Posts Tagged “Peruvian onions”

Florida Citrus Shipments are Spiking; Onion Shipments Abound

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Florida grapefruit shipments have went from practically nothing to good volume almost over night entering the month of November….Additionally, there’s an over abundance of onions, both domestically and from Peru.

Overall, Florida citrus hauls are ranging from grapefruit, to tangerines and oranges  This citrus is said to have good maturities and good eating quality, and that should translate into fewer claims for produce haulers.

Central Florida citrus – grossing about $2500 to New York City.

Onion Shipments

There are big onion volumes from Peru and the Western United States, which is expected to continue at least through the end of the year.

Through October, 2,100 loads of Peruvian onions had been shipped by boat to the United States, up from 1,800 loads last year during this same period.  Additionally it is reported about 1,000 loads were in sheds or on the water in early November, up from 600 last year.   Ample loading  opportunities of Peruvian sweets from American ports are seen through mid-February.

On the domestic front for onion shipments an oversupply appears to be the case, ranging everywhere from Colorado to Utah, Washington and other West Coast states.  Overall, volumes are up both from Peru and in the Western United States this fall.   With retail sales off about 15 percent industry-wide as of early November,  the main problem for onion haulers will be finding a load because shippers may not have a place to deliver them.

Idaho and Malhuer County Oregon onions – grossing about $3650 to Dallas.

Washington’s Columbia Basin potatoes and onions – grossing about $6000 to Philadelphia.

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Mexican and Peruvian Imports Coming to U.S. will be Increasing

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DSCN3870+1Mexican avocados joining other produce from south of the border being imported to the U.S.  Peruvian onions are set for arrivals at U.S. Ports.

Mexican Produce Shipments

Avocado shipments should stay steady as California and Peru wind down in early September, although location of loading opportunities will shift.  In September shipments out of Mexico ramp up.  California avocado shipments were lighter than normal this season, and shipments will be 95 percent completed after Labor Day.   Shipments also will be wrapping up earlier than usual.

While imports of Mexican avocados get started in September, it will be the middle of October before there is good volume.

Mexican avocados crossing the U.S. border into the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas are averaging around about 500 truck loads a week – but as mentioned, are gradually increasing in volume.

Peruvian Onions

Exports of Peruvian sweet onions to the U.S. may grow by as much as 10 percent during the 2014-15 season.  The United States buys 57 percent of the Peruvian exports of onions.  The current export season starting ramping up in late July and should continue into late January.  The Peruvian onions arrive a various U.S. ports, before being trucked to markets across the U.S. and Canada.

Mexican avocados, mangos, citrus, tomatoes, and vegetables crossing at McAllen, TX – grossing about $4200 to New York City.





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