Posts Tagged “Salinas lettuce quality”

When Loading Salinas Lettuce Look for Potential Quality Issues

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Heat and humidity in July and early August has resulted in quality problems for iceberg, romaine and leaf lettuce in the Salinas Valley, and caution is recommended if you are loading these items.

Markon Cooperative of Salinas reports USDA inspectors have been seeing increased quality issues, particularly in romaine lettuce out of California’s Salinas Valley. A cycle of heat spikes followed by humid, overcast mornings over the past few weeks has been stressing the product and causing internal burn and fog burn in commodity and value-added products.

Markon notes iceberg and green leaf have also exhibited some defects, but romaine has been more affected.

Weather has been more stable recently and it is believed quality will improve, but there still could some sporadic issues in the days ahead.

Pro-Act of Monterey, CA also recently noted seeing some tip and fringe burn on romaine due to the high temperatures, but supplies remains strong.

Common defects reported with iceberg include puffiness, pink discoloration and ribbing. Much of this is caused by warm temperatures in the growing regions. Mexico has had issues with rain and has caused for shortages of availability. Shipments are expected be increase as schools start again.

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