Calavo Growers Imported Peruvian Avocado Season is Underway

Calavo Growers Imported Peruvian Avocado Season is Underway

Calavo Growers of Santa Paula, CA started importing Peruvian fruit each week
in June, and shipments are anticipated to continue into early September.

Calavo Fresh Sales reports inital arrivals are ripening well and have
excellent quality. Peruvian supplies look good coming out of Peru, although
crop volume is down from previous years and sizing is trending from large to
small sizes.

Calavo’s shipments from Peru are received in the port of Philadelphia and
transferred the short distance to its Swedesboro, N.J., warehouse for ripening
and shipping.

The majority of Calavo’s Peruvian fruit is sold loose in standard 2-layer
tray-packed cartons.