Posts Tagged “Colorado potato shipments”

Colorado Potato Shipments are Steady

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Duane Riendeau+1Colorado potato shipments continue to remain good and steady out of the San Luis Valley.

Total shipments to date for the current season are 19,980 truck loads, up from 19,124 in 2014.  That number remains down from previous years: 2011 had shipments hitting 23,511 year to date in March; 2012 logged 22,754; and 2013 came in at 21,069.

Yellow potato shipments have accounted for just under 16 percent of the 2014-15 crop.  In 2014 yellows were slightly over 12 percent, and in the three previous years they were in single-digit percentages.

Red potato shipments slipped a little in 2014-15, down to 5.8 percent from 6.9 percent in 2013-14.

San Luis Valley potato shipments are currently averaging about 750 truck loads per week.

As for the upcoming 2015-16 shipping season, growers just started planting in late April, which is normal, and will continue into May.

With an ongoing drought a major factor in the San Luis Valley’s potato industry, planting this coming season could be down between 8 and 10 percent from last year’s 55,000 acres.

It could be between 50,000 and 52,000 acres, but for now it is uncertain.   Acreage in 2014 was bumped up from the previous year’s 49,700 acres.

San Luis Valley potatoes – grossing about $2400 to Chicago; $2200 to Houston.

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Where to Find Potato and Sweet Potato Loadings

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DSCN5087Here’s a round up of major active potato and sweet potato shipping areas around the U.S.

Sweet Potato Shipments

Louisiana sweet potato shipments are expected to continue through June.   The fresh crop is larger this year due to an increase in acreage and higher yields.  Nearby Mississippi has a similar situation.  Both states are loading anywhere from 375 to 500 truck loads weekly….In California, a little less volume is coming out of the Atwater/Livingston district….However, as usual, Eastern North Carolina continues to be the big player, averaging more volume than the other three states combined.

Louisiana sweet potatoes – grossing about $1800 to Chicago.

Eastern North Carolina sweet potatoes – grossing about $2500 to New York City.

Potato Shipments

Idaho is to potatoes what North Carolina is to sweet potatoes.  Idaho is averaging around 1,750 truck load equivalents a week, although rail plays a larger role than with most commodities and shipping areas….Colorado potato shipments rank second at about  750 truck loads a week, with all of it being by truck….Central Wisconsin potato shipments come in third with volume…. Surprisingly, Nebraska is loading about 200 truck loads weekly, although volume is divided between two shipping areas — Imperial in the southwestern part of the state, and O’Neill in the northeastern region.

Western Michigan potato shipments, as well as spuds originating out of Presque Isle, Me are providing light, but steady volume.

Idaho potatoes – grossing about $5800 to Orlando.

San Luis Valley, CO potatoes – grossing about $2900 to Atlanta.



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Central USA Produce Shipments: From Tx to ND

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DSCN4318+1From South Texas to North Dakota here are some loading opportunities for fresh produce being shipped from the Central Time Zone (except Colorado).

In the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, both grapefruit and oranges are moving in steady volume.  Meanwhile, Mexican product is crossing the border at McAllen, Tx ranging from tropical fruit to tomatoes, and vegetables, with truck shortages reported.  There’s also cabbage being loaded from the Winter Garden District just south of San Antonio.  There also is light volume of West Texas potatoes being shipped out of the Hereford area and Eastern New Mexico.

South Texas produce  shipments- grossing about $3100 to Orlando.

Wisconsin Potato Shipments

Central Wisconsin is the nation’s third largest potato shipping area and is averging about 200 truck loads weekly.  Truck supplies are very tight.

Wisconsin potatoes – grossing about $3400 to Dallas.

Red River Valley Potato Shipments

Red potatoes out of the North Dakota/Minnesota Red River Valley are moving in steady volume.  Truck supplies are very tight.

Red River Valley potatoes – grossing about $2000 to Chicago.

Colorado Potato Shipments

The second largest potato shipping state is Colorado.  Truck supples are very tight for produce being shipped out of the San Luis Valley.

