NY State Vegetables Shipments Clobbered by Rains

NY State Vegetables Shipments Clobbered by Rains

IMG_5696Most late summer and fall New York vegetable shipments are going to have substantially less volume, and loading opportunities are going to be a mess, because of unpredictable shipping gapes.  Blame it all on Mother Nature and torrential rains in recent weeks.

The heavy rains resulted in flooded fields, disrupted plantings and are expected to produce supply gaps for many vegetables, including sweet corn, green beans, cabbage, squash, cucumbers, onions and potatoes.

For example the down pours  delayed the planting of cabbage for 21 days at Hansen Farms LLC, Stanley, N.Y.. which will result in shipping gaps through out the season.  Yields will be down, which means volume for shipping will be lower – probably significantly.

While there is little talk of quality issues at this point, and most talk is playing up less volume without quality being affected – don’t necessarily count on it.  This should be a concern if you are hauling New York product and just be extra observant what is being put in the truck.

While no percentage losses for volume are available yet on most items, one number being thrown around is both New York potato and onion shipments are expected to be off by 30 percent.

Western New York vegetable shipments – grossing about $1200 to Boston.