Archive For The “Zingers” Category

What America Needs in a President

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IMG_6361The United States just may be the most tolerant nation that has ever existed.   As such we deserve quality leadership. Our leaders should be working together to get our fiscal house in order.

People do not have a right to what other people have earned.   Our leaders should be instilling the values and work ethics that the founding patriots of this nation built their lives and this nation upon.  We have become a nation of welfare handout beggars and moochers.  The United States needs a revival.   A revival lead by someone who can smile, understand, and respect dissenting views.

We need the warm smile and soft wit of Ronald Regan or John Kennedy. We need a person that can work with all sides of the issues to come to unique solutions. The kind of solutions that Americans are noted for.  We need a person that stresses the individuality of the states and of our people.   Someone who understands that efficient government should not be a centralized bloated bemoth, but that by moving government closer to the people, you get a better government and better solutions.

We should all be thinking about our country and our place in the future of the world as we approach this election season.  It is time we voted with our heads and not our hearts. That is, unless some absolutely hot babe runs for office. …Then all bets are off!

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Despite Problems, Americans Can Learn to Respect Others Opinions, Beliefs

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IMG_6364With the entire world falling apart and America’s global leadership at an all time low, I get a lot of disgusted looks by my friends these days. They just shake their heads as if to say “How did we get into this mess”?

The fact is problems in life don’t just happen all at once. They are consequences of the wrong actions, or the lack thereof over a long period of time. Failure to take proactive actions is an overwhelming cause of many of life’s problems. People find themselves in financial troubles, more often than not, because they ignore the need to live below or within their means over a period of time.

Too often people yield to the emotional temptation of our “Buy now and pay later” society.  Our country will soon be facing a financial mountain of debt that no country in history has ever faced and survived.  This huge mountain of trillions of dollars will have to be dealt with sooner or later.  And dealing with it will send shock waves not only throughout our country, but throughout the world.

Take note, you can already see the subtle signs of problems this debt causes. The huge suffocating tax burdens on the American people will only worsen as the government looks for any way possible to get more money due to the ever increasing interest payments on our national debt.  Our country already has the highest corporate tax rates of any country in the world. This is driving businesses to look at relocating outside our nation’s boarders. Recently the “Clown and Chief” said it was ‘unpatriotic” for corporations to relocate to a more business friendly country. I guess he flunked his history courses like he almost flunked out of Harvard.

As I recall, the Patriots were for low taxes and less government involvement in their lives. Didn’t the patriots write the Constitution to limit the powers of the government?  When this clown was running for office he said that letting the national debt get so large was “unpatriotic.”

You know,  “It’s all that evil George Bush’s fault.”   I guess he forgot what he said now that he is the one doing the spending.  As a world’s superpower, the United States is obviously in decline. We are viewed today by nations as a paper tiger.

As a result, the old tensions between nations are surfacing.  What has made The United States an exceptional nation on the world stage has been missed by the Washington elite.  We are not an exceptional nation because we have been the world’s only superpower for the last third of a century.  No, we are exceptional because we seldom agree with each other and yet we live together in peace.

Think about it. We have every national, ethnic culture, religious beliefs, racial mix, and economic diversity that exists in the world within our boarders. We have Muslim mosques, Jewish synagogues, Buddhist temples, Christian churches, Hindu shrines, Satanic churches, even atheists, and all within our boarders. Some of them are even across the street from each other. And guess what? We all tolerate and respect each others beliefs.

We all work, live, play ball, and even argue among ourselves. We all disagree, and we all have a constitutional right to disagree.  We are, and we will always be a polarized country.  But that doesn’t mean that we have to kill each other.  It doesn’t mean we can’t learn to respect the other person’s opinions and beliefs.


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There are Now More Americans Receiving Hand Outs than Those Working

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By Larry Oscar

A friend of mine and I were discussing the decline that our country in these troubled times when the subject of how recent our country has gone down hill came up for discussion.

Actually, it just seems that way when in fact the decline of our nation started well over 50 years ago. It started when the leaders of our country began to think the problems of bad human behavior could be solved with money and big government programs. No problems caused by bad human behavior can ever be solved by more government and throwing money at the problem.

And no human bad behavior can be covered up by excuses and political platitudes.  Oh, there are brief moments when we see some signs that America may be improving for the best, but one fact remains…we are past the “Tipping Point’.  A tipping point is the point when the center of gravity is above the center of buoyancy.  At that point a boat becomes unstable and capsizes.

