Posts Tagged “Bobalu Berry Farms”

Bobalu Berry Farms is Growing and Shipping California Strawberries Year Around

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Bobalu Berry Farms is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year and the Jones Family has announced it has transitioned to a fully integrated company.

Headquartered in Oxnard, CA, Bobalu for the first time will ship California fresh strawberries 12 months a year. In the past it has typically relied on fresh volume from Mexico during the winter months after the Santa Maria fall crop concludes, and before the spring season kicks off in Oxnard.

However, for the first time as the 60th anniversary is celebrated in 2022, the company has added a fall Oxnard crop in addition to Santa Maria’s fall program that will come on a bit later carrying fresh California fruit into 2023. Now Oxnard will be the first and the last district harvesting each year for the company within the state. The addition of the crop from Mexico will compliment domestic fruit providing a beneficial overlap during the holidays.

Bobalu points out in 2021 it introduced software integration as part of its expansion plans.

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