Posts Tagged “World War I”

Adolf Hitler, Socialism and History Repeating Itself

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By Larry Oscar

IMG_6364With the end of winter, thank God for global warming,  We can expect an increase in stupid behavior.

Now most of us old timers know the best place to enjoy the show will be lake area boat launching ramps. Nothing like sitting back in the warm sun with a cold beer and taking in the show.  Interesting thing is how regardless of how many times you tell folks what they need to do before they put their boat in the water they never listen and learn.  It must be something in the human mind that turns off their common sense, or maybe they never had any to start with.

Physics is the study of matter and energy and the interaction between them.  Merely by observing, we have been able to develop the mathematics of a great deal of the universe.  It has been amazing to me how much of the interactions in the universe we can now accurately predict.  Yet we cannot predict, with any mathematical certainty, most of human behavior.  There are several psychologists who have sophisticated theories on human behavior, but none seem to work better than good old common sense.

For example: Water flows downhill because it takes the path of least resistance.  So does electricity, and so do humans for the most part.  Even though humans are supposed to have enough intelligence to stop and reason things out, they seldom do.  This behavior is observed in governments, businesses, and in our personal lives. Why is that governments continue to spend beyond their means when they are warned the day of reckoning down the road will be much more painful than dealing with the problem today?

Why is it people will let their business deteriorate to the point it collapses before they pull their head out and change course?  The old saying that if you don’t learn from history then you are doomed to repeat it is taking place right before our eyes.

My parents grew up in the Great Depression and spent their young adult years in the shadow of World War II.  They saw the National Socialist German Workers Party (The Nazi Party) lead by Adolf Hitler rise to power in Germany.  Germany was a left wing socialist nation lead by a man most consider pure evil.  Adolf Hitler’s belief system was also developed in the aftermath of World War I.

Funny how you won’t hear that from the left wing Democrats that are spewing the so called values of socialism today.  An absolute fact they won’t ever mention.  Adolf Hitler used a from of deception and promotion of the seven deadly sins to sway the German people to support him to the point of idol worship.  The lessons learned then that helped guide my parents throughout their lives are not part of our modern culture today.  My parents worked hard to instill the values of freedom, individual responsibility, and capitalism into their offspring.

Today we are facing a generation who has not been exposed to the human destruction and misery that socialism brings with it.  We are, in fact, repeating history.  Evil almost never confronts you head on.  Evil uses deception and works to promote the envy, lust, greed, sloth, gluttony, wrath, and pride in human nature to it’s advantage.

The leaders of nations and churches today, just like Nazi Germany then, are preaching the same things that Adolf Hitler preached to the German people during his rise to power.  And all you have to do is look at the votes these preachers of socialism get to see how the masses of stupid people are swallowing it hook line and sinker.  Frightening isn’t it.  And what makes it even more frightening is that many nations today have what Adolf Hitler’s war machine was trying to develop then. The atomic bomb.

We have spawned a crop of humanity that seems to inevitably march toward socialism with the capability to push a button and annihilate the entire human race.  What is surprising is how this year”s carnival of politicians lambast and berate each other and never point this out. The similarities between what happened almost one 100 years ago and what is happening today are obvious to any of us who are old enough to live between those turbulent times in world history.

“And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes.” Matt 24:6-7.

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.

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