We reached several tipping points in our country a few years ago.  We now have more people who vote for a living than those who work for a living.  This lets the politicians sell handouts for votes at an ever increasing pace. “Vote for me and I will give you a government handout” is now the mantra of today’s politicians.  Downward declines are nothing new. It happened to Rome, Egypt, the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the history books are loaded with many other nations who have fallen from grace. What is interesting to note is that you would think by the 21 st century the American people would have learned just a bit, and at least try to avoid the pitfalls that drag a society to the bottom.

I never thought I would see the day when a political party would run on a campaign of jealousy and envy, but that is just what happened in the last election of 2012. Yes indeed, we are past several tipping points in our country when politicians are running on one of the seven deadly sins, and winning.  Over the past half century we have seen our freedoms eroded away gradually. However, over the past five years the pace of that erosion has dramatically increased.

If you would have told someone in the 1950s’ that in just 60 years about one half of the country would be on food stamps they would have thought you were nuts.  A key failure is a General Motors vehicle that locks the steering wheel and causes 13-20 deaths from auto accidents.  The result is a firing of 15 GM workers and millions in restitution to those injured.  However, the government VA hospital system has resulted in the deaths of over 1100 veterans and not a single government employee has lost their job.  Furthermore, the President and Congress sit back and are “mad” and “outraged” at the VA, but not one cent has been authorized for restitution to those injured by VA negligence. Maybe that’s because we expect government workers to be incompetent in the first place. We hold them to what is known as the “Stupid Standard”.

Well, I have some more good news for you.  In 2012 we had 86 million full time private sector workers supporting 148 million government “benefit” takers.  So we have to print and borrow money to make the handout payroll.  Is it any wonder why our national debt is over $17 trillion and climbing?  The national debt is another tipping point we reached a few years ago. It is now larger than our gross domestic product, which, by the way, shrank by 2.9% in the first quarter of this year.

There are some bright sides to all of this mess. For one thing you can expect interest rates to remain low. The government can’t afford a higher interest rate with that high of national debt. You can also expect to see our involvement in the affairs of other nations decline.  We can’t afford to send military aid to other nations anymore.  Fall TV should be good as we watch all the politicians make fools of themselves during the election.  And let’s not forget the laughs we will get from the walking gaff machine Joe Biden.

I also expect more beer and wine production in the US.  With a feeling of ever increasing hopelessness people tend to consume more alcoholic beverages.  And, if you’re smart , you will get in line like everyone else and grab your government handout before the entire thing collapses and you’re left out in the cold. I can’t wait until the government starts handing out free beer stamps.

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.

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Has America Lost its Self Relient, Pioneering Spirit?

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IMG_6364Sometimes you just can’t help but marvel at the complete lack of common sense in our society. For many years it was believed by many that during the cold war the former Soviet Union had developed a new type of virus that would spread undetectable throughout a population. And the only effect it would have  would be to progressively make the society dumber and dumber. I used to call it the “Russian Dumb-Ass Disease”. It just seems that we have more and more stupid people in our country that just can’t connect the dots.

If you want to enjoy your life and be happy it takes some extra thought. Life cannot be put into sound bites. You must be able to have some level of deductive reasoning in your thought process. My observation is that we have more and people who rely on their emotional feelings to make decisions in their life, and less and less people who set their emotions aside and actually think about rational solutions to their life’s problems. Maybe it’s a reflection of a society that lets the elected leaders do their thinking for them, or maybe it’s because they just don’t want to take the time to sit down and contemplate their problems. Perhaps it’s because it is easier to let the government feed you, cloth you, and tell you what to think.

After all, it’s much easier to be lazy than to be responsible. But for whatever reason, it’s taking a toll on our country and ultimately on the entire world. Your problems in life are mainly caused by you and not by others. When we allow our leaders and educators to teach our children to blame others for their problems, we are turning on a ticking time bomb in our society that may someday go off with tragic results. Our school shootings are carried out by students who are taught to blame their parents, teachers, and other students for their problems. And not themselves.

Failure of leadership in any society will result in untold human misery for that society. The list of the failed empires throughout history is very long indeed. And all have a large amount of death and destruction in the wake of their demise. The chapter of world history that includes the United States has yet to be completed, but I fear the final chapters are beginning to be written.

