Posts Tagged “Capitalism”

How President Trump is Growing Business and Creating Jobs

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img_6361By Larry Oscar

I get a lot of questions these days about business. Maybe it’s because we are finally beginning to see some light at the end of an eight-year tunnel after the United States has had the most anti business leadership in U.S. history.

Or maybe it’s because we now have a business man in the White House rather than a career politician.  For whatever the reason this is a positive sign. It has always been my contention business is a natural right of man.  Just as is free speech or freedom of association, business is also a natural state of mankind.  The right to produce more than you need and barter or sell the excess for a profit is a natural right that goes all the way back to the cave men.

Capitalism, by its very nature, is a natural state of man.  It is human nature to want to look over the fence and desire the things we don’t currently have.  However, there are many among us today that let their jealousy and envy rule their hearts.  They think that success is evil, and that our lives need to be controlled or we will have the successful among us make the unsuccessful “feel” bad.

Somehow their little minds think the insecure emotions of others are someone else’s responsibility.  No where was this stupid idea more prevalent than in the Obama administration.  Obama and his minions spent almost all their time trying to stop the rich from getting richer.  And they did this at the expense of the poor. They had the idea somehow by keeping the rich from getting richer it was going to benefit the poor.  Instead it had the opposite effect. By keeping the rich from getting richer Obama constrained business growth and the jobs that businesses create.

This left the poor with the lowest wage growth in U.S. history.  We saw business after business either move out of our country or close its doors.  Workers had to take the jobs of teenagers just to provide for their families.  Many of us who understand how business works were vehemently opposed to Obama’s stupid socialistic ideas, but when we spoke out we were accused of being racist.

Obama got a pass because of the color of his skin.  Shame on those of you who let Obama suck you in.  Under the Obama administration the United States had to suffer from the poorest example of leadership we may have ever had.  Obama added $10 trillion to the nation’s debt with big government spending and what do we have to show for it?  He drew red lines in the sand that were meaningless.  Anybody with half a brain knows threats never work.

He told us the lost jobs aren’t coming back” and that a 1 ½ percent increase in the GDP was the new normal . Obama was the champion of mediocrity.  My how fast times change.  It has only been a year since Donald Trump, a business man, took office and look at where our business community is now.

(Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.)


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The Consequences of Big Government, and Blaming Others – Part II

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IMG_6364According to the White House leadership you have to have the help of the “big government plantation owner.”  The results of this failed policy and poor leadership will resonate throughout the world for years.  It will produce an increased level of social dependency, sluggish economic growth, and low self confidence for all of our nation’s citizens.

Don’t expect a return to prosperity any time soon. It ain’t gonna happen folks.

We have now created a generation of citizens who think the world “owes” them a living and that everything bad that happens to them in life is someone else’s fault. 

It will take new leadership in our country that can build individual character and accountability in the minds of the youth of our country. New leadership will have to teach all Americans that your personal decisions and actions determine your future.  Your actions have consequences that you must face as an individual. You must stand on your own two feet and not be a burden on the country in which you live.

And before you can help others you must help yourself.  We cannot have a strong global standing in the world if we are a nation of welfare handouts.  We must face reality and understand that there is no “perfect” system where everyone is successful.  That system does not exist.

Capitalism has brought more prosperity and created more wealth for more people than any other “ism” there is. There will be winners, and there will be losers in capitalism. We can minimize the losers by instilling in the people a belief in themselves, and that their hard work will pay off.

We are currently creating an ever increasing number of losers with our encouragement of social dependency.  This must stop if we are to survive as a prosperous nation and halt the current slide down the hole of economic ruin and national decline we are currently in.

We recently celebrated Independence Day.  We should ask ourselves if we are truly independent Americans with the pioneer spirit that founded this country, or are we now a nation of handout begging losers?  The choice is ours.

It will take a lot of self discipline to turn down government handouts in favor of a good education and hard work, but the future prosperity of this country will depend on it.

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.

