Posts Tagged “New Jersey blueberry shipments”

Blueberries in New Jersey for 2021 had a production value of $78 million. New Jersey annually ranks in the top six in the U.S. in the production of blueberries. Farmers in the Garden State harvested 41 million pounds of blueberries on 7,500 acres last year.
“We are off to an excellent start, and we anticipate it being a good year,” said Paul Macrie, who owns and operates Macrie Brothers Blueberry Farms of Hammonton, NJ with his brothers Nick and Mike. “From what we have seen early on, we think we will harvest a good volume with the juicy, larger-sized berries New Jersey is known for. We expect to be in full production mode within the next week or two.”
The Macrie Brothers have been growing blueberries in New Jersey since 1953. What started as a 26-acre farm has now blossomed into an 800-acre operation. The Macrie Brothers are also an active member of the New Jersey Blueberry Industry Advisory Council.
The blueberry season for New Jersey lasts through the end of July, which is National Blueberry Month. During the peak of blueberry season, production can be as high as 250,000-300,000 crates per day. Eating blueberries is beneficial to health as they are known as the “King of Anti-Oxidants.” Blueberries are low in calories and high in nutrients.

New Jersey blueberry shipments should be up this season.
The Atlantic Blueberry Co., of Hammonton, NJ reports “blues” loadings should continue through July, with slightly more volume than a year ago.
Last season New Jersey shipped about 38 million pounds of blueberries, and this year the prediction is closer to 42 million pounds.
As for Atlantic Blueberry Co. itself, the company sees have more volume, without disclosing numbers.
Diamond Blueberry Inc. of Hammonton, NJ’s reports a good crop in Southern Jersey. It began shipments the second week of June, with average volume seen.
Diamond Blueberry Inc. is the sales agent for Variety Farms, which will have mostly the Duke and Bluecrop varieties, and volume close to last season.
New Jersey blueberry shipments are in good volume, while peach shipments have started in the last few days….Meanwhile, Northwest pear shipments should be the best in four years.
Blueberry shipments got underway in mid-June and will run through the end of July for Sunny Valley International Inc. of Glassboro, NJ.
In 2016, the most recent year where statistics are available, New Jersey’s 30 million pounds accounted for 12 percent of total domestic blueberry shipments. New Jersey’s share of the U.S. market was 20 percent of domestic production in June and 26 percent in July.
Fresh blueberry output in New Jersey accounts for about 80 to 85 percent of the crop, with the most of the production coming out of Atlantic and Burlington counties.
Long term acreage trends show 2016 harvested acreage of blueberries in New Jersey was 9,300 acres, down from 10,000 in 2015 and 9,300 acres in 2014.
NJ Peach Shipments
New Jersey peach shipments started this week and should have decent volume until the season ends in mid-September.
Peach shipments in 2016 came from 4,700 acres, according to the USDA, unchanged from 2016 and up 100 acres from 4,600 acres in 2014.
Peach shipments from New Jersey in 2016 totaled 5.2 million pounds, or about 1 percent of domestic peach shipments that year. New Jersey’s share of the domestic peach market was less than 1 percent in July, 3 percent in August, and 2 percent in September.
Northwest Pear Shipments
Pacific Northwest pear shipments are expected to be average this season with 18.8 million, 44-pound boxes following lighter crops four years in a row.
Pear shipments hit a record 21.69 million boxes in 2013, but every year since then the yield has been much lighter. Hot weather causing fruit drop and contributing to decay called cork is blamed for at least partially being responsible for the lighter crops.
The 18. 9 million-box estimate is just 58,345 boxes less than the five-year average of 18.9 million boxes. It is 18 percent bigger than the 2017 crop, which will soon finish at close to 15.9 million boxes.
The forecast will be updated in mid-August. Right now, the breakdown by growing district is: Wenatchee, 8.6 million boxes; Hood River, 7 million; Yakima, 2.4 million; and Medford, 751,200 boxes.
Harvest is forecast to start with Starkrimson in Hood River on Aug. 3 and will finish in late September or early October in higher elevations of Hood River and Leavenworth at the upper end of the Wenatchee Valley.
While New Jersey “blues” are entering the final leg of the blueberry shipping season, carrot loading opportunities out of Washington state will increase significantly this year.
Entering the second week of July, 2017 New Jersey blueberry shipments were about 65 percent completed. Grower-shippers here were already describing it as one of the better seasons in years. Jersey “blues” should wrap up during the first week of August.