Our country was founded by people who had a pioneering spirit of self reliance and steadfast resolve to be responsible for themselves and their families. This country has definitely drifted away from that pioneer spirit. Today’s leaders tell us that “You didn’t do that, someone else made that happen.” After all, it’s not your fault you dropped out of school, got involved with gangs, drugs, and ran afoul of the law. It’s someone else’s fault. Sadly, there will never be any hope for those who believe this tripe. The reason is you cannot change other people’s behavior, only yours.

Hope and change cannot happen in your life until you understand that YOU are the only one who can make it happen. That’s right. Not big government, elected leaders, teachers, parents, or anybody else can change your life as easily as you can change it yourself. I overheard a conversation between two ladies recently and couldn’t help but make a note. One lady was telling the other that “Nobody likes me”. She never stopped to think about what she just said. Obviously the other lady liked her, or she would not be sitting there listening to this B.S. If you want people to like you the solution is simple. Be more likable.

People like likable people. Approach life with a smile, and others will smile back. Lets’ do a quick thought experiment. Say you are walking down the street and a dog crosses your path. If the dog is wagging it’s tail and happy to see you, you respond positively. On the other hand, if the dog is growling, not wagging it’s tail, and has hair raised on it’s back, you respond negatively. You respond to people the same way. It’s not the responsibility of others to like you. It’s your responsibility to be likeable. It’s not the color of your skin, the money in your pocket, the cloths you wear, or the car you drive that makes you “likable”. It’s your attitude about life and the smile you bring to others lives.

If people feel better when they are around you, then you will be liked by almost everybody. There will always be those who are jealous and envious, so choose your friends wisely.

And above all don’t take life too serious. The only real serious thing in life would be running out of beer or scotch. Now that would be serious! (I could be wrong about the money though….it always seems to attract women!)

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Separating the Truth from Fiction Isn’t Always Easy

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IMG_6364Separating truth from fiction is not always easy these days. We have our politicians and the air-headed media to thank for the majority of confusion about reality. It’s easier to just accept what some bozo says rather than think about the truth behind what you hear. This is probably the reason we get so many people repeating the bogus statements the political class makes. However, if you are going to go through life repeating what these people say without thinking, you are going to look foolish.

Over the past several years we have seen more and more jealousy and envy surface than at any time in modern history. The so called “War on the rich” started during the first decade of the new millennium. This war has progressively gotten worse, and with the shrinking in the global economy it has reached epidemic proportions. One of the most notable comments by the liberal, or “left brain dead community”, as they are often called, is “The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.”

Now this typifies how a lefties brain works. They repeat this bit of tripe and misinformation, and most of us just listen and accept what they say as fact. Let’s step back and examine what they are saying. First, the rich are getting richer. That is a fact, and as long as the rich keep doing what made them rich in the first place we should not expect the rich to get poorer or remain the same. They should, indeed, be getting richer.

My answer to that is “SO WHAT”. Who cares if Bill Gates is worth $80 billion today and $800 billion next year? There is no shortage of money. Lord knows the government is printing billions of dollars more every day. If Bill soaks up more money the government will just print more. Bill’s net worth has no impact on us at all.

Now let’s examine the second half of their comment, “The poor are getting poorer”. Really, well I don’t think so! Just what brings these left wing do-gooders to that conclusion? The United States considers our poverty level for a family of four to be just under $25,000 per year. That is just under the average income of $26,000 in good old Greece, and just $13,000 less than the average income of $38,000 for France. The United States has the richest poor people in the entire world. The poor are NOT getting poorer in this country.

On the contrary, the poor in the United States are better off than the majority of the world’s middle income earners. Not only do they earn more, but they are given more government handouts to boot. When you add in the value of Medicaid, Welfare, WIC, Social Security handouts, HUD Section 8, Food Stamps, Lifeline free cell phones, and just about anything that our big government politicians can think of to buy votes, the poor in the United States are actually better off than almost all Europeans.

You know the Europeans don’t you. These are the big socialists from the old country that the idiot left wingers want us to be more like. By the way, the poverty rates in Europe are about 16%. The United States poverty rate is about the same as Europe if you consider $25,000 to be poverty level. However, if you consider $15,000 to be poverty level, as it is in Europe, our poverty rate drops to about 9%. Which begs the question, would you rather be poor in the United States or poor in Europe?

