Posts Tagged “presidential campaign”

Nero Golfs, While Rome Burns

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IMG_6364By Larry Oscar

I guess it wouldn’t be normal if this year didn’t start off with some sort of rant about our screwed up government and the Bozo-in-chief in the White House, so here goes.

Most of us who enjoy movies can remember some of the more famous lines that good movies always seem to have. Take the movie Forest Gump.  One famous line in this movie was “Stupid is, as stupid does.”

I can’t help but think back seven years ago to the presidential campaign when all we heard from the media was how smart Obama is and how he was a shining star of wisdom and intelligence. What a laugh!  This clown can’t think his way out of a paper bag.  I  knew we were in trouble when he wouldn’t release his IQ or his grades.  Obviously they are not something he is very proud of.   After all, we wouldn’t want to destroy the myth would we. Funny how the truth eventually  comes out.

The world is on fire with Islamic fanatics beheading and burning alive any and all people that don’t agree with their version of religion.  Intolerance between nations, religions, and cultures is increasing daily.   And what great leadership is the anointed one providing?  Well, for starters he was at the National Prayer Breakfast recently. Now here he was, standing before people of all faiths, diverse cultures, and nationalities.   People who had come together to demonstrate their respect and tolerance for each other’s faith, as is our  tradition in this country.  These are people who are not trying to kill and behead each other like they are in the rest of the  world.  Here was a golden opportunity to show the world why the United States is an exceptional and tolerant nation, and what does Bozo do?  He gives a rant about the crusades that happened a thousand years ago.

Then he proceeds to lecture us about slavery.   You just can’t make this stuff up folks.  Some people, those that study history, think we are slowly and gradually entering World War III.  And they may be right. What is happening in the Ukraine and with ISIS is very reminiscent of Hitler’s Germany just before WWII.  If so, you
can expect a big announcement soon regarding a “Historically significant and glorious nuclear treaty with  Iran.”  This should just about complete the repetition of history.

It will be like Neville Chamberlain’s peace agreement with Hitler just before Germany invaded Poland.  Meantime, “Nero golfs, while Rome burns.”

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.

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