Stemilt Touts Increase in Washington Apple Shipments

Stemilt Touts Increase in Washington Apple Shipments

Stemilt Growers of Wenatchee, WA expects a big increase in organic Cosmic Crisp apple volume this fall.

The grower/shipper notes volume is finally to a point of making this a top apple variety organically.

Approximately 30% of Stemilt’s entire tree fruit volume is grown and certified organic.

Organic apples make up a large portion of the firm’s organics, and it is considered a leader in the hard-to-grow organic pears and cherries. The organization’s entire stone fruit program (peaches and nectarines) is organic.

While Stemilt is down on organic apples year over year, the 2023 crop was large and the marketer expects good volume on organics in the 2024-25 season.

Stemilt reports a 40% increase on organic pears, while the conventional pear crop is down.

Cosmic Crisp organic volume will be up significantly, and SweeTango is back on track after less volume last year. In contrast, Honeycrisp volume in 2024 is expected to be down nearly 17% compared with the 2023 crop.