U.S. Mango Imports are Lower

U.S. Mango Imports are Lower

U.S. mango imports are expected to remain lower at least through September, reports the National Mango Board (NMB) of Orlando, FL.

The organization reports arrivals from the three Latin American countries currently harvesting – Mexico, Haiti and Brazil – are expected to be 9 percent lower from last year through September. Overall, this year, the NMB is forecasting the three countries to ship 85.2 million boxes, compared to 88.1m shipped over the same period last year.

Volume from Mexico – by far the biggest producer – for the season is projected to be about 3 percent lower from a year ago. Haiti is expected to see a 33 percent increase, while Brazil’s volumes are expected to be flat.

There are currently two main mango varieties available in the market: Kent (45 percent) and Keitt (43 percent). There are also limited supplies of Tommy Atkins, Ataulfo/Honey, Manila Rosa and Madame Francis.