Posts Tagged “New York Produce Shipments”

New York state produce shipments rank in the top 10 states and while summer loadings have been going on, the heaviest movement still lies ahead.
The USDA reports New York biggest fresh commodities by volume reveal apples, cabbage, cucumbers and fresh snap beans increased last year, while onions, sweet corn and potatoes dropped compared to the 2017 report:
New York shipped 823 truck load equivalents of apples and exported 150 truck loads in 2018, up from 7,35 truck loads and 140 truck loads respectively, in 2017.
Dry onions were at 440 truck loads in 2018, down from 404 truck loads in 2017.
Cabbage was at 437 truck loads in 2018, up from 405 truck loads in 2017.
Sweet corn shipments reached 108 truck loads in 2018, down from 118 truck loads in 2017.
Cucumbers were at 713 truck loads in 2018, up from 660 truck loads in 2017.
Potato shipments 673 truck loads in 2018, down from 825 truck loads in 2017.
Fresh snap bean shipments were at 50 truck loads in 2018, up from 37 truck loads in 2017.
Minkus Family Farms in New Hampton will start shipping yellow and red onions from it 1,500 acres of onions and cover crops in Orange County in August. The company expects to ship about 200 truck loads of onions this season.
New York’s sweet corn loadings may be down a little this year due to adverse weather during the planting season. The sweet corn season typically runs from July 20 to Oct. 10, but this year, the harvest is expected to be 2 to 3 weeks late.
Cabbage planting started about 2½ to 3 weeks late as well, and pumpkins and other squash got in the ground, but their growth is stunted due to cool weather, so they may not be ready until October.
Outlook — California citrus shipments will be down this season, while Chilean blueberries arriving in North America are expected to increase. We also take a peak at New York state produce shipments.
With a final shipment of California navels, the total was about 94 million cartons for the 2015-16 season, which was the second largest on record. The upcoming season is expected to be 10 to 15 percent less, amounting to about 84 million cartons.
The California navel orange crop as well as the specialty citrus – led by mandarin oranges – are coming along fine. Harvesting and shipping of navel oranges should be getting underway any day now, while mandarin shipments have already started. California continues to the leading shipper of fresh market citrus in the United States. While early shipping volumes for mandarins have been down a bit, the crop matures, the numbers are expected to increase.
San Joaquin Valley grapes and vegetables – grossing about $4100 to Chicago.
Chilean Blueberry Imports
The U.S. and Canada received 69 percent of the 91,500 metric tons of blueberries exported by Chile during the 2015-16 season. Light blueberry harvest began in August, with peak volume expected to begin at the end of November and continue until the first or second week of March.
They may not necessarily be truck loads, but at least partial loads should be available in a number of Eastern produce shipping areas, ranging from the deep south, to New York and Michigan.
Georgia Produce Shipments
Southern Georgia should ship around 110-120 million pounds of pecans this year, making it one of the best seasons in the last three years. Georgia is No.1 in U.S pecan shipments…..Elsewhere in South Georgia are a number of vegetables being shipped, but it is light volume with only partial loads available. For example, about 75 truck load equivalents of beans are being loaded weekly. There also is light, but increasing volume with items ranging from peppers to eggplant and greens.
North Carolina Produce Shipments
Eastern North Carolina sweet potato shipments are currently your best bet in the Tar Heel state. About 250 truck loads per week are being loaded….Meanwhile the cabbage harvest has just started, with very light loadings just getting underway.
North Carolina sweet potatoes – grossing about $2500 to New York City.
New York Produce Shipments
The Hudson Valley provides the majority of apple shipments, although there is lighter volume from other parts of the state including central and western New York. All total, New York apple shipments are averaging a little over 300 truck loads per week….Cabbage shipments from central and western areas are averaging about 225 truck loads weekly. Storage onions, primarily from Orange County, are amounting to around 150 truck loads per week.
New York cabbage – grossing about $1200 to Boston.
Michigan Produce Shipments
Not much going on here. Your best bet is with apples, primarily from the Grand Rapids area. Michigan is averaging about 250 truck loads weekly. There also very light volume with storage onions.
Michigan apples – grossing about $3400 to Orlando.
