Posts Tagged “presidential election”

Liberty is More Important Than Life Itself

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IMG_6361By Larry Oscar

Just smack me down with Hillary’s e-mails!  It’s presidential election time again, and this election cycle may prove to be the most entertaining in decades.

And it would be far more fun if it the world was not in such a state of chaos.  For that reason alone all Americans should step back and take a hard look at what this nation has become over the last several years.  We have gone from the world’s leader in individual liberty to just another nation of moochers with our hands out waiting for a government check.

But the politicians are out in force promising even more government handouts for your vote.  Funny thing, if a politician was to offer you a dime for your vote it would be illegal, but they can offer you a big fat welfare check for your vote, and somehow that’s okay.  It should be illegal for any politician to offer anything of monetary value for your vote.  The left wing party of our nation has a distorted collection of welfare promising “vote suckers.”  They range from a mad socialist from Vermont; a Muppet version of Miss Piggy;  to old Gaffy Duck Joe himself.

All of them claim to be the champion of the poor, the downtrodden, and the ever shrinking middle class.  And their solution to all of the ills of these “oppressed” groups is to take more money from the producers in our nation and distribute it to the non-producers.  Never mind that this didn’t work out so well in the former Soviet Union, North Korea, East Germany, Cuba, Venezuela, or any other socialist nation.

Old Gaffy Duck Joe recently proclaimed that corporations should do the “patriotic” thing and gladly pay more taxes.  I guess old Gaffy flunked his history class.  I seem to recall the patriots were the ones who dumped the tea into Boston harbor in protest of high taxation.  It is time for Americans to restore our country’s commitment to individual liberty.  There is a movement taking hold in this country and that is one reason the controversial New Yorker Donald Trump has been drawing huge crowds.  New Yorkers are not known for their calm cool demeanor, and “The Donald” is no exception.

The United States was a beacon of hope for liberty for the entire world at one time, and we need to reclaim that title.  When immigrants came to America the first thing they saw was a statue standing tall in the New York harbor that was given to us by France.  It was the Statue of Liberty.  It’s not the statue of welfare handouts, or gay rights, or illegal immigration, or political correctness, or even right-to-life, but the statue of LIBERTY!

Liberty is the main founding principal that this county was built upon. It is our national belief that liberty is more important than life itself.  Liberty is what we fought and died for in every war this country has ever fought.  And just in case some of you don’t know.  The belief in liberty is why about 500,000 mainly white men fought and died to set the black man in this country free.

A fact that those who live in Baltimore and Fergusson need to think about.  When you yield your individual liberties in exchange for big government handouts, excessive government regulations, or government social laws that favor ones religious beliefs, you are carving out the path to your own destruction.  Liberty costs lives.  We pay the price in lives every year for our liberties.  Over 30,000 lives per year to have the liberty to own and drive an automobile.  Over 4,500 lives per year to keep and bear arms.  And we will pay a high cost in lives to maintain and ensure that our military is ready to defend our liberties in a world where those would take it away and remove your head.

America may be at a crossroads. Those of us whose parents fought against tyranny and won will soon be gone.  We have now raised a generation who have never lost their liberties.  They don’t know or understand the value that individual liberty adds to their life.  And the big question is will they wake up and work to restore the greatness of America that brought hope to the rest of the world?  Or will they sell their liberty for the promise of a government regulated and controlled life?  Will they yield to the cry of those politicians who cry out,  “We are all in this together.  The government is here to help and, of course, I need to be in charge?”

What this nation and the world needs right now is a Patrick Henry in the White House.

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.

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