Posts Tagged “tax burdens”

Despite Problems, Americans Can Learn to Respect Others Opinions, Beliefs

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IMG_6364With the entire world falling apart and America’s global leadership at an all time low, I get a lot of disgusted looks by my friends these days. They just shake their heads as if to say “How did we get into this mess”?

The fact is problems in life don’t just happen all at once. They are consequences of the wrong actions, or the lack thereof over a long period of time. Failure to take proactive actions is an overwhelming cause of many of life’s problems. People find themselves in financial troubles, more often than not, because they ignore the need to live below or within their means over a period of time.

Too often people yield to the emotional temptation of our “Buy now and pay later” society.  Our country will soon be facing a financial mountain of debt that no country in history has ever faced and survived.  This huge mountain of trillions of dollars will have to be dealt with sooner or later.  And dealing with it will send shock waves not only throughout our country, but throughout the world.

Take note, you can already see the subtle signs of problems this debt causes. The huge suffocating tax burdens on the American people will only worsen as the government looks for any way possible to get more money due to the ever increasing interest payments on our national debt.  Our country already has the highest corporate tax rates of any country in the world. This is driving businesses to look at relocating outside our nation’s boarders. Recently the “Clown and Chief” said it was ‘unpatriotic” for corporations to relocate to a more business friendly country. I guess he flunked his history courses like he almost flunked out of Harvard.

As I recall, the Patriots were for low taxes and less government involvement in their lives. Didn’t the patriots write the Constitution to limit the powers of the government?  When this clown was running for office he said that letting the national debt get so large was “unpatriotic.”

You know,  “It’s all that evil George Bush’s fault.”   I guess he forgot what he said now that he is the one doing the spending.  As a world’s superpower, the United States is obviously in decline. We are viewed today by nations as a paper tiger.

As a result, the old tensions between nations are surfacing.  What has made The United States an exceptional nation on the world stage has been missed by the Washington elite.  We are not an exceptional nation because we have been the world’s only superpower for the last third of a century.  No, we are exceptional because we seldom agree with each other and yet we live together in peace.

Think about it. We have every national, ethnic culture, religious beliefs, racial mix, and economic diversity that exists in the world within our boarders. We have Muslim mosques, Jewish synagogues, Buddhist temples, Christian churches, Hindu shrines, Satanic churches, even atheists, and all within our boarders. Some of them are even across the street from each other. And guess what? We all tolerate and respect each others beliefs.

We all work, live, play ball, and even argue among ourselves. We all disagree, and we all have a constitutional right to disagree.  We are, and we will always be a polarized country.  But that doesn’t mean that we have to kill each other.  It doesn’t mean we can’t learn to respect the other person’s opinions and beliefs.


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