And when you compare the so called poor in the United States to the poor in Asia and Africa the difference in poverty and income is astounding. It’s time that the people in this country wake up. Screw Europe, and all those fools who want to make the United States a European clone. It’s time we told Europe to mind their own business. We are doing just fine here in “The Colonies” and we don’t need their advise. And the next time they get into a fight with each other they can look to some other country for help. No more European war involvement. In fact we are now approaching energy independence. When that happens Europe can send their own troops into the Middle East to look after their oil supply.

The truth is that the poor in our country are getting richer. The poor may not be getting richer as fast as the rich are getting richer, and that will continue to be the case, but they are definitely not getting poorer. The poor and the rich in this country are driving in the same direction. So the next time you hear some left wing feathered goose tell you “The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer” you can inform them that their low IQ is showing and indeed “Unlike Europe, the rich and the poor are both getting richer in the United States”. And you could also mention that they need more dentists in Europe. So long Piers Morgan, you left brain-dead bozo!!!

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.



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Could Expansion of Space-Time be Causing Obesity in America?

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By Larry Oscar

With the recent decline in theIMG_6361 United States as a world and economic power, it should be no surprise that many of our citizens are turning to weird philosophies and religions for guidance in their lives. So it isn’t too surprising when we have a lot of interest in science these days. And that is a good thing. Science makes people think, and that is something a lot of people don’t do very often today.

Instead they let someone else or some group do the thinking for them. I was discussing this over lunch one day with some friends when it dawned on us that most of the problems people seem to have coping with life are a result of letting someone else do your thinking. This behavior results in low self esteem. After all, when you are letting others do your thinking, then you have no sense of accomplishment; mainly because anything you achieve in life is a result of following some else’s advise and not your own idea.

You do however, get to blame everyone else for your problems because the mess you find yourself in is a result of taking someone else’s advise. The only problem with this is you will find yourself in hopeless situations. You can’t get out of it because the very people telling you what to do are the ones who got you in the mess in the first place.

No wonder so many young people want to commit suicide and take the people they blame for their misery with them. Science doesn’t have all the answers either, and the one thing that science has proven is …. “The more we know, the more we know we don’t know.” Sort of like a dog chasing his tail. We do have some bright spots in science now and then.

One recent bright spot has been the Large Hadron Collider built by Cern from 1998-2008. It is located on the Swiss/France border just outside Geneva, Switzerland. It is the largest particle collider ever built, and it was built by people who definitely think for themselves. This is the biggest leap into scientific discovery that the human race has ever done.

The LHC can accelerate protons to just slightly less than 10 miles per hour of the speed of light. That’s 186,000 miles/second. At those energy levels the protons collide and break apart into the fundamental particles that make up everything in the universe. That includes you and me. The LHC has already discovered what is believed to be the particle that is responsible for gravity, the “God Particle” or Higgs boson. By understanding what all matter is made of we can

This is done to have a better understanding of our universe and what makes time and space exist. Space-Time, as we know it, is rather strange. In 1929 Edwin Hubble observed that the universe was expanding at an ever increasing rate. This was contrary to what Einstein had postulated, and Hubble’s observations have since been confirmed. The universe is indeed expanding, and space is expanding. Something we don’t understand.

The expansion of space and space-time is a very big deal. After discussing this with a friend, over some beers of course, it was pointed out that this increase in the expansion of space-time could be the reason for the increase in the size of the average American today. Come to think of it, it may just be that the expansion of space-time has caused the increase in the obesity of many Americans. It may not be the huge consumption of food substances after all. It may be the expansion of space that is causing the increase in the size of the average American.

In fact, we may have a non-linear space time expansion. That would account for the fact that some are getting bigger while others stay the same size. Now see what thinking for yourself accomplishes. Will someone please tell New York’s Michael Bloomberg, quick, before he tries to outlaw hot dogs or Big Macs?

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.


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Sage New Year’s Advice from the Old Neutered Squirrel Himself!

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IMG_6364“Save the best for last” is not only a good quote, but it is also a very good principle to live by. The idea being that you should always finish with the best. A lot of my friends have commented on how they have had more fun in life as they have gotten older. While engaging in a similar conversation recently, I paused to think a bit more about the recent comments I had heard, and then I wondered why getting older was viewed so differently by so many people.

On one hand, aging brings with it the typical aches and pains of the passing years, and on the other hand it brings with it a freedom of the social pressures that years of living in the rat race has produced. After a decade of retirement I can truly say that it has, so far, been the best years of my life.  Maybe it is the freedom to do what you want when you want , or maybe it is the social freedom of not having to care or worry about much of anything, with the exception of a beer shortage of course.  And another aging phenomenon is the fact that the older males of our species seem to attract younger women as we age.