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The Consequences of Big Government, and Blaming Others – Part I

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IMG_6364Never let it be said that America has not changed over the past several decades.  If Harry Truman were alive today he would find a very different country than the one he led at the close of WWII.

Harry was a no nonsense person and is famous for the sign on his desk that read, “The Buck Stops Here.”  Our political leadership today embraces a far different attitude. With the election of Barack Obama, often spelled “Oblama,” our nation is being lead down the road of the blame game. “It’s not my fault” is now on the desk of the commander-in-clown in the White House.  Leading our nation is not a job that is to be taken lightly. The President is supposed to represent ALL Americans and not just the poor or middle class.  He is the president of the rich too.

One thing about Harry Truman,  he was not afraid to make the tough decisions. He was thrown into office during one of the most difficult times in world history and under very trying circumstances with the death of FDR.  Harry didn’t blame everybody for the circumstances under which he found himself. He set his emotions and politics aside to be able to make hard decisions based on rational thinking.

And Harry did not allow the American people to blame others for the circumstances in which they found themselves.  He lead this nation down a path of personal responsibility and accountability.  As a result, the period in American history following the war was one of increasing prosperity.

Harry displayed a personal belief that we as individuals could pursue and accomplish our individual dreams and ambitions without big government handouts.

In contrast, our leadership today says that “you can’t do it by yourself.”

Larry Oscar is a graduate from the University of Tulsa and holds a degree in electrical engineering. He is retired and lives with his wife on a lake in Oklahoma where he brews his own beer, sails, and is a member of numerous clubs and organizations.

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A Socialist-Marxist Leaning President

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By Larry Oscar

A great American from Fritch, Texas once said, “You can’t fix stupid.” Perhaps that has never been more true than in today’s global political arena. It’s hard to imagine more glaring examples of stupidity than we have witnessed in government leaders over the past few years. It was Forest Gump’s mother that said, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

That too has been duly noted in the actions of such leaders as Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi. The stupidity of Saddam was astounding. He would still be alive and the leader in Iraq if he had just let the UN inspectors back into his country, thrown them a party, and let them inspect and visit anything in the country their heart desired.  In fact, he should have invited George Bush and Bill Clinton over for a bunga-bunga party.  Instead he had to act tough and thumb his nose at the world. The result was he ended up swinging from a rope Texas style.

Now we have that little runt with a huge nose from Iran threatening to “Wipe Israel off of the face of the Earth.”  And at the same time celebrating his country’s march toward nuclear technology that will ultimately end in nuclear weapons.  What a complete fool.  What would you do if your neighbor down the street threatened to “wipe you off of the face of the Earth,” and then proceeded to build a bomb in his garage.  Would you wait until his bomb was complete before taking action? Would you sit idly by like the Jews did in World War II and just let him exterminate you? Or would you learn from history and defend yourself while you still had the power to do so?

It’s hard to imagine what goes through these bozo’s little minds.  There are many roads to Rome.   And if you want to accomplish things in life you need to study the roads toward your goal with some thought and circumstance. Emotions will be your worst enemy.   The emotional route will almost certainly be the most costly for you.  For example, the best way for the Muslim countries to deal with Israel is through friendship and trade and not through religious emotionalism. Take a look at Europe for example.  Germany fought WWII to conquer Europe  and what was the result?   Their own destruction.  However, by working hard as capitalists and establishing free trade, they now own Europe.  They have now accomplished through Capitalism what they were unable to accomplish through the forces of war.

We are now at another crossroads in the world. We still have leaders that do not understand the power of capitalism or how it works. They are still preaching the failed promises of Socialism-Marxism and ignoring the historical failures of this philosophy such as the Soviet Union, East Germany, North Korea, Greece, and Cuba.  The only conclusion you can come to is that they are blinded by their own stubborn stupidity.  No system is perfect.  And all systems of government will leave some people behind, but only Capitalism lets the people use their creative talents to the fullest, and that generates the greatest wealth for the greatest numbers.

