Michigan Tomatoes Hit with Deadly Late Blight Disease

Michigan Tomatoes Hit with Deadly Late Blight  Disease

DSCN3756+1A disease called “late blight” is killing Michigan tomato shipments, while other veggies continue to be loaded.  But tomatoes are taking a big hit.

It is the same disease is a fungus-like organism responsible for the Irish potato famine.

The disease has been reported in 10 Michigan counties, and is spreading fast.   Late blight will infect the plants of tomatoes and potatoes, and is loving this summer’s weather.  Cool nights, very heavy dew and numerous rainy stretches help the disease flourish. The spores easily travel great distances in this summer’s cool breezes.

The disease will show up as lesions on the stems,leaves or fruit, and within a few days the entire tomato vine is infected. Within another few days, the entire vine is dead. Eventually the blight infects the actual tomatoes, and makes the tomato rot.

Once tomato plants are infected with late blight, it is too late to do anything.   Fungicide could be applied to plants not yet infected, but in most cases it is too late now. If you see the damage starting, it’s too late.

The infected plants need to be destroyed immediately so the spores don’t travel to other tomatoes that are not infected. Plants can either be thrown away in a tightly sealed black garbage bags, or the diseased plants can be burned.

Michigan vegetables – grossing about $2200 to Atlanta; Michigan blueberries  – about $2700 to Atlanta.