Posts Tagged “Michigan apple shipments”

Michigan apple shipments started early this season, with the state expecting a total of about 30.5 million bushels, or 1.281 billion pounds.
According to the Michigan Apple Committee of Lansing, MI, it’s unusual to have three large crops in a row, but warmer-than-normal temperatures in late winter and early spring caused buds to form early, leading to earlier bloom.
Growers didn’t experience significant frost and freeze events after that early bloom, meaning a plentiful crop was harvested about 10 days earlier than usual.
Michigan Apples are available nearly year-round from August to June. The largest and most valuable fruit crop in the state can be found at about 150 farm markets and cider mills in Michigan as well as more than 12,000 retail groceries across the U.S.
The US Department of Agriculture reported that Michigan harvested 31.9 million bushels of apples in 2023. The average annual crop size is approximately 25.9 million bushels. There are more than 14.9 million apple trees in commercial production, covering 34,500 acres on 775 family-run farms in Michigan.
Harvesting is currently happening on Galas, Macs, and Honeycrisp with Fujis and Golds being picked as well this week.

Volume is expected to be a little lower than 2023 for Michigan apple shipments.
The Wolverine State, produced nearly 32 million bushels — or 1.34 billion pounds — of apples in 2023, according to the USDA.
The official crop estimate for this year will be announced at the USApple Outlook conference in Chicago on Aug. 16, however, Diane Smith, executive director of the Lansing-based Michigan Apple Committee, said it looks like the state’s growers will have another good-sized crop, “but it likely won’t reach 30 million bushels.”
BelleHarvest Sales Inc. of Belding, MI launched its season about 10 days ahead of last year with early varieties paula reds and golden delicious. Picking started the first week of August, and shipping got underway the following week.
BelleHarvest expects to have a slightly larger crop than last year on most of its 15 varieties.
The harvest at North Bay Produce of Traverse City, MI, started two weeks earlier than usual because of warm weather and more rain than normal.
North Bay ships 18 varieties of apples with gala, Honeycrisp, red delicious, fuji and mcintosh, among the most popular. EverCrisp, the last variety to be picked, is an up-and-coming variety.
The company notes harvest usually continues into mid-October, but likely will finish around the first of the month because of the earlier start.
This season’s apple harvest at Riveridge Produce Marketing Inc., Sparta, MI got underway August 9 and volume should be about the same as last year.
Riveridge is reporting good quality with a normal range of sizes on its Honeycrisp, gala, fuji and other varieties.

Riveridge Produce Marketing of Sparta, MI. is Michigan’s largest apple grower-packer-shipper and the company reports its 2023 apple crop, as well as that of Michigan – is the second largest ever, trailing only 2022. This season, Riveridge has the same acreage but more production because maturing, premium-variety blocks have developed to boost productivity.
The company estimates Michigan’s 2023 fresh market apple harvest will be between 30 and 32 million bushels. A primary difference is the final pack-outs for this new crop should be much better than the 2022 Michigan apple crop, thanks to more favorable growing conditions.
Riveridge finished shipping its 2022 apple crop just in time to start packing the new 2023 season.
For the coming year, Riverridge is shipping five varieties until the beginning of 2024’s harvest. These varieties are Gala, Fuji, Honey Crisp, Red Delicious and Ambrosia. Ambrosia is only in its third season for Riveridge to grow and ship and is rapidly gaining in popularity.
The company began harvesting its Red Delicious crop in the first week of October. Red Delicious accounts for about 10-12% of Riveridge’s volume.

The Washington State Tree Fruit Association (WSTFA) predicts the 2023-2024 apple crop will be up as much as 28%, compared to the 2022-2023 season, according to Markon Cooperative of Salinas, a produce buying operation.
- The WSTFA projects approximately 134 million cases (40-pound packs) will be shipped during the 2023-2024 season, up from nearly 104 million cases in 2022-2023
- The ample supply expectation for 2023-2024 follows last year’s short season, that was hindered by cold, rainy, and snowy weather during the growing process
- Suppliers saw yearly averages of approximately 120 million cases prior to last year’s short crop
- Expect level or below-average markets depending on variety
- Growers saw a record-setting crop in 2022-2023, at nearly 32.4 million bushels (40-pound packs) harvested; ideal weather conditions in spring and summer 2022 bolstered the crop
- Currently, Michigan apple growers aren’t expecting another record year, but are expecting close to 90% of last year’s crop total
- Average seasonal yields prior to last season’s record crop were at 24 million bushels
- Markets will ease once the new crop season is in full swing in September

