New Jersey Produce Shipments to Build in Volume

New Jersey Produce Shipments to Build in Volume

DSCN3783Over 100 varieties of fruits and vegetables are grown and shipped from New Jersey, mostly from the Southern part of the state.  Here’s a round up of what is being loaded for distribution, as well as what will be available in the weeks and months ahead.

New Jersey Produce Shipments

New Jersey has 11 primary fresh vegetables:  Tomatoes, sweet corn, peppers, cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, eggplant, escarole, snap beans, and asparagus.   Jersey’s top five principal fruits are strawberries, blueberries, peaches, apples and cranberries  (for processing).

New Jersey vegetable shipments:  The Garden state already has been shipping early season spinach, collards, beets, radishes, escarole/endive, Swiss chard, lettuces and herbs such as parsley, dill, coriander and cilantro.  Asparagus loadings got underway in late April.  Cabbage, pickles and turnip shipments started at the end of May.

Beginning in June and July

Cucumbers and squash will start in mid-June.  While sweet corn and tomatoes have normally started by July 4th, neither may have much volume by then this year, due to colder weather moving back the harvest.

Minor quantities of early New Jersey blueberry shipments  should be starting the third week of June, with good volume by the end of June.  In 2014, New Jersey produced about 8,800 acres of berries yielding about 56.7 million pounds — fifth in the nation.

July to Mid September Shipments

Yellow New Jersey peach shipments should start the third week of July, with fair volume by early August.  Larger volume varieties should begin by the early August.  Good yellow peachvolume is expected by mid-August through mid-September. White peach volume begins in the third week of August through mid-September. About 150 peach producers grew 44 million pounds of  peaches on 4,600 acres in New Jersey in 2014 — ranking fourth in the nation.