Posts Tagged “New Jersey produce shipments”

New Jersey Produce Shipments are in Full Swing

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New Jersey is one of the top 10 producers nationally for blueberries, cranberries (processed), spinach, squash and many other crops, according the New Jersey Department of Agriculture.

Consalo Family Farms of Vineland, NJ grows a full line of produce in New Jersey, with a history in the state dating back to 1927.

There are more than 100 different varieties of produce grown in New Jersey. These items range from methi, to daikon radishes, and bok choy plus more traditional items like cilantro, dill, romaine lettuce, and beets. 

New Jersey grown produce is shipped by truck to retailers up and down the East Coast. Vegetable loadings begin in April and usually extending into November for some crops. New Jersey blueberries are available June through early August.

Sunny Valley International of Glassboro, NJ, has been a leading marketer of New Jersey stone fruit and blueberries for nearly 30 years.

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New Jersey Produce Shipments Increase During June

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While New Jersey produce shipments start in May with items ranging from asparagus to greens, some root vegetables, spring onions and strawberries, volume increases with a longer list of items moving into June, July, August and September, which are the peak shipping months.

Jersey has had a good growing season for fresh produce and now two of its largest volume makers, blueberries and peaches, are coming on.

Nationally, New Jersey is one of the top 10 shippers of blueberries, peaches, tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, apples, spinach, squash and asparagus.

Peach Shipments

New Jersey peach shipments, which start in late June, occur primarily from July through September. The Garden State has about 80 orchards comprising about 5,000 acres with production values at about $30 million annually. Most commercial orchards are in Southern Jersey.

New Jersey is the 4th largest peach shipping state in the U.S., with about 55 orchards on 5,000 acres, producing 22,000-25,000 tons.

Sunny Valley International has been marketing peaches and blueberries since 1995, representing the Jersey Fruit Cooperative, which produces over l million cases of blueberries, yellow peaches, white peaches and nectarines a year. Peaches used to be the main crop, but\the co-op has shifted mostly to blueberries, while the peach industry is consolidating into fewer growers, but bigger growers. 

Sunny Valley’s growers produce about 1.2 million boxes, or 30 million pounds, of peaches — the majority yellow peaches. Volume for peaches is expected to be about 10 percent more this year. Sunny Valley will be shipping peaches from July to mid September.

Blueberry Shipments

From June 11 to July 31, New Jersey blueberries shipments have just started from what some refer to as the “blueberry capital of the world,” Hammonton, NJ, with loadings continuing through July.

Sunny Valley’s 11 blueberry growers are reporting great growing conditions. In a normal season, the company ships about 1 million cases, or about 9 million pounds, of blueberries. 

Consalo Family Farms of Vineland, NJ has announced an additional 50 acres for growing and packing capabilities from 8 million to 9.5 million pounds during the New Jersey blueberry season.

Vegetable Shipments 

New Jersey sweet corn and tomato loadings start the third week of June, with volume coming on by the Fourth of July.

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California Grape acreage is off Slightly; NJ produce Looks Good at This Point

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DSCN9016California grape shipments should be similar to a year ago despite acreage facing a small decline…..Looking down the road a piece, New Jersey produce shipments should be good if favorable weather continues.

Table grape acreage accounted for 123,000 of California’s 2016 total grape acreage of 897,000 acres, or about 13.7 percent of the total, according to the California Department of Food and Agriculture-U.S. Department of Agriculture’s annual survey on grape acreage.

Total grape acres were down 2.3 percent from 918,000 in 2015, according to the report, released April 20.

Table grape acreage was down 0.8% from the 124,000 reported in 2015, but it was 2,000 more acres  or about 1.7% more than 2014.

Leading varieties, and their acreage in 2016 (and 2015), were:

  • Flame seedless, 15,499 acres in 2016 (16,530);
  • Crimson seedless, 9,387 acres in 2016 (10,564);
  • Red globes, 7,923 acres in 2016 (9,644);
  • Scarlett Royal, 7,254 acres in 2016 (6,706);
  • Sugraone, 5,069 acres in 2016 (5,108);
  • Autumn King, 6,111 acres in 2016 (5,386);
  • Autumn Royal, 4,453 acres in 2016 (4,548);
  • Cotton Candy, 406 acres in 2016 (54); and
  • Sweet Globe, 245 acres in 2016 (78).

Acreage of raisin-type grapes totaled 172,000 in 2016, or 7.5 percent lower than 2015’s total of 186,000 acres.

The wine-type grape acreage is estimated at 602,000 acres, with 560,000 bearing and 42,000 non-bearing.

The CDFA works with the Pacific Regional Office of the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service on the annual voluntary acreage survey.