Here we go with a round up a several produce shipping areas in the Eastern time zone.
New Jersey Produce Shipments
There is currently good volume with peach shipments, although peak loadings will occur as we approach late July. New Jersey peach shipments will continue through most of September. Jersey blueberries are still moving, but are in a seasonal decline. Steady shipments of vegetables continue from the southern part of the state.
Georgia Produce Shipments
Perhaps heaviest volumes is with Georgia watermelon shipments, averaging around 350 truck loads per week. Sweet corn volume is rapidly declining, as are Vidalia onions….Fort Valley peach shipments are moderate. There is higher volume with peaches and watermelons coming out of South Carolina.
South Carolina peaches – grossing about $1000 to Atlanta.
North Carolina Produce Shipments
Steady volume (about 250 loads weekly) continues from the Eastern part of the state with sweet potatoes, which are grossing about $2300 to Chicago.
Ohio Produce Shipments
Sweet corn shipments join a host of other mixed vegetables originating out of the Willard, OH area. Volume currently is very light, but should hit stride with the arrival of August.
Michigan Produce Shipments
Blueberry shipments are increasing. Movement started nearly three weeks ago and approximately 90 million pounds of blueberries are forecast to be shipped in 2015 for fresh and frozen markets….Concerning Michigan apples, shipments are expected to be similar to last season’s good volume….Mixed vegetables continue to move in good volume.
New York Produce Shipments
Orange County onion loadings will get underway in August. Meanwhile, Hudson Valley apple volume is light as the shipping season comes to an end. Otherwise, there are a number of vegetable shipments scattered throughout the state, particularly in the central and western areas.
Good volume is shaping for summer produce shipments out of both Michigan and New York state.
Michigan Produce Shipments
Blueberry shipments out of Michigan get underway around the 4th of July, with celery loadings coming the following week. Cucumbers get started around July 10th, with peppers getting underway the third week of July. Look for Michigan sweet corn shipmetns about July 20.
Yellow squash and zucchini have just started.
Michigan’s asparagus movement ended about 10 days ago. The state harvested an average crop of 9,500 acres of asparagus, of which about half this volume went to the fresh market.
As much as two-thirds of Michigan’s carrot shipments goes to the processing market. The fresh market harvest is set to begin in September, with shipments running into January. Michigan carrots are planted by seed and the 2015 crop was in the ground by mid-June.
Michigan onion shipments will start in mid-September.
New York Produce Shipments
Coming soon will be dozens of different vegetables. Summer squash loadings have started and many others such as potatoes get underway with the arrival of July.
Apples are perhaps New York state’s biggest crops. A good shipping season that starts the last half of August is expected.
Light to moderate volume of old crop apples still shipping – Hudson Valley apples grossing about $2000 to Atlanta.
Relating to produce shipments originating on the East Coast this time of year, Florida deservedly is receiving the most attention as vegetable volume is rapidly increasing. However, this is more of a report on other Eastern areas that are shipping.
If you want more info on Florida vegetable shipments, there have been a few recent posts that go into more detail, plus an update is coming this Wednesday, April 1st – and this is not an April fool’s joke!
New York Produce Shipments
The state’s biggest volume is with storage onions, most of it coming out of Orange County. averaging about 125 truck loads per week…..The next biggest mover is with apples coming out of the Hudson and Champlain Valleys, as well Central and Western areas of the state. New York is a leading cabbage shipper, but volume is now in a seasonal decline.
Hudson Valley apples – grossing about $3100 to Orlando.
Maine Potato Shipments
Aroostrook County in northern Maine is shipping about 150 truck loads of potatoes weekly.
Maine potatoes – grossing about $1400 to Boston.
Appalachian Apple Shipments
Volume is light, but apples are being loaded in the district comprised of portions of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.
North Carolina Sweet Potato Shipments
With Easter closing in on April 5th, sweet potato shipments from the Eastern areas of the state are increasing, now surpassing 300 truck loads per week.
NC sweet potatoes – grossing about $2500 to New York City.
South Carolina Vegetable Shipments
There certainly are not any truck loads here, but the Lexington area has very light volume with greens and green onions.