Now don’t get me wrong, getting old is not for the faint hearted. It takes some planning and preparation to enter this phase of life properly.  Not everybody is cut out to be a senior citizen. The first thing you have to do is deal with the inevitability of it. Regardless of how many face lifts, boob jobs, tummy tucks, butt lifts, or surgery you have, you are still going to age.  And if you don’t watch out you can easily end up looking like “The Joker” in the Batman movies. Just ask Joan Rivers. You have to admit that Jack Nicholson looks better as The Joker than Joan does, even with all the help from her surgeon. Somehow I just can’t help think Joan would have been better off learning to deal with getting older.

Getting older has an enormous potential for enjoying life. For one thing, older people can get away with a whole lot more, and nobody knows what you’re really up to.  The younger crowd is clueless about your motives and they think you are just senile. One of the best military tactics is to get into a position where your enemy underestimates you. Then you have the advantage.

Being the older person in a younger group commands a bit of respect. When the younger ones get in a pickle you just smile and politely say “been there, done that” and they think you have the wisdom that the years visibly show.

Advanced age provides a new set of social opportunities as well.  Younger women don’t view you as a threat. You’re kind of like the old neutered squirrel who lives in the great big pecan tree.  You can now hang out with the babes without getting into trouble with your wife. After all, your wife knows you’re harmless, and at your age you deserve a little change in latitude.

I have found it’s always good to take up a little drinking as you get older. This does require that you learn something about booze. For that you should join some social drinking clubs. They provide a knowledge base for social drinking that you can share with the younger folks. This gives you an air of sophistication and class that you probably never had when you were younger. Be creative in your old age. Don’t be afraid to come up with interesting things to do. Party a lot, and never take anything too serious. Nothing is more of a turn-off than a serious old codger carping about some meaningless trivia.

Always smile a lot and try to look empathetic. Women and liberals love empathy. Never mind that empathy never solved any problems in life or put a man on the moon. That’s not the point. Empathy is “in” today, so practice some empathetic facial expressions in the mirror to use when the need arises.

One final note. Always give big tips. You can’t take it with you, and you sure don’t want to leave much for your children. Too much will take away their sense of accomplishment and self worth. If you wake up some day and find yourself feeling sorry for yourself because your getting older, just follow my advise above. And if you get into trouble just remember the disclaimer in fine print….


Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.


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Why Things Ain’t What They Used to be in the Good Ole USA

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IMG_6361Many years ago my grandfather told me countless times that “Things ain’t what they used to be.”

I never exactly knew what he was talking about, but now I think I do. Well, he was right. Things ain’t what they used to be. There was a time when Americans considered themselves wealthy, not because of the gold they carried in their pocket, but by the liberty they possessed as an American citizen. There was a time when you would never consider disrespecting a teacher. And If you even thought about dropping out of school you would have to face your father, and that would not be a pleasant experience at all. There was a time when you knew the world didn’t owe you one thin dime, and hard work for an honest wage was something you had to do to survive and prosper. There was a time when your word was your bond and contracts were made with a firm handshake. Your reputation depended on you keeping your word. There was a time when you worked to stand on your own two feet and taking a handout was unthinkable. There was a time when you respected your parents and honored the name that they handed down to you from your ancestors. And, believe it or not, there was even a time when you knew that the government would stay out of your business. You could manage your business with common sense and self-respect. There was a time when the American dream was to take up a trade or start your own business. And your business succeeded or failed by the sweat of your own brow, and not by government kickbacks and taxpayer subsidies. There was a time when you took pride in your work, and workers would work extra hours to insure the quality of their work was uncompromised. There was a time when all Americans cheered the success of others. And jealousy and envy were frowned upon, and would never be used, or even considered for use as a political campaign platform. There was even a time when Americans got teary eyed and choked up when singing the national anthem. Americans understood and respected those who gave their lives so that we may live in liberty. During the past few months I have had the good fortune of going through old family photos and memorabilia. Many of them pictures of my grandfather, aunts, uncles, and even a few family outlaws. People who lived through the great depression, the dust bowl, and WWII. People who taught me the value of the name that I carry, and the money in my pocket. There was not a Miley Cyrus, Madonna, Barrack Obama, Al Sharpton, Lady Gaga, or any other bozo among them. They were just solid Americans with a high moral certainty that produced and built a prosperous nation. A nation that is now sadly in decline. Who would have thought that you would see the day when McDonald’s fry cooks and Wal-Mart checkout clerks would think that these type of jobs should be a well paid career to live and raise a family on? Who would have thought that the President of the United States would foster, promote, and encourage a great divide among poor and rich Americans. You have to go back to the Civil War to find a time in American history when our country was as divided as it is today. “Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a house divided against itself falls.” Luke 11:17 These words, spoken two thousand years ago by Jesus Christ, speak volumes today. How can we get our nation and economy back on track to prosperity without a unity of leadership? We have unions divided against management, states divided against states, federal laws divided against state laws, government regulators divided against businesses, parents divided against teachers, and politicians divided against our Constitution. There are so many divisions in our country that it is hard to find any common ground for agreement. Many people say that today is no different than our grandfathers’ day, and it will pass. Are you kidding me? This country is at a crossroads. In fact we may have already moved past the crossroads. One thing is for sure. Today we have more people living on some sort of government handout than those who don’t. This my friends is the crucial tipping point toward a national decline. When a politician can stand up and say, ”Vote for me and I’ll give you a tax payer funded government handout”, and get elected, it’s all over folks. Nothing left to do but to rename our country….The United States of Detroit



