Posts Tagged “Navel orange shipments”

California Navel Orange Shipments Forecast down 14 Percent for 2021-22

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The initial 2021-22 California Navel orange shipping forecast is 70.0 million cartons, down 14% from the previous year, according to a report by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA).

Of the total Navel orange forecast, 67 million cartons are estimated to be in the Central Valley. Cara Cara variety Navel orange production in the Central Valley is forecast at 6 million cartons.

These forecasts are based on the results of the 2021-22 Navel Orange Objective Measurement (O.M.) Survey, which was conducted from June 15 to Sept. 1, 2021.

Estimated fruit set per tree, fruit diameter, trees per acre, bearing acreage, and oranges per box were used in the statistical models estimating production.

This forecast includes production of conventional, organic, and specialty Navel oranges (including Cara Cara and Blood orange varieties).

Survey data indicated a fruit set per tree of 239, down 25% from the previous year and below the five-year average of 344. The average Sept. 1 diameter was 2.145 inches, below the five-year average of 2.208 inches. The Cara Cara orange set was 211 with a diameter of 2.146 inches.

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CA Valencia Shipments Have Started; P.E.I Potato Shipping Update

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DSCN9477Summer valencia and other California citrus shipments are underway….Meanwhile, there is less acreage and growers of potatoes in Canada, but volume is maintained.

Navel orange shipments from California are finishing early as valencia orange loadings  as will as lemons and other citrus are gearing up.

California primarily ships valencia oranges during the summer months with this season’s crop being moderate size, coming off of about 70,000 acres.

California navel orange shipments will end this month instead of their normal conclusion around the Fourth of July.  In fact, navel loadings destined for the East Coast concluded with the beginning of June.  California growers shipped 82 million cartons of navels this season, as compared to 94 million cartons in 2016.

Valencias are often referred to as the ‘summer orange’ since peak supplies are available June through September.  Higher than usual valencia shipments are seen since navels are ending early.

Fewer California lemon shipments are seen this season.  However, more imported lemons are seen coming from Chile, Argentina and South Africa for deliveries throughout North America.

Canadian Potato Shipments

Prince Edward Island continues to reduce its potato acreage, but remains the largest shipper of spuds in the country, according to Statistics Canada’s census of agriculture.

Island farmers planted 83,326 acres in 2016, down from 386,561 acres in 2011, but that was still close to a quarter of all the potato land in Canada. That number has dropped off in recent decades. Until 2005, the province was planting more than 98,842 acres a year.

The second biggest grower was Manitoba, at 67,672 acres.

While the number of acres grown was down just 3.7 per cent, the number of farms reporting was down significantly. In 2011, 300 farms reported potato fields and in 2016 that was down to 247.

That means the average potato farm is getting a lot bigger.  In 2011 the average P.E.I. potato farmer put in 289 acres. In 2016 that was up to 338 acres.

Canadian Fruit Shipments

While shipments are not anything near Canadian potatoe  shipments, fruit shipments are becoming a larger part of Island agriculture, with blueberry shipments leading the pack.

Acreage of fruit, berries and nuts were up 12 per cent between the two censuses, amounting to 14,388 acres.  The huge majority of that, 96.5 per cent of it, was blueberries.

Apples also saw a significant increase, from 126 to 153 acres.

Overall, the number of farms on the Island fell 9.5 per cent, to 1,353.


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California Navel Orange Shipments Could be Up This Season

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017California’s upcoming Navel orange shipments are expected to be 86 million 40 pound cartons.

Of those cartons, 83 million are projected to be produced in the three-county Central Valley region comprising District 1 and represents an 8.5 percent increase over the 76 million cartons shipped last year.

The crop is believed to be at least the same as last year and probably bigger.  Fruit size is reported to be larger, and fruit set — especially on late varieties — is better in most groves.  The improved fruit size is attributed to timely rainfall and good growing conditions following petal fall last spring. Early rains this fall could result in additional growth that would equate to more cartons.

The external quality is very good and the extended periods of high temperatures this summer have increased Brix, so flavor is expected to be excellent this season.  The crop is maturing well, with harvest expected to begin in early October.

Thousands of acres have been removed during the current California drought.  The estimate of a 2,000-acre reduction in citrus groves is believed by many observers as probably conservative, in which case shipments could eventually come in below the 86 million carton estimate.

Central San Joaquin Valley fruits and vegetables – grossing about $6400 to New York City.

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