More Volume, Longer Season is Seen for California Avocado Shipments

More Volume, Longer Season is Seen for California Avocado Shipments

California avocado shipments should hit 369 million pounds, a 70 percent increase over last season.

Unlike a year ago when shipments were limited primarily to the Western states, much wider distribution is possible, according to the California Avocado Commission.

The forecast for the big increase in shipments is attributed increased rains resulting in improved health of the trees and a better fruit set.

California avocado shipments remain relatively light, but will be increasing through March, with peak volume continuing from April through the summer, with smaller supplies lasting into September.

Despite a much larger crop, California avocado shipments will be going mainly to markets in California and the Western states. California avocado volume pales in comparison to shipments from Mexico, which is the primary supplier to two thirds of the U.S.