Colorado potatoes – grossing about $2400 to Chicago.




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A Look at Upper Midwestern Shipments – and Produce Rates

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DSCN4297From Wisconsin to Michigan and Nebraska; and for good measure we’ve thrown in Colorado; for a look at produce loads.

Wisconsin Produce Shipments

Central Wisconsin potato shipments have leveled off to about 500 truckloads per week.

Wisconsin potatoes – grossing about $1000 to Chicago.

About the only other produced items being shipped from the Badger state are cranberries from such as areas as Tunnel City and Toma, or Babcock.  There’s also some cabbage coming out of Southeastern Wisconsin.

Nebraska Potato Shipments

Nebraska potato shipments are averaging about 200 truckloads weekly.    The Cornhusker state has two primary potato shipping areas.  One is at O’Neill in the Northeastern part of the state, while the other is at Imperial, in the Southwestern are of the state.

Nebraska potatoes grossing about $2125 to Dallas.

Michigan Produce  Shipments

Michigan potato shipments remain light, but continue to gradually increase.

Michigan also has increasing volume with apples, and onions, although all these items are modest in comparison to the leading states of Washington (apples) and Idaho (potatoes and onions).  There are about 300 truckloads of apples being shipped weekly, while potatoes are less than half of this volume.

Michigan apples – grossing about $1000 to Chicago, while onions are grossing about 20 percent less.

Colorado Potato Shipments

The San Luis Valley will become more volume as the harvest has pretty much been completed.  Volume is gradually increasing and currently averaging over 600 truckloads per week.

Colorado potatoes shipments – grossing about $2300 to Houston,.



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Idaho Would be Shipping Even More Potatoes, If it Could Get the Trucks

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DSCN4523Here’s a round up of loading opportunities from three leading potato shipping states — Idaho, Colorado and Wisconsin.

Idaho Potato Shipments

Most of Idaho’s potatoes are grown and shipped from the eastern part of the state.  Loadings got off to a slower start than hoped for this season, but are now picking up.  Acreage is believed to be up about 8,000  acres and that has a lot of shippers in other areas of the country gnashing their teeth because prices are in the tank.  So there will be no  shortage of spuds for hauling this season out of Idaho — unless something major like the late blight virus hits.  Idaho, easily is the nation’s largest potato shipper.  It is currently moving about 1,700 truckload equivalents per week – and would be shipping even more product, if there was not a shortage of trucks.

Idaho potatoes – grossing about $5800 to New York City; $3200 to Chicago.

Colorado Potato Shipments

In the San Luis Valley of Colorado, there has been an eight percent increase in acreage this season, or about 5,000 acres more by some estimates.  The state as a whole has about 60,200 acres of spuds in the ground, of which about 54,200 acres is in the San Luis Valley.  Shipments of mostly russets are underway.  Colorado is averaging about 300 truckloads of potatoes being shipped a week, but volume is expected to increase.

Colorado potatoes – grossing about $2300 to San Antonio.

Wisconsin Potato Shipments

About 500 truckload equivalents of potatoes are being shipped from Central Wisconsin each week.

Wisconsin potatoes – grossing about $3150 to Atlanta.




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Washington Blueberry Shipments Soar; Plus Updates on Other Western Shipping States

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DSCN3296+1There has been a tremendous increase in Washington state blueberry shipments in recent years.  We’ll also look at some potato loading opportunities in the Western half of the United States.

Washington Blueberry Shipments

Blueberry shipments have increased nearly five-fold over the past eight years.  Check out these numbers.

2006    18.4 million pounds

2007    28.5 million pounds

2010    60 million pounds

2013     80 million pounds

2014    projected at 90 million pounds

Washington is fourth in U.S. blueberry production with 10,000 acres of berries from 175 growers   The state’s blueberry season runs from June through August while processed ‘blues’ are available year round.   Washington blueberries are grown in Skagit, Clark, Lewis, Snohomish, Thurston, Whatcom, Chelan, Yakima and Benton, Franklin, Walla Walla, and Grant Counties.