New Jersey Produce Shipments

Everything has lined up about as well as it could have so far this year, as the Garden State has had some nice warm weather.  This has resulted in produce crops general being ahead of schedule as the growing season progresses.  Growers are “knocking on wood” and keeping fingers crossed regarding the weather.

In only a few weeks there will be shipments of Jersey peaches and Jersey blueberries, two of the states leading produce items.  Crops at this point are described as beautiful.”

New Jersey Asparagus cutting has been occurring at a fast and steady clip, leafy greens also are being harvested and shipped.  There also are greenhouse tomatoes being harvested, as well as a few  strawberries.


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Shipping Update: NJ produce, Mex Imports, Peruvian Asparagus

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DSCN3240+1+1From New Jersey, to Mexican imports in South Texas to the arrivals of Peruvian asparagus, here are some possible loading opportunities.

New Jersey Produce Shipments

New Jersey peach shipments are now moving in good volume.  There are nearly 5,000 acres of red and white peach tree orchards in New Jersey.

The Garden state also is shipping cucumbers, squash, peppers and beans, among other veggies.  Jersey planted 6,300 acres of sweet corn last year and similar acreage and volume is expected this year.

Peruvian Asparagus

As Peruvian asparagus growers move into their peak season, exporters are already ahead of the projected volumes for 2015.  Peru produces asparagus throughout the year thanks to a favorable climate.  Production areas are situated both in north and south of Peru, allowing exports to the United States after domestic shipments have finished.  Peru exported nearly 220 million pounds of fresh asparagus in 2014, which represented an increase of 6.84 percent over export volume in 2013.  The U.S. was the chief destination for fresh Peruvian asparagus, accounting for 60 percent of total volume.   “Grass” arrivals are primarily at ports on both U.S. coasts.

Mexican Lemon Shipments

Beginning in mid-August, imports of Mexican lemons will start with product crossing the border at McAllen, Tx, which is during the seasonal gap between the California coastal and desert growing regions.  Shipments through McAllen also offers a substantial savings on transportation for shipments to the Midwest and East Coast, compared to California.  Product will be available through mid-October, leading into the start of California desert shipments.

Mexican fruits, vegetables crossing into the Lower Rio Grande Valley – grossing about $4500 to New York City.


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Eastern Produce Shipments: Here’s Some Loading Opportunties

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IMG_7031+1Here we go with a round up a several produce shipping areas in the Eastern time zone.

New Jersey Produce Shipments

There is currently good volume with peach shipments, although peak loadings will occur as we approach late July.  New Jersey peach shipments will continue through most of September.  Jersey blueberries are still moving, but are in a seasonal decline.  Steady shipments of vegetables continue from the southern part of the state.

Georgia Produce Shipments

Perhaps heaviest volumes is with Georgia watermelon shipments, averaging around 350 truck loads per week.  Sweet corn volume is rapidly declining, as are Vidalia onions….Fort Valley peach shipments are moderate.  There is higher volume with peaches and watermelons coming out of South Carolina.

South Carolina peaches – grossing about $1000 to Atlanta.

North Carolina Produce Shipments

Steady volume (about 250 loads weekly) continues from the Eastern part of the state with sweet potatoes, which are grossing about $2300 to Chicago.

Ohio Produce Shipments

Sweet corn shipments join a host of other mixed vegetables originating out of the Willard, OH area.  Volume currently is very light, but should hit stride with the arrival of August.

Michigan Produce Shipments

Blueberry shipments are increasing.  Movement started nearly three weeks ago and approximately 90 million pounds of blueberries are forecast to be shipped in 2015 for fresh and frozen markets….Concerning Michigan apples, shipments are expected to be similar to last season’s good volume….Mixed vegetables continue to move in good volume.

New York Produce Shipments

Orange County onion loadings will get underway in August.  Meanwhile, Hudson Valley apple volume is light as the shipping season comes to an end.  Otherwise, there are a number of vegetable shipments scattered throughout the state, particularly in the central and western areas.

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New Jersey Produce Shipments to Build in Volume

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DSCN3783Over 100 varieties of fruits and vegetables are grown and shipped from New Jersey, mostly from the Southern part of the state.  Here’s a round up of what is being loaded for distribution, as well as what will be available in the weeks and months ahead.

New Jersey Produce Shipments

New Jersey has 11 primary fresh vegetables:  Tomatoes, sweet corn, peppers, cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, eggplant, escarole, snap beans, and asparagus.   Jersey’s top five principal fruits are strawberries, blueberries, peaches, apples and cranberries  (for processing).