Record shipments occurred with Michigan’s 2022 apple crop. Although another record setter is not forecast this year, it is expected to come close. A year ago it was a record 32.4 million bushels (1.36 billion pounds).
The Michigan Apple Committee of Langsing, MI believes the crop will be approximately 85% to 90% the size of last year’s volume.
Honeycrisp, gala, and fuji are Michigan’s most popular varieties, while Cripps Pink (Pink Lady), EverCrisp and ambrosia are growing in popularity.
New trees are maturing every year at North Bay Produce of Traverse City, MI.
EverCrisp production has been increasing for the past couple of years, Pink Lady had good volume last year but will increase this season. Ambrosa shipments just recently started.
The company will kick off its harvest the last week of August with the Wildfire gala, Premier Honeycrisp, paula red and ginger gold varieties.
Volume should be up slightly at North Bay Produce, and some early summer rainfall will help sizing.
Sparta, Mich.-based Applewood Fresh Growers LLC of Sparta, MI will begin its harvest at the end of August with its early back-to-school variety, Rave, followed by the popular Sweet Tango.
Rave volume should nearly double last year, and SweeTango will up by 15% to 20%.
Riveridge Produce Marketing Inc. of Sparta will start its harvest the third week of August, three to four days ahead of last year.
Volume at Riveridge will be similar to last year with good quality.
The company has nearly 20 kinds of apples with the early varieties beginning in late August and the last one, Pink Lady, kicking off Nov. 1.
Honeycrisp, gala and fuji remain the grower’s most popular varieties.

The 2022-23 Michigan apple crop is shattering shipping records.
Riveridge Produce Marketing, Inc., Sparta, MI, reports it has surpassed its all-time production record by 20-25%. The grower/shipper packs more than half of Michigan’s fresh apple crop and has a presence in all but one of Michigan’s apple producing areas.
In August the Michigan Apple Committee announced a crop estimate of a whopping 29.5 million bushels. This is 10 million more bushels than in the 2021-22 season. Michigan apple growers produced 15.6 million bushels last year, according to the USDA. Informal estimates now place 2022-23 volume at about 34-38 million bushels!
Riveridge reports this banner season is especially good news because it follows three consecutive disappointing Michigan apple crops. Part of the reason the 2022-23 crop was so good is that the trees had not been stressed by large crops for a long time. It was a strong bloom and fruit set. This year, Michigan apple trees were tight on maturity, with the fruitlets on the trees ranging in maturity within three to five days. Some years that span can vary by two weeks.
Riveridge’s apple marketing position is stronger because of a short crop in the Pacific Northwest. The company plans on filling those voids.
A strategic move for Riveridge is growing apple varieties and strains wanted by consumers. Galas and Fujis are key varieties for Riveridge. A lot of the apple industry that has focused on expensive, proprietary varieties, which the company believes has confused many consumers.

Michigan’s official crop estimate of 29.5 million bushels (1.239 billion pounds) was recently announced and the 2022 shipping estimate is well above average.
The Michigan Apple Committee reports ideal weather conditions in spring and summer and stored energy from 2021’s smaller crop has resulted in a large, high-quality apple.
Average annual shipments are approximately 24 million bushels. According to the USDA, Michigan harvested 15.6 million bushels of apples in 2021. There are more than 14.9 million apple trees in commercial production, covering 34,500 acres on 775 family-run farms in Michigan.
Many factors contribute to the size of an apple crop, including weather and the size of the previous year’s crop. To make the estimate, growers and other industry experts report on what they are seeing in various regions of the state, then come to a consensus on the crop size estimate.
Michigan apples are available nearly year-round and shipments in a good year are destined for 32 states and 18 countries worldwide.
The Michigan Apple Committee of Lansing, MI is a grower-funded nonprofit organization devoted to marketing, education and research activities to distinguish the Michigan apple and encourage its consumption in Michigan and around the world.

