Posts Tagged “grapefruit loads”

Florida Citrus Disease Contributing to Fewer Citrus Loads this Season

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DSCN2885Florida citrus shipments continue to decline, with a disease known as citrus greening being the primary culprit, according the the latest USDA forecast. The  shipping estimate shows continuing declines in Florida citrus production, which includes grapefruit as well as oranges and tangerines.

In a Jan. 10 report, the USDA predicts the state’s loadings of oranges, grapefruit and tangerines will decline from  one to six percent.   All orange volume is now estimated at 115 million equivalent-cartons, down five percent from the December forecast and 14 percent less than last season.

Valencia shipments are off six percent non-valencia oranges — which include early and mid-seasons — declined four percent, with navels decreasing by 200,000 cartons to 1.9 million boxes.

White grapefruit loads dropped one percent from the previous month’s estimate to 4.5 million cartons with the larger-produced color grapefruit unchanged.

For tangerines, loadings dropped six percent with early season fallglo and sunburst tangerines accounting for the 200,000 carton decline.  Honey tangerines are seen as remaining unchanged at 1.6 million cartons. Tangelo production remains at 1 million cartons.

Citrus greening has been described  by one ag official as  “an unprecedented situation dealing with this disease and today’s crop estimate only emphasizes how important it is for research to uncover a solution.”

Though a majority of the state’s oranges ship to processed channels, nearly 70 percent of its navels, about half of its grapefruit and two-thirds of its tangerines ship fresh.

Though a majority of the state’s oranges ship to processed channels, nearly 70 percent of its navels, about half of its grapefruit and two-thirds of its tangerines ship fresh. 

Florida citrus, vegetables and strawberries – grossing about $2800 to New York City. 


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