Without Capitalism we would not have had Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Tiger Woods, or Oprah Winfrey.  We are now facing a critical election; one that will determine if we are to retain a Socialist-Marxist leaning President who thinks that we should all have equal amounts of “stuff,” and that the government should tell us what to eat and how to live our lives.

Or do we move forward and choose a new President that will remove the burdensome weight of this government from our backs, and let us live free creative lives according to our own abilities as the founding fathers of this country envisioned.  There are always risks in life. None of us has a guarantee that we will even be alive tomorrow, but one thing is for sure, if we are not free to develop the talents that are given to us by God, then we will pay a price far greater than life itself.

This nation has the richest poor on the face of the Earth.  We have the only poor people with big screen TVs, cell phones, cars, and air conditioned housing.  We will always have the poor, and it is Capitalism that will keep them from living in mud huts like they do in other countries! The best way to redistribute wealth is with a paycheck, and not a welfare check. If you want tomatoes you have to grow healthy tomato plants. If you want jobs you must grow healthy corporations, and not a bloated overgrown government that is funded with borrowed money!

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Socialism, Marxism and Capitalism

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By Larry Oscar

It’s been interesting to observe the reaction of some people to government failures. What seems so obvious to many seems to totally escaping the thought process of others. “Why is it that government agencies fail while private corporations succeed”, a liberal friend of mine recently asked? Sometimes all you can do to help these poor folks is just smile. The answer lies in the observations of a man by the name of Charles Darwin. Back in 1859 Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species and the rest is history.

Over 99.9 percent of all species that ever lived on this planet have fallen to extinction. We are a product of natural selection and if we fail to adapt to changes in climate and our environment, we will follow the same fate. Darwin’s observation of natural selection is not limited to nature alone. It is the reason that Socialism, Marxism, and big governments fail while Capitalism succeeds.

In order for a society to prosper the society must have a viable economy supported by trade and successful business. That has been true for all great civilizations, past and present. Capitalism supports the process of natural selection in an economy. Whereas, Socialism and Marxism do not. Under Capitalism businesses must adapt to an ever changing market or fail and become extinct. Under Socialism and Marxism the government props up what the government decides businesses should become, regardless of the market conditions. This leads to a costly and prolonged, but inevitable extinction of the business. Why, because the process of natural selection has not been allowed to occur.

The Capitalist free market is the crucible that weeds out the weak. There can be no greater example of Darwin’s natural selection process than the United States Post Office versus the United Parcel Service. If an outside observer were to pick a winner among these two the logical choice would have been the United States Post Office. After all, the Post Office can deliver both first class mail and parcels while UPS can only deliver parcels. And UPS was not allowed to deliver first class mail by law. A government interference in the market. The failure of the Post Office is a glaring example of why government intervention in the free market process will always inevitably end in failure.

Historically the failures of great civilizations can be traced to an ever increasing size of government and the government interference in the free market forces that result in the collapse of trade, business, and ultimately the economy. Capitalism is often described as “brutal” because there will be losers, winners, and failures. May I remind all that capitalism is no different than sports. When you compete in baseball, football, golf, or any other sport it would be ludicrous to compete and not have winners and losers. So why is the competition in a capitalist business environment any different? Do you think the early baseball teams of the early 1900’s would stand a chance against the teams of today? No way. Why? Because sports has evolved. We have much more skilled players and better training and equipment today. We no longer play golf with wooden handle clubs or leather covered golf balls. Our tennis rackets today are lightweight carbon fiber, not wood.

