Posts Tagged “South African citrus imports”

Imported South African Grapefruit Arriving Earlier than Normal

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Importer LGS Specialty Sales of New Rochelle, NY says it is now receiving South African Star ruby grapefruit ahead of schedule.

The company’s volumes of early summer star ruby grapefruit are now available for shipment out of New Jersey, according to a news release.

“Our customers continue to partner with LGS Specialty Sales because we work to secure fresh produce, like grapefruit, when the market is in need,” Luke Sears, president and founder of LGS Specialty Sales, said in the release. “If a retailer is having a hard time sourcing import grapefruit right now, look no further.”

LGS Specialty Sales sources grapefruit from the company’s farms in the fruitful Mediterranean-like climate of South Africa, where the weather is optimal for high-quality citrus, the release said. South African Star Ruby grapefruit will be available through October.

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1st Arrival South African Summer Citrus at Philadelphia

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Cape Town South Africa  – Summer Citrus from South Africa (SCSA) announces the start of its 2022 season with the arrival of its first conventional vessel to the U.S. this week.

The vessel will arrive at PhilaPort, The Port of Philadelphia and contain 3,900 pallets of Clementines and Navel Oranges. Based on market demand, Easy Peelers are now the largest portion of SCSA’s product offering accounting for almost 50% of planned shipments this season.

“Quality of fruit this season is excellent, and volumes are on-par with what we anticipated,” said Suhanra Conradie, CEO of Summer Citrus from South Africa. “Retailers should be prepped, stocked and ready for the busy citrus demand this summer.”

This season does not come without its challenges. Due to logistics and supply-chain hurdles, SCSA is unable to ship containers directly to Packer Avenue, Philadelphia, which would have accounted for almost 30% of shipments for the summer.

“It is no secret that there are issues with the supply chain and logistics, however our sophisticated business model ensures that we are prepared and able to adjusts plans as needed,” said Conradie.  

To offset some of the logistical problems, SCSA will be loading a few additional conventional vessels with containers that will be shipped via Port Newark in New Jersey. Additionally, some of the larger importers will be adding the Port of Savannah, GA as the point of entry for containers from Capetown.

“We are thankful to all of our business and logistics partners who make every season possible AND successful,” concluded Conradie.

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About Summer Citrus from South Africa (SCSA)

Summer Citrus from South Africa represents a group of South African citrus growers who consolidate their logistics, marketing and sales efforts to bring the finest citrus fruit to market during the U.S. summer season. Established in 1999 and re-branded for expanded marketing efforts in 2016, the group provides Navels, Midknights, East Peelers, Star Ruby Grapefruit and Cara-Cara oranges for the U.S. market. For more information about Summer Citrus from South Africa, and visit the brand’sFacebook,Instagram andTwitter pages.

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U.S. Imports of South African Citrus are Rising Sharply

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South African citrus imports have risen sharply this season, increasing between 15 and 38 percent over last year.

Summer Citrus from South Africa reports it became clear early in the season consumers in the northern hemisphere wanted citrus products because they are a great source of vitamin C.

It now appears that South Africa’s soft citrus such as naartjies and clementines are doing well, and oranges are particularly sought after by US consumers.

The Citrus Growers Association reports the South African citrus industry expects to export about 140 million cartons this year, compared with 127 million last year. The increase is due to the new cultivation of soft citrus and lemons that has begun bearing fruit.

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U.S. Stone Fruit Shipments; CA Melons; and South African Citrus Imports

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DSCN9723Stone fruit shipments, as well as melons are underway from California’s San Joaquin Valley.  Plus, we take a look at South African citrus imports.

California stone fruit loadings are in steady volume from the Central and Southern San Joaquin Valley.   Volume for a combination of peaches, plums and nectarines is averaging around 650 truc loads weekly.

Demand for California peaches has been boosted by a short crop on the East Coast.  Georgia lost 70 percent of it peaches this season due to adverse spring weather.  As of June 25, 81 percent of Georgia’s peach crop had been harvested, compared to 56 percent a year earlier and a five-year average of 55 percent.

Melon Shipments

Western cantaloupe and honeydew shipments in recent weeks have been slashed by as much as 60 percent due to triple digit temperatures.  It has basically ended shipments from California’s Imperial Valley and parts of Arizona.

In the San Joaquin Valley, melon loadings are finally starting to return to normal following the excessive heat.  One of those adversely affected was Couture Farms of Huron, CA, which grows and ships honeydew and specialty melons.

South African Citrus Imports

by Summer Citrus from South Africa

CITRUSDAL, South Africa  – Kicking off the season strong, Summer Citgrus from South Africa (SCSA) recently announced the arrival of its first vessel of citrus – containing mostly Navel oranges and Easy Peelers – to the United States.  Combining efforts with supply chain partners like Holt Logistics and the Port of Philadelphia enables SCSA to provide a steady supply of fresh citrus to the U.S. during the summer months when domestic supplies are not in season.

“We’re excited that Summer Citrus from South Africa producers have once again teamed up with Seatrade to bring dedicated shiploads of fresh and delicious citrus from sunny South Africa to eager consumers in the U.S.,” Howard Posner, general manager of Seatrade USA, said.

SCSA’s second vessel of South African citrus arrived July 5th.

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