Posts Tagged “Market Basket”

Tectrol-Shipped Strawberries Arrive by Truck for Final Quality Check

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After a more than four-day journey on its cross-country haul, the California fresh strawberry load was just being backed  into Andover, MA Market Basket warehouse dock as the sun was rising.

Waiting with a clip board grasped in one hand and a coffee mug in the other was Allen Moczygemba, team leader with TransFresh Corporation’s Tectrol Service Network and the designated rep responsible for


Allen Moczygemba, Tectrol Service Network rep, inspects strawberry load and takes atmosphere readings using sensor probe.


conducting the final Tectrol® quality check before its Tectrol-sealed pallets could be opened and clamshells distributed to the New England chain of supermarkets and superstores in time for the Mother’s Day rush.

Behind the scenes, Mike Maguire, Market Basket’s vice president for perishables, awaited the TransFresh quality assurance report, well aware of the time and the dozens of equally important tasks facing him that day.

 This scene is one that is repeated hundreds of times across the country throughout the long strawberry season as members of the Tectrol Service Network seamlessly and vigilantly troubleshoot the proper application and performance of the proprietary Tectrol Atmosphere freshness solution for strawberries.  Carefully monitoring and measuring everything from the proper sealing of the Tectrol® pallet bags to the levels of CO2 and O2 inside, Tectrol Service Network inspectors also observe truck temperature settings, strawberry pulp temperatures and even truck loading patterns (away from truck walls is preferred for more even pulp temperatures due to optimal refrigeration air flows).  In short, the Tectrolservice reps are “on the case” to help make certain that the Tectrol Atmosphere systems are properly in place and performing at desired levels to help assure strawberry quality throughout the growing seasons.


Mike Maguire (left), Vice President of Perishables for Market Basket, reviews Tectrol data with Allen Moczygemba, Tectrol Service Network rep.


According to  Moczygemba, the early morning hours at receiving warehouses are tough but worth it.  “Because the Tectrol Service Network may ensure the recommended 10% or higher CO2 levels that are proven to limit strawberry decay, we’re more than willing to monitor every step of the process if it means better berries and more benefits for our growers-shippers, the retail customer and their consumers.” 

Tectrol Service Network Quality Checklist At-A-Glance

Shipping Point Audits

  • Routine spot inspections of all Tectrol® application processes
  • Routine confirmation of Tectrol® atmosphere pre shipment levels
  • Routine equipment inspections operational efficiency 
  • Continuous monitoring and on-site training ofservicepersonnel
  • 24/7 certified technical support

Distribution Service Audits

  • Routine spot inspections at receiving points to ensure Tectrol® performance
  • Verification of Tectrol® application and pallet bag seal integrity
  • Measurement of atmospheric readings to ensure accuracy
  • Network-wide updates within 12 hours
  • Process improvements that are immediate and ongoing

Online Reporting

  • Convenient online customer access to detailed reporting



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