While Most Calif. Avocado Shippers May be down, McDaniel Sees an Increase

While Most Calif. Avocado Shippers May be down, McDaniel Sees an Increase

California avocado shipments are estimated to be down about 12 percent from last season. However, McDaniel Fruit Co., baseded in Fallbrook, CA, does not expect to see a decline in its production.

California is estimated to have 208 million pounds this season.

The grower/shipper/packer reveals with its growing partners, thousands of new trees are planted every year in California. So, while the California avocado industry is expected to be down, McDaniel expects to have the same volume of fruit as last year if not more.

The company also sees better sizing than last year during the peak shipping months of April, May and June and into July and August.

During the next few months, McDaniel Fruit will be shipping avocados from Mexico, Peru and Colombia, as well as from California. Peru is expected to be a significant player this summer and Colombia is also a point of origin with increasing supplies.