New Jersey vegetable shipments:  The Garden state already has been shipping early season spinach, collards, beets, radishes, escarole/endive, Swiss chard, lettuces and herbs such as parsley, dill, coriander and cilantro.  Asparagus loadings got underway in late April.  Cabbage, pickles and turnip shipments started at the end of May.

Beginning in June and July

Cucumbers and squash will start in mid-June.  While sweet corn and tomatoes have normally started by July 4th, neither may have much volume by then this year, due to colder weather moving back the harvest.

Minor quantities of early New Jersey blueberry shipments  should be starting the third week of June, with good volume by the end of June.  In 2014, New Jersey produced about 8,800 acres of berries yielding about 56.7 million pounds — fifth in the nation.

July to Mid September Shipments

Yellow New Jersey peach shipments should start the third week of July, with fair volume by early August.  Larger volume varieties should begin by the early August.  Good yellow peachvolume is expected by mid-August through mid-September. White peach volume begins in the third week of August through mid-September. About 150 peach producers grew 44 million pounds of  peaches on 4,600 acres in New Jersey in 2014 — ranking fourth in the nation.


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A National Glimpse of Produce Shipments from Nearly a Dozen States

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DSCN3858+1Here’s a quick glimpse at some produce loading opportunities from 11 different states ranging from coast-to-coast.

Washington Produce Shipments

Washington state continues to ship its 2013-14 season crop of apples, averaging about 1,500 truck load equivalents per week.  Also coming out of the Yakima and Wenachee vallies are fresh cherries.  Volume remains strong, but is still only about one-third the volume of apple shipments.

Washington fruit – grossing about $7500 to New York City.

Michigan Produce Shipments

Peach shipments from the Benton Harbor area and other areas of Southwest Michigan have started.  Loadings for the stone fruit are generally a relatively short haul – within a 500 mile radius for the most part.  Chicago is one of the more popular destinations…..Apples from the area are expected to get underway the third week of August.  Meanwhile, Michigan blueberry shipments are moving into good volume, while summer mixed veggies continue.

Michigan blueberries – grossing about $2700 to Atlanta; Michigan vegetables grossing 15 to 20 percent less.

New Jersey Produce Shipments

Garden State peach shipments started a couple of weeks ago and are now moving into good volume.  Jersey blueberry loadings are still occurring, butare now past peak volume.  The southern part of the state  also is shipping a mixture of vegetables.

Watermelon Shipments

Watermelon loadings continue from a number of states.  While eastern Texas watermelon shipments, as well as Georgia watermelon shipments are declining, volume is steady out of South Carolina, but cranking up in North Carolina, followed closely by the Eastern Shore states of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia…..Look for increasing volume of Missouri watermelons out of the boot heal area…..The watermelon season has recently started out of Southwest Indiana and Southeast Illinois.


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New Jersey Mixed Vegetables are Shipped to Eastern Half of U.S., Canada

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DSCN3303New Jersey continues to be one of the leading states for produce shipments, particularly to destinations east of the Mississippi River and into eastern Canada.

A cold wet spring has delayed maturity and harvest of Jersey vegetables up to three weeks this spring.  However, items such as baby spinach, arugula and spring mix got started a couple of weeks ago.  As June closes out there should be loadings available with peppers, cucumbers, squash, eggplant and tomatoes, among other items.

Some other New Jersey produce shipments are lettuce, cabbage, corn, parlsey, cilantrol, beans, as well as blueberries and peaches.

New Jersey blueberry shipments should get underway in light volume about June 19th. Peaches will be coming on a few weeks later.

Most New Jersey produce originates out of the Southern part of the state from rural areas such as Vineland, Cedarville and Hammonton.

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New Jersey Produce Shipments will Continue into Early October

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IMG_6544While northern New Jersey is heavily populated, the southern part of the state is very much rural and agricultural.    It also is is one of the top 10 states in produce shipments of several items, many which are being loaded on trucks now for shipments up and down the east coast, as well to Eastern Canada and even the Midwest, but mostly east of the Mississippi River.

The Garden state has 730,000 acres of farmland.  New Jersey produce shipments make up 40 percent of the state’s agricultural shipments.  For example it ranks 3rd in cranberry (mostly for processing),  3rd with bell peppers and spinach, 4th with peaches, 5th with blueberries and cucumbers, 6th in squash and 7th with tomatoes.

The state typically ships over 1,600 truckloads of blueberries a year. and about the same amount of peaches.

Its produce shipments started in late March and will wrap up in early October.  Fall loadings from New Jersey range from apples to squash, sweet potatoes, greens, cranberries and broccoli and last until the first hard frost.

New Jersey volume is down some, plus crops are maturing later than usual due to weather factors.



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