Like sports, market free competition in business is absolutely essential. And it is essential that government keep the interference in the market to an absolute minimum. We have pumped tens of billions of borrowed government money into GM. The GM story has yet to write it’s final chapter. GM has not been “saved” as many are claiming now. GM has only survived until now because of a government handout. GM will be back in trouble within a few years or decades at most when the government handout money is gone and once again they have to stand on their own two feet. The systemic problems at GM are still there, and those problems will bring GM to it’s knees sooner or later. A very good read on this subject is John Stossel’s new book entitled No They Can’t. It cites numerous examples of government failures in the free market place. You can pick it up on Amazon for about $17 at:

And be kind to your emotional friends. After all, they may have an issue! You also may want to read up on that subject as well…My Stroke of Insight by Jill Taylor, Ph.D. It’s a great story of a true scientist and what she discovered about the brains thought processes.


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The Best Way to Redistribute Wealth

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By Larry Oscar

A great American from Fritch, Texas once said, “You can’t fix stupid.”  Perhaps that has never been more true than in today’s global political arena. It’s hard to imagine more glaring examples of stupidity than we have witnessed in government leaders over the past few years. It was Forrest Gump’s mother that said “Stupid is as stupid does.”

That too has been duly noted in the actions of such leaders as Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi. The stupidity of Saddam was astounding. He would still be alive and the leader in Iraq if he had just let the UN inspectors back into his country, thrown them a party, and let them inspect and visit anything in the country their heart desired. In fact, he should have invited George Bush and Bill Clinton over for a bunga-bunga party. Instead he had to act tough and thumb his nose at the world. The result was he ended up swinging from a rope Texas style.

Now we have that little runt with a huge nose from Iran threatening to “Wipe Israel off of the face of the Earth.”  And at the same time celebrating his country’s march toward nuclear technology that will ultimately end in nuclear weapons. What a complete fool. What would you do if your neighbor down the street threatened to “wipe you off of the face of the Earth,” and then proceeded to build a bomb in his garage. Would you wait until his bomb was complete before taking action? Would you sit idly by like the Jews did in World War II and just let him exterminate you? Or would you learn from history and defend yourself while you still had the power to do so?

It’s hard to imagine what goes through these bozo’s little minds. There are many roads to Rome.   And if you want to accomplish things in life you need to study the roads toward your goal with some thought and circumstance. Emotions will be your worst enemy. The emotional route will almost certainly be the most costly for you.  For example, the best way for the Muslim countries to deal with Israel is through friendship and trade and not through religious emotionalism. Take a look at Europe for example. Germany fought WWII to conquer Europe  and what was the result?  Their own destruction. However, by working hard as capitalists and establishing free trade, they now own Europe. They have now accomplished through Capitalism what they were unable to accomplish through the forces of war.

We are now at another crossroads in the world. We still have leaders that do not understand the power of capitalism or how it works. They are still preaching the failed promises of Socialism-Marxism and ignoring the historical failures of this philosophy such as the Soviet Union, East Germany, North Korea, Greece, and Cuba. The only conclusion you can come to is that they are blinded by their own stubborn stupidity. No system is perfect.  And all systems of government will leave some people behind, but only Capitalism lets the people use their creative talents to the fullest, and that generates the greatest wealth for the greatest numbers.

Without Capitalism we would not have had Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Tiger Woods, or Oprah Winfrey. We are now facing a critical election; one that will determine if we are to retain a Socialist-Marxist leaning President who thinks that we should all have equal amounts of “stuff,” and that the government should tell us what to eat and how to live our lives.

Or do we move forward and choose a new President that will remove the burdensome weight of this government from our backs, and let us live free creative lives according to our own abilities as the founding fathers of this country envisioned. There are always risks in life. None of us has a guaranty that we will even be alive tomorrow, but one thing is for sure, if we are not free to develop the talents that are given to us by God, then we will pay a price far greater than life itself.

This nation has the richest poor on the face of the Earth. We have the only poor people with big screen TVs, cell phones, cars, and air conditioned housing. We will always have the poor, and it is Capitalism that will keep them from living in mud huts like they do in other countries! The best way to redistribute wealth is with a paycheck, and not a welfare check. If you want tomatoes you have to grow healthy tomato plants. If you want jobs you must grow healthy corporations, and not a bloated overgrown government that is funded with borrowed money!

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