This season is marked by more fresh market and fewer “blues” for processing than usual. Normally, about 80 percent of Jersey blueberries go to the fresh market, with the balance going to processors. Looking towards the end of the current season, some observers believe nearly 90 percent will end up in the fresh market .
Washington Carrot Shipments
By Grimmway Farms
BAKERSFIELD, Calif. – Grimmway Farms, a global produce leader and the world’s largest producer of carrots, July 18th announced it has activated its Pasco, WA., baby carrot processing facility to provide customers with freight savings and additional shipping options during the July – November harvesting season.
“We’re pleased to offer more shipping options to our customers in the Pacific Northwest and Western Canada. Providing access to our baby carrots through this additional resource allows these customers to better serve their markets,” said Jeff Huckaby, president of Grimmway Farms. “Our Pasco facility is a great option for customers and distribution centers that manage high volumes of both conventional and organic varieties of our baby carrots. We look forward to leveraging this facility to provide our customers with an outstanding experience throughout this busy harvest season.”
Grimmway’s Pasco facility was modeled after the company’s Malaga facility – its premier baby carrot processing facility located in Arvin, CA – which was designed for optimal efficiency and minimal waste.
Following two seasons of small runs, 2017 marks the first time that Grimmway’s Pasco facility is being operated at larger capacity to enhance customer shipping logistics of orange cut and peeled baby carrots – the company’s most popular item. Customers who obtain other types of produce from growers in the Pacific Northwest can combine Grimmway’s baby carrots with other commodities via the Pasco facility to reduce their transportation and logistical costs.
To contact the Grimmway Farms’ Pasco facility, call (661) 391-5290.
From the first arrival of South African citrus this week, to a better than expected loadings of Mexican grapes, here’s a shipping update. It also includes New Jersey blueberry shipments and California strawberry shipments.
The first boat with summer citrus from South Africa is scheduled to arrive at the port of Philadelphia on June 24th, on schedule with past years.
The arrival of South African citrus plays an important role in the availability of easy peelers, Navel oranges and grapefruit during the summer months.
Mexican Grape Shipments
After exporting its 14 millionth box during the week of June 14, Mexico is on track to surpass the initial preseason total estimate of 14,171,000 boxes.
The industry is currently seeing around 15 to 20% extra volume this season, according to a Fresh Produce Association of the Americas press release. The revised crop estimate for the state of Sonora is now in the 16 to 18 million box range. Crossings at Nogales, AZ, are occurring daily, with over 300,000 boxes a day, and are expected to continue for the next two to three weeks.
Mexican grapes crossing at Nogales, AZ – grossing about $3800 to Chicago.
Blueberry Shipments
New Jersey blueberry shipments have started for Atlantic Blueberry Company, a major blueberry shipper in the state.
Established in 1935, Atlantic Blueberry Company, fully owned by the Galletta family, is a local family farm. Art Galletta, president of the blueberry operation, works hand in hand with second, third and now fourth generation Galletta grandchildren too work the farm. “We were taught to always get along with each other and to work hard. With this, good things happen,” says Art.
Total production, volume and shipments out of New Jersey looks to be similar to last year.
Strawberry Shipments
Improved weather conditions over last year has many optimistic California strawberry shipments will be much improved this year.
Strawberry shipments are now consistent with last year even though there was a later start this spring due to rain. While the cumulative volume is below the totals from 2015, the weekly volume shipments are about the same as last year moving heading towards July. This is good news for projected shipments as the season moves further into summer.
Watsonville strawberries and Salinas vegetables – grossing about $7300 to New York City.

A number of states are just getting underway with spring produce shipments, plus we through in some updates on a few that have been shipping all along.
Cherry Shipments
California cherry shipments have been underway for a week or more out of the San Joaquin Valley. Good volume is expected next week (May 2-6). Good loading opportunities will continue for several weeks, before being replaced by shipments out of the Yakima Valley in Washington state.
Asparagus Shipments
Asparagus loadings from three separate regions should be good leading up to Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8th. California, Washington and Mexico have all been shipping in the second half of April.
California volume remains steady, and Washington state came out of the gate with good supplies. Baja California and other Mexican shipping areas have been ramping up in April and should have good supplies for about the next six weeks.
Idaho Potato Shipments
Idaho potato shipments are remaining fairly steady from week to week, averaging over 1600 truck load equivalents, primarily out of the Upper Valley and the Twin Falls areas.
Idaho potatoes – grossing about $4000 to Atlanta.
Colorado Potato Shipments
The Rocky Mountain state is the nation’s second largest potato shipper. The San Luis is averaging over 600 potatoes being shipped weekly.