Applewood Fresh® of Sparta, MI, a premier fourth-generation grower, packer/shipper of Michigan-grown apples is counting down the days to the start of their flavorful harvest, with Rave® in August.
Rave® is only available for a limited time each year. “Look for Michigan Rave® harvest and shipping around August 19th, with fruit available through October” said Scott Swindeman, President, Managing Owner of Applewood Fresh. “With the new acreage coming into production and good growing conditions, the 2022 crop looks to give us a very good increase in volume of over 50% from last season, which gives our customers opportunity for promotions” said Brian Coates, VP of Sales, and Business Development.
Applewood Fresh offers bulk packaging in Standard and Euro Tray pack Cartons, as well as some packaged options; 2 lb. pouch and tote bags which fit the current trend of increased packaged sales in the apple category. “Retailers should promote packaged fruit and merchandise in lead-off positions in their produce departments to drive sales. Customers are looking for quick grab and go solutions as they navigate the store to expedite their shopping trip,” said Brian.
Outrageously juicy with a refreshing snappy zing, Rave® apples are part Honeycrisp and part MonArk. They have that infamous Honeycrisp bite but harvest a few weeks earlier than other apple varieties. MN55 cultivar apples were bred naturally through traditional cross-pollination methods by David Bedford at the University of Minnesota’s apple breeding program. The company has grown the juicy, early season Apple for the past five years. Availability is expected to grow exponentially in 2023 and beyond.

By Applewood Fresh Growers
Applewood Fresh®, a fourth-generation grower, packer/shipper and marketer of Michigan-grown apples, has started shipping the Rave® and SweeTango® varieties.
Rave® apples are part Honeycrisp and part MonArk. They have that infamous Honeycrisp bite, but harvest a few weeks earlier than other apple varieties. MN55 cultivar apples were bred naturally through traditional cross-pollination methods by David Bedford at the University of Minnesota’s apple breeding program.
The company has grown the juicy, early season Honeycrisp-meets-MonArk cross for the past four years. Availability is expected to grow exponentially in 2021 and beyond. Rave® is only available for a limited time each year. Look for Rave® shipments from Mid-August through October, said Scott Swindeman, Managing Owner of Applewood Fresh.
Applewood Fresh expects a similar production to last year for SweeTango®. As the lead marketer in the Midwest for the variety that, also, comes from the University of Minnesota breeding program, Applewood Fresh promotes the marriage of the Honeycrisp and Zestar! varieties in SweeTango for its standout flavor and texture. SweeTango started shipping from Michigan in early September.
Applewood Fresh offers bulk packaging in Standard and Euro Tray pack Cartons, as well as several packaged options; 2 and 3 lb. pouch, 3 lb. poly bags and tote bags to fit the new trend of increased packaged apple sales. “Retailers should promote packaged fruit and merchandise in lead-off positions in their produce departments to drive sales. Customers are looking for quick grab and go solutions as they navigate the store to expedite their shopping trip,” said Brian Coates, VP of Sales and Business Development.

A new variety that was developed in the Midwest and grown in Michigan is now being shipped.
The EverCrisp is a late-season apple and a cross between Honeycrisp and Fuji which stores well and is long-lasting, with the ability to last for weeks without refrigeration.
The Michigan Apple Committee of Lansing reports it is a rosy-colored, crisp apple that is a fairly new variety grown across the Midwest, including Michigan.
The committee notes many Michigan growers have invested in EverCrisp tree plantings that have now come into bearing. The variety can be found at many retailers and grocery chains across Michigan and throughout the United States. It is most widely available after the New Year when it comes out of storage.
The EverCrisp was originally developed in 1998 as part of the Midwest Apple Improvement Association (MAIA), an apple breeding project in which growers of all sizes were invited to participate in developing new varieties.
MAIA was co-founded by Mitch Lynd of Lynd Fruit Farms in Pataksala, Ohio, who hoped to develop flavorful apple varieties despite the region’s unpredictable winter and spring weather patterns.
The Evercrisp or MAIA-1 variety, as it’s also called, came from a cross made in spring 1998 when Lynd collected apple blossoms from a Fuji tree, removed the pollen, and used it to pollinate Honeycrisp tree flower.