Georgia Vegetable Shipments
From Southern Georgia there are light shipments of broccoli, carrots and greens.
Here are some of the better loading opportunities occurring in the Eastern United States, although volume from most areas is modest at best.
Florida produce shipments and truck rates tend to get a little funky during the holidays as there is a rush to deliver product for Christmas, then reorder between Christmas and New Year’s. Rates tend to fluctuate more than normal during this time.
Tomato shipments in Florida’s Homestead region should kick off in January, but overall Florida volume will likely fall off as Mexican tomato shipments ramp up. Many Florida tomato growers simply don’t grow as heavily for winter as they do for fall and spring. Shipments in the Ruskin/Palmetto growing region of Florida pretty much finished last week, with Immokalee taking over the lion’s share of the Sunshine State’s tomato volume.
Florida strawberry shipments were slow to pick up thanks to cool weather, but that began changing last week. Volume should hit, good, normal levels in early January.
Central and South Florida produce – grossing about $3200 to New York City.
Sweet Potato Shipments
Domestic shipments in the USA for sweet potatoes has risen by 40 percent since 2008, with exports rising exponentially during the same period. North Carolina is the leading state in sweet potato shipments.
North Carolina sweet potatoes – grossing about $3000 to Chicago.
New York Produce Shipments
Apple shipments are originating out of Western and Central New York, as well as the Champlain Valley, but the biggest volume is from the Hudson Valley. Cabbage loadings continue from Central and western areas, while most onion shipments are coming out of Orange County.
Hudson Valley apples – grossing about $2000 to Atlanta.
You will find light to moderate shipments of produce from these states in the Eastern time zone: Michigan, New York, the Appalachian states, and Florida.
Michigan Produce Shipments
Michigan is shipping primarily apples in moderate volume, with lesser amounts of potatoes and onions. The state is averaging about 250 truck loads of apples per week. Potato and onion loadings are averaging only about 40 percent the volume of apples. The majority of the shipments are from Western Michigan.
Michigan apples – grossing about $4100 to San Antonio. Onions and potatoes grossing about 20 percent less.
New York Produce Shipments
New York apple shipments are averaging about 275 truck loads weekly, but are spread out from points ranging from the Hudson Valley to the Champlain Valley, as well as central and western New York. The Empire state is loading around 150 truck loads of storage onions per week. Orange County has the most shipments. There is limited volume coming from Long Island.
New York apples – grossing about $4100 to Miami.
Appalachian Apple Shipments
There is light volume with apples coming out of portions of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.
Florida Produce Shipments
Florida strawberries shipments began in mid-November in a light way with much greater volume becoming available next week (December 8-12). Shipments typically run through March. There are about 11,000 acres of strawberries, with the vast majority of it grown within 25-30 miles of Plant City, FL. (For more on Florida produce shipments, see our December 1st report).
Florida strawberries -grossing about $2400 to Chicago.
Here is a glimpse of produce loading opportunities from three states on the east coast.
Florida winter produce shipments are generally increasing. However, the following information is qualified by the fact this is WINTER produce, and while state volume is light and increasing, this is all relative to this time of the year.
Florida’s mature green tomatoes, grape tomatoes and roma shipments have been less-than-normal and larger volumes are expected around Thanksgiving (November 27th). This includes the Palmetto-Ruskin volume that is running lighter than normal and south Florida’s shipments from Immokalee.
Heavy rains that struck during fall plantings should produce lighter-than-normal early loadings of sweet corn and green beans through Thanksgiving. Due to rain in September, there will be shipping gaps.
Florida produce – grossing about $2000 to Chicago.
New York Produce Shipments
Most onion shipments are coming out of Orange County, NY. With the harvest completed, shipments are increasing and averaging about 150 truck loads per week….New York apple shipments are steady from the Hudson Valley, western and central parts of the state and the Champlain Valley….Cabbages shipments are originating from western and central areas of the Empire State.
New York cabbage – grossing $1500 to $2000 to New York City.
Maine Potato Shipments
Light loadings of potatoes are originating from Aroostrock County, ME, averaging around 100 truck loads per week. Most product is destined to east coast markets.