Colorado potato shipments – grossing about $1500 to Dallas.
Washington Apple Shipments
Washington state is shipping more apples and pears than the rest of the nation combined. Both apples and pears are being loaded from the Yakima and Wenatchee Valleys.
Washington apples – grossing about $5000 to Orlando.
Georgia Vegetable Shipments
Southern Georgia remains pretty dormant right now, but spring vegetables shipments will be picking up in the next few weeks. Look for light to moderate volume with everything from beans, to cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, greens and more in early May. Vidalia onions shipments just started this week.
Georgia vegetables – grossing about $2200 to New York City.
New Jersey Blueberry Shipments
New Jersey blueberry shipments should get underway in mid June. New Jersey produced 57 million pounds of blueberries in 2014. Approximately 82 percent of the state’s blueberry acreage is in Atlantic County.
Michigan blueberry shipments will be down this season, but it’s a matter of how much. In New Jersey, blueberry shipments should be similar to a year ago.
Two bitterly cold winters back-to-back hit blueberry bushes in Michigan, causing “winter kill” that will reduce shipments for the 2015 season.
The severity of damage varies widely, though, with some growers saying the crop will be “slightly smaller” and others saying some varieties in some areas will be down 50 percent. Still, decent volume is being predicted for Michigan blueberries starting the second week of July with strong shipments through the end of August and possibly into September.
Michigan apples and vegetables – grossing about $900 to Chicago.
New Jersey Blueberry Shipments
New Jersey blueberry shipments got underway about a week ago and are now moving into good volumes. In 2014, the USDA National Agricultural Statistics service showed New Jersey growers produced more than 57.8 million pounds of blueberries on approximately 8,800 acres. New Jersey currently ranks fifth in national production. Early indications show that New Jersey is on track to match, if not exceed, 2014 totals.
New Jersey blueberry shipments are underway, plus the Garden State’s peach season is coming soon. Additionally, in Idaho, fruit shipments take a big hit for this season.
New Jersey weather warmed up in mid May and helped bring on blueberries. New Jersey blueberry shipments get underway any day now with the Duke variety. Blues should be in good volume heading in the Fourth of July holiday. Shipments should continue through late July.
New Jersey Peach Shipments
It will be the middle of July before New Jersey peach shipments hit good volumes. Meanwhile peak loadings will arrive later in July and continue through the end of September.
Idaho Fruit Shipments
An Idaho freeze last November in Treasure Valley with temperatures plunging below zero for four straight days resulted in major damage to some fruit trees that had not had a chance to go into dormancy. Many trees have long cracks that occurred when sap and water had not had a chance to move down to the root system. This caused the wood to split open.
In general, apples appear to have weathered the freeze better than other fruit such as prune trees and peach trees. Some fruit trees probably lost two years of their production capability as a result of the November cold. A record warm February and near-record warm March that caused trees to bloom much earlier than normal was followed by an April 3 freeze that damaged blooms.
Idaho potatoes – grossing about $4900 to Philadelphia.
Over 100 varieties of fruits and vegetables are grown and shipped from New Jersey, mostly from the Southern part of the state. Here’s a round up of what is being loaded for distribution, as well as what will be available in the weeks and months ahead.
New Jersey Produce Shipments
New Jersey has 11 primary fresh vegetables: Tomatoes, sweet corn, peppers, cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, eggplant, escarole, snap beans, and asparagus. Jersey’s top five principal fruits are strawberries, blueberries, peaches, apples and cranberries (for processing).
New Jersey vegetable shipments: The Garden state already has been shipping early season spinach, collards, beets, radishes, escarole/endive, Swiss chard, lettuces and herbs such as parsley, dill, coriander and cilantro. Asparagus loadings got underway in late April. Cabbage, pickles and turnip shipments started at the end of May.
Beginning in June and July
Cucumbers and squash will start in mid-June. While sweet corn and tomatoes have normally started by July 4th, neither may have much volume by then this year, due to colder weather moving back the harvest.
Minor quantities of early New Jersey blueberry shipments should be starting the third week of June, with good volume by the end of June. In 2014, New Jersey produced about 8,800 acres of berries yielding about 56.7 million pounds — fifth in the nation.
July to Mid September Shipments
Yellow New Jersey peach shipments should start the third week of July, with fair volume by early August. Larger volume varieties should begin by the early August. Good yellow peachvolume is expected by mid-August through mid-September. White peach volume begins in the third week of August through mid-September. About 150 peach producers grew 44 million pounds of peaches on 4,600 acres in New Jersey in 2014 — ranking fourth in the nation.