Washington/Oregon potatoes

The majority of Washington potato shipments  are now underway with a similar time frame  as last year.

Oregon potato shipments will suffer due to an expected a decline of  about 700 acres this season,  but water concerns will likely affect even more shipments.   Water availability is a concern in both Malheur County and the Klamath Basin,  and yields most likely will be affected.

Colorado Potato Shipments

In southeastern Colorado, San Luis Valley potato acreage is up 8.5 percent this season.  Total acreage is  54,200, compared to 49,700 last season.  The harvest and shipments will start in earnest around September 10th.

Colorado potatoes – grossing about $1650 to Dallas.

Washington produce – grossing bout $1050 to Los Angeles.

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Southeastern Peach Shipments Starting Soon; 3 States Shipping Most of the Potatoes

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064Here’s a preview of Georgia peach shipments and South Carolina peach shipments, which will be starting soon.  Additionally, most loading opportunities for potatoes around the country these day are limited mostly to three states.

Shipments of Georiga peaches will be light, especially when loadings get underway the first half of May, thanks in part to a late March freeze.  The first half of June will also see lighter-than-normal volume.  However, with the maturing of later variety Georgia peaches, the month of July should experience more normal shipments.

Most of the peach shippers are located in the Fort Valley area, just south of Macon.

South Carolina peach loadings typically follow Georgia’s start about a week or so later.  Carolina peaches also were hit by that March freeze and if anything, suffered more damage than Georgia.  Intial reports indicate South Carolina lost at least half of its peach crop.  The only sales of Carolina peaches in May and June will be locally.  There should be better volume in July.

Potato Shipments

Although there are a few other states in the mix when it comes to current potato shipments, Idaho easily is leading the pack, followed by Colorado and Wisconsin.

Wisconsin and Colorado russet potato shipments should remain steady heading into summer.  However, volume from the nation’s biggest shipper, Idaho, could decline some in May and June.

Idaho is averaging about 1700 truckload equivalents of spuds being shipped each week.  Colorado is a distant second with around 600 truckloads weekly, and Wisconsin is third at about 300 truckloads per week.

In the Red River Valley of North Dakota and Minnesota about half of the sheds continue to ship, mostly red potatoes.  Some of those packinghouse will close for the season anytime now, others will be following in May and only one or two sheds will still be shipping in June.

Idaho potato shipments – grossing about $3000 to Chicago.

Colorado potato shipments – about $2900 to Atlanta.

Wisconsin potato shipments – about $34oo to New York City.

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Plenty of Potato Shipments Continue from the US and Canada

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HPspudsTotal potato loadings from U.S. shipping areas are expected to be down five percent for the 2013-14 shipping season, but spud haulers shouldn’t really notice a difference, since it is such a large crop.  A similar sitution exists with Canadian potato shipments.

Overall, the two countries combined means there are only three percent fewer potatoes for loading in North America.  The total is still a huge 501 million cwt. (per hundred weight).

Of that amount, about 398 million cwt. of  the potatoes will be shipped from U.S. production areas than the previous season, according to USDA statistics.  Canada will provide about 103 million cwt. of loads, two percent more than the previous year.

The U.S. had about 942,000 acres of potatoes planted, down from about 1 million acres the year before.  However, yields rose from 423 cwt to 427 cwt per acre.   Acreage also was down in Canada but yields were up significantly, rising from 274 cwt to 292 cwt per acre.

Here’s a glimpse at a few of the major potato shipping states.

Idaho Potato Shipments –  The state ships a lot of spuds by rail, but trucks still transport the majority of the loads.  Most pick ups orginate from the Upper Valley and the Twin Falls – Burley District.  Idaho is averaging around 1,650 truckload equivalents of potatoes being loaded each week.

You should gross about $4350 to Atlanta.

Colorado Potato Shipments – The San Luis Valley is averaging nearly 700 truck loads of potatoes per week.