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The Consequences of Big Government, and Blaming Others – Part II

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IMG_6364According to the White House leadership you have to have the help of the “big government plantation owner.”  The results of this failed policy and poor leadership will resonate throughout the world for years.  It will produce an increased level of social dependency, sluggish economic growth, and low self confidence for all of our nation’s citizens.

Don’t expect a return to prosperity any time soon. It ain’t gonna happen folks.

We have now created a generation of citizens who think the world “owes” them a living and that everything bad that happens to them in life is someone else’s fault. 

It will take new leadership in our country that can build individual character and accountability in the minds of the youth of our country. New leadership will have to teach all Americans that your personal decisions and actions determine your future.  Your actions have consequences that you must face as an individual. You must stand on your own two feet and not be a burden on the country in which you live.

And before you can help others you must help yourself.  We cannot have a strong global standing in the world if we are a nation of welfare handouts.  We must face reality and understand that there is no “perfect” system where everyone is successful.  That system does not exist.

Capitalism has brought more prosperity and created more wealth for more people than any other “ism” there is. There will be winners, and there will be losers in capitalism. We can minimize the losers by instilling in the people a belief in themselves, and that their hard work will pay off.

We are currently creating an ever increasing number of losers with our encouragement of social dependency.  This must stop if we are to survive as a prosperous nation and halt the current slide down the hole of economic ruin and national decline we are currently in.

We recently celebrated Independence Day.  We should ask ourselves if we are truly independent Americans with the pioneer spirit that founded this country, or are we now a nation of handout begging losers?  The choice is ours.

It will take a lot of self discipline to turn down government handouts in favor of a good education and hard work, but the future prosperity of this country will depend on it.

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.

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The Consequences of Big Government, and Blaming Others – Part I

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IMG_6364Never let it be said that America has not changed over the past several decades.  If Harry Truman were alive today he would find a very different country than the one he led at the close of WWII.

Harry was a no nonsense person and is famous for the sign on his desk that read, “The Buck Stops Here.”  Our political leadership today embraces a far different attitude. With the election of Barack Obama, often spelled “Oblama,” our nation is being lead down the road of the blame game. “It’s not my fault” is now on the desk of the commander-in-clown in the White House.  Leading our nation is not a job that is to be taken lightly. The President is supposed to represent ALL Americans and not just the poor or middle class.  He is the president of the rich too.

One thing about Harry Truman,  he was not afraid to make the tough decisions. He was thrown into office during one of the most difficult times in world history and under very trying circumstances with the death of FDR.  Harry didn’t blame everybody for the circumstances under which he found himself. He set his emotions and politics aside to be able to make hard decisions based on rational thinking.

And Harry did not allow the American people to blame others for the circumstances in which they found themselves.  He lead this nation down a path of personal responsibility and accountability.  As a result, the period in American history following the war was one of increasing prosperity.

Harry displayed a personal belief that we as individuals could pursue and accomplish our individual dreams and ambitions without big government handouts.

In contrast, our leadership today says that “you can’t do it by yourself.”

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.

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