Posts Tagged “peach shipments