You should gross about $4100 to New York City.

Wisconsin Potato Shipments – Most loads are originating from shippers within a 50 mile radius or so of Stevens Point in the Central part of the state.

You should gross around  $1400 to Cleveland.

Washington Potato Shipments

Spud loadings are originating out of the Columbia Basin and just across the state line in Oregon’s Umatilla Basin.  There’s about 325 loads of potatoes a week soming out of here.  They are also shipping even more onions than spuds – about 800 loads a week.

You should gross about $3000 to Chicago.









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From Florida to California Here’s a Glimpse at Some Active Produce Shipping Areas

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CitrusTkHere’s a glimpse of produce loading opportunities from across the country, ranging from Florida, to Colorado, Idaho, Oregon and California.

Florida Produce Shipments

There has been a decline of about 14 percent for orange shipments this season compared to a year ago.  Florida’s decline is primarily due to the disease citrus greening.  So far, Florida has pretty much dodged the winter freezing weather bullet of Mother Nature.

As for Florida strawberries, warmer temperatures in the first week of February, with highs in the 70s and 80s, expects to boost production – and shipments – just in time for shipments for Valentine’s Day.  January cold fronts had caused strawberry shipments from the Plant City area to be slashed by about 25 percent.

Florida citrus and strawberries  – grossing about $2000 to New York City.

Colorado Potato Shipments

San Luis Valley potato shipments are fairly steady from week-to-week, averaging about 750 truck loads weekly.

Colorado potatoes – grossing about $1750 to Dallas.

Idaho/Oregon Onions

Onions are being shipped from Eastern Idaho and Malheur County, Oregon.  Volume is averaging over 800 truck loads per week.

Idaho-Oregon onion shipments – grossing about $510o to Atlanta.

Desert Produce Shipments

Most of the nation’s winter veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, head lettuce and romaine are being shipped out of the desert area of California’s Imperial Valley and at Yuma, AZ.  Moderate volume is reported.

Desert vegetable shipments – grossing about $6300 to New York City.


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Loadings in Texas, Idaho, Colorado, NY and South Florida

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Looking around the nation, here are some upcoming loading opportunities ranging from Texas, to Idaho, Colorado, New York and South Florida.

New York’s nearly 700 apple growers are expected to harvest approximately 32 million bushels of vintage apples by November – a new record.

After last year’s short crop, there will be lots to celebrate this fall.   A year ago, frost led to a crop of only 17.1 million bushels.

New York apple shipments of it top variety McIntosh is currently underway in the Eastern part of the state, and will soon be shipped from orchards statewide.   Apple varieties ranging from Zestar, to Gala,  and HoneyCrisp area and other varieties are being loaded from production areas across the state.

Hudson Valley New York apples – grossing about $2700 to Atlanta.

Texas Citrus Shipments

Rio Grande Valley  Texas citrus shipments should get underway with a pretty normal start in early to mid-October this season.

About 75 percent of the Lone Star state’s citrus shipments will be with grapefruit, and  25 percent with oranges.  Peak loadings typically occur between mid November and the first of the year.

Colorado Potato Shipments

Due to lack of water and poor markets there is a 10 percent reduction in acreage from last year in Colorado.  Planted acreage is about 50,000 acres this year.  Most shipments from the state originate in the San Luis Valley, although there is much smaller volume coming out of Northeastern Colorado.

San Luis Valley Potatoes – grossing about $1750 to Dallas.

Idaho Potato Shipments

While early season shipments of Idaho potatoes haven’t yielded any significant quality problems (just some small sized potatoes), the state had a lot hot weather during the growing season.  It’s just something to keep an eye out for when loading, in case quality problems start developing.

Idaho Potatoes – grossing about $3000 to Chicago.

South Florida Imports

South Florida ports are receiving papyas from Central American for distribution throughout the USA.  The heaviest arrivals occur between July and March from such countries as Belize and Guatemala.  Don’t count on straight loads of the tropical fruit, but sometimes a few pallets can help you get where you need to go.

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