Peru are Approaching Peak Volume

Imports of Aspargus from Peru has had steady, consistent volume, but more volume will be arriving soon.

The USDA reported Peruvian asparagus accounted for 37% of the total supply in the U.S. during the week of July 7-13. Other suppliers to the U.S. market in mid-July included Mexico, which accounted for 48% of the total supply, and Canada, which accounted for 4% of the total supply.

Crystal Valley Foods of Miami, FL notes there has been less volume this time of the year due to weather factors. To make up for lower volume from Peru, the company has been sourcing product from Mexico.

Although asparagus is imported from Peru 52 weeks a year, peak supply is typically from about mid-September through November.

Crystal Valley Foods receives most of its Peruvian asparagus imports at Miami International Airport (when asparagus is flown in), as well as the port of Miami.

Its primary asparagus customers are in foodservice and retail chains.