Posts Tagged “New Mexico onion shipments”

he New Mexico onion season was off to a strong start in early July, shippers and USDA numbers report.
The USDA indicated that New Mexico onion shipments for the week of June 23-29 totaled 912 (40,000-pound) truckloads or about 48% of the total domestic truck shipments of onions that week.
Season-to-date shipments of New Mexico onions through June 29 were 4,298 truckloads, up 19% compared with the same time a year ago.
Brandon Barker, vice president of Barker Produce, Las Cruces, N.M., said on July 2 that the state’s onion harvest was close to halfway finished. Yields have been good this year, and supply of the state’s onion is projected through the end of August, he said.
Demand, retail programs and price contracts have been strong, Barker said, with the yellow onion market a little more sluggish than the red and white onion markets.
“It’s been a good year for us,” he said.
Chris Franzoy, president of Legacy Fresh LLC, Deming, N.M., said he was happy with the quality of New Mexico’s onions. The company is packing red, yellow and white onions.
“We service basically every market from retail to food service, as well as processors,” he said.
Franzoy said Legacy Fresh was finishing up the intermediate transplants and moving into its direct-seeded spring-planted onions.
“They’ve got nice healthy tops, and we expect to have good quality all the way through,” he said.
Overall domestic supply of onions could drop later in July, which may result in higher shipping point prices, he said.
Franzoy, a fourth-generation farmer whose family operates Billy the Kid Produce, along with his wife, Tammy, launched Legacy Fresh to serve as the marketing arm of Billy the Kid.
The company’s growing operation spans about 3,000 acres, and its packing facility can pack up to 30 full truckloads on a daily basis, Franzoy said.
Nearly two-thirds of New Mexico onion shipments occur during July and August.

Shipments of Southern New Mexico onions in 2019 totaled 9.93 million 40-pound cartons, down from 10.34 million cartons in 2018 and 11.43 million cartons in 2017.
In 2019, shipments of New Mexico onions began in May and barely extended into early November.
The percent of total New Mexico onion annual shipments by month:
- May: less than 1 percent;
- June: 34 percent;
- July: 43 percent;
- August: 21 percent;
- September: 1 percent;
- October: less than 1 percent; and
- November: less than 1 percent.
In June 2019, New Mexico onions accounted for 35 percent of total U.S. onion shipments, increasing to 45 percent in July and declining to 21 percent in August.

New Mexico onion shipments should be in good volume this summer with shippers optimistic about good quality and sizing, although acreage and yields may be lower than last season.
Shiloh Produce Inc., of Hatch, NM reported shipments hit good in late May and accelerated in early June.
Onion shipments will continue until August or early September, yellow onions accounting for about 70 percent of the New Mexico volume, with reds and white onion accounting for the balance.
A majority of the growers for ProSource Inc. of Hailey, ID are located in the Hatch Valley of New Mexico, where shipments got underway in late May.
The company report truck supplies have been better this season.
Desert Springs Produce, Arrey, N.M., reports having similar acreage to last year, but believes overall statewide acreage down slightly from a year ago.
Barker Produce, Las Cruces, N.M., reports the company’s acreage is down about 100 acres and yields also are expected to be down compared to the past couple of years. The firm should ship onion though about September 10th.
Acreage Trends
Over the past 25 years, onion acreage in New Mexico has ranged from a high of 9,195 acres in 1997 to low of 5,457 acres in 2012, according to the 2017 Census of Agriculture.
In 2017, the census pegged New Mexico onion acreage at 6,915.
New Mexico harvested area of onions in 2018 totaled 6,500 acres, according to the USDA crop statistics.
That was off 8 percent from New Mexico’s harvested area of 2017 from 7,100 acres but up 7 percent from 6,100 acres in 2016.
Washington onion shippers have accounted in recent years for over 20 percent of the nation’s onion loads, and this season should continue that trend. As a result, the Northwest onion shipping outlook, which also includes Oregon and Idaho, is strong for the upcoming season. Acreage planted is similar this season and volume is expected to be in line with recent years.
In other words a pretty normal season for yields and size profile is seen for Idaho-eastern Oregon onions.
Washington planted onion acreage in 2017 was about 24,000 acres, down from 25,000 acres in 2016, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Total Oregon planted onion acreage in 2017 was 19,900 acres, up from 19,100 acres the previous season.
Idaho planted acreage in 2017 was 8,100 in 2017, compared with 9,400 acres in 2016.
Together Washington, Oregon and Idaho onion acreage of about 52,000 accounted for about 36% of total U.S. onion acreage in 2017.
Of the total U.S. onion shipments, the USDA reported 4.3 million cwt. was for the fresh market and 878,951 tons for processing.
Central Produce Distributing Inc. of Payette, ID has just started harvesting onion and will be shipping product from storage through the end of March. Some other shippers will get underway throughout August and in early September.
The operation expects acreage to be similar to 2017, with a few more acres of reds and yellow onion acreage remaining the same. Yellow onions account for about 80 percent of the company’s crop,
New Mexico onion shipments are finishing up about the time the Northwest gets underway.
River Point Farms LLC, Hermiston of OR reports an ideal growing season thanks to the weather. Unlike a year ago, growers in the Treasure Valley had nice spring weather and were able to get their onion crop planted on normal schedules.
Storage onions will be shipped from September through May.
Early season onion quality is expected to be very good and the storage varieties store well all season.
California strawberry shipments are on track to break another record this season….New Mexico onion shipments are going strong….There’s a lot more potatoes remaining in U.S. storages for shipping compared to last year.
While it may be too early to tell whether California will have its third record year of strawberry shipments, if volume shipped mostly by truck in early June is any indication, it could be another one for the books.
There were plenty of supplies for shipments leading up to the Fourth of July. Loadings for Labor Day and beyond are looking to be just as good as shipments are way ahead of a year ago.
As of the week ending June 2, the state’s growers had harvested 82.3 million trays of strawberries.
A year ago, that figure was about 79 million trays, and two years ago the number also was in that range. Naturipe Farms LLC of Salinas, CA is experiencing record volume and record production.
Salinas Valley strawberries and vegetables – grossing about $8900 to New York City.
New Mexico Onion Shipments
While the New Mexico onion volume estimate will not come out until August, strong volume is expected again this year. Shipments have been occurring since May and are now averaging about 875 truck loads per week. Loadings will continue through August and this time of the year has typically provided the most onion shipments in the U.S. Carzalia Valley Produce Inc. of Columbus, N.M. and Billy the Kid Produce LLC of Deming, N.M are both experiencing a normal shipping season.
New Mexico onions – grossing about $4000 to Chicago.
U.S. Potato Shipments
There are 9 percent more potatoes remaining to be shipped in U.S. storages than at this same time a year ago.
The top producing potato states had 59 million cwt. of potatoes in storage June 1.
The USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service reports 15 percent of the fall 2017 crop was still in storage at the beginning of the month, which is 2 percentage points more than last season.
The top three potato shipping states, and the percent of their 2017 fall crop production left in storage, are:
- Idaho — 23 million cwt. (18 percent)
- Washington — 13 million cwt. (13 percent)
- Wisconsin — 5.3 million cwt. (18 percent)
CarbAmericas is importing good volumes of Mexican asparagus….Meanwhile, onion shipments from New Mexico are much heavier that last year as the season continues full bore.
by CarbAmericas
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. – CarbAmericas, the premier importer of fresh fruits and vegetables, transitioned into asparagus from Central Mexico in early June week and will continue shipping from the region through early September.
This season’s shipments will originate in the Irapuato-based CarGoldMex facility which opened in November 2016. CarGoldMex, a vertically integrated grower, shipper and packer of Mexican fruits and vegetables, has been a partner of CarbAmericas for four years.
“We are very excited about our state-of-the-art facility in Irapuato and look forward to utilizing our capabilities there to better serve our customers,” said Jeff Friedman, president of CarbAmericas. “We expect to grow and ship around half a million cases this season through our Central Mexico program.”
CarbAmericas supplies Central Mexican asparagus packed in 11 and 28 lbs. and tips. Cypress Creek branded custom packs also available upon request. Shipments will come into the US via McAllen, Texas.
About CarbAmericas
CarbAmericas was established in 1993 and is a vertically integrated, year-round supplier and importer of fruits and vegetables. Specializing in asparagus, broccoli, mangos, snow and sugar snap peas, CarbAmericas services both retail and foodservice in the U.S., Europe, Asia and South America. With team members working alongside their growers across the Americas, CarbAmericas truly stands behind its commitment to reliably execute for their growers and customers while exuding passion and integrity.
New Mexico Onion Shipments
New Mexico onion shipments got underway the second week of May, but did not hit good volume until the start of June. Shipments are expected to exceed last season by 35 percent. One shipper, Shiloh Produce of Hatch, NM is now shipping about 50 loads daily and will load 2,000 trucks through August when the season ends.
Here’s a smorgasbord of produce loading opportunities from around the nation ranging from Michigan to Missouri, the east coast, Idaho and the southwest.
Michigan Produce Shipments
There is light to moderate shipments of summer vegetables coming out of Michigan, primarily in the western half of the state. Cucumbers are one of the heavier volume items, but it is still only about 200 truck loads per week. Other items range from squash to celery. Blueberry shipments continue to increase in volume, while sweet corn is just getting started. Peach loadings will be down significantly this season.
Michigan blueberries and vegetables – grossing about $850 to Chicago.
Midwest Produce Shipments
Watermelon shipments are your best bet here. In the boot heel of Southeastern Missouri, about a 1,000 truckloads of watermelons were loaded last week, and volume is still increasing….Meanwhile, southwestern Indiana and southeastern Illinois watermelon shipments are very light and it will be another two weeks before substantial volume is available.
Missouri watermelons – grossing about $1500 to Chicago.
Eastern Produce Shipments
In New Jersey, peach loadings are just getting underway, while the blueberry season is coming to an end….New York state is starting to wake up with items ranging from Hudson Valley sweet corn to cucumbers picking up in August….Watermelon loadings should be moving into decent volume in a couple of weeks from Delaware, Maryland and the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
Idaho Potato Shipments
Idaho continues to ship potatoes from the 2015-16 crop. The state is moving nearly 1,900 truckload equivalents weekly. Potato loadings are relatively light by comparison from other states.
Idaho potatoes – grossing about $5000 to New York City.
New Mexico Onion Shipments
Onion shipments are available from the southern part of the state and averaging around 750 truckloads per week….Across the state line in the Hereford, Tx area, potato shipments are moving into good volume with the new crop. Shippers are still trying to sell some of the old crop, which increases your chances of quality problems at destination.
New Mexico onions – grossing about $3400 to Atlanta.
Now wasn’t this a smorgasbord?
Tomato shipments have started from Arkansas, as the state’s sweet potato loadings continue. Additionally, New Mexico is now shipping onions.
Arkansas tomato shipments got underway in early June from the Hermitage area in the southern part of the state. Loadings will include a majority of vine ripe tomatoes, with much smaller volumes in romas and grape tomatoes. Despite a lot rain this spring, and less acreage due to the wet fields preventing some plantings, growers are predicting over all better tomato shipments than the past two years.
Arkansas may not be known for its sweet potato shipments, but Matthews Ridgeview Farms at Wynne in the Northeastern part of the state has been increasing volume significantly in recent years. It is still shipping sweet potatoes from the 2014-15 season. Matthews is looking to increase production 15 -20 percent for the 2015-16 season. It ships sweet potatoes through much of the Midwest and to a few receivers in Canada.
New Mexico Onion Shipments
A normal start with New Mexico onion shipments kicked off in late May and run through late August, with some sheds shipping through mid-September. New Mexico growers planted about 5,200 acres of dry onions in 2014, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
From New York state, to Washington state, with Idaho, Texas and New Mexico thrown in, here’s a glimpse at some produce loading opportunities.
New York Onion Shipments
Harvest of Orange County, NY onions got underway last week, but it will be another five or six weeks before everyone is digging. The initial focus will be moving onions into storage. Good quality and normal sized crop are seen.
Orange County onions are typically shipped to markets in the Eastern half of the United States. Once the harvest is complete loadings will start building in volume.
Stone Fruit Shipments
Washington state shippers are saying this is one of their best apricot crops in years. The fruit will be having peak shipments for the next two weeks or so from the Yakima and Wenatchee valleys. The state also is shipping heavy volumes of peaches, nectarines and cherries. Washington is averaging nearly 1,500 truck loads of cherries per week.
Washington state cherries and other fruit – grossing about $7400 to New York City.
Idaho Potato Shipments
Even though Idaho has entered the final leg of the 2013-14 shipping season for potatoes, it is still loading around 1600 truckload equivalents per week, primarily out of the upper valley, Twin Fallsl-Burley area.
Idaho potatoes – grossing about $3000 to Chicago.
Texas Produce Shipments
Watermelon shipments, primarily from Eastern parts of the Lone Star State are averaging about 750 truckloads per week. Meanwhile, potato volume is increasing from the Hereford High Plains area in West Texas, as well as from Eastern New Mexico. Southern New Mexico onion shipments are increasing and averaging over 875 truckloads per week.
Texas watermelons – grossing about $2400 to Atlanta.
New Mexico onions – about $3600 to Chicago.
Following a slow start New Mexico onion loadings should be increasing as competition from other areas subside. In Michigan, blueberries will be joining mixed vegetable shipments.
New Mexico onion shipments got underway in light volume in early June. Loadings are expected to improve with seasons ending from onions out of West Texas and California’s Imperial Valley. The state ranks eigth in onion acreage behind Washington, Idaho-Eastern Oregon, California, Georgia, New York, Texas and West-Central Oregon. When considering yields, New Mexico actually comes in sixth nationwide. Most of New Mexico onion loads are available from a handful of shippers in the Las Cruces area.
Michigan Produce Shipments
Early reports in Michigan show an excellent bloom in apple orchards. Two years ago, freezing weather nearly wiped out the state’s apple crop, but last season it came back with record volume. The promising bloom this spring is bring early forecasts of another season for large volume apple shipments, despite the Grand Rapids area having a near record 116 inches of snow last winter.
Similar to mixed vegetable shipments out of Michigan this spring, the upcoming blueberry season is dragging, expecting to be a good week to 10 days later than usual. Michigan blueberry shipments should start in mid July.
New Mexico onions – grossing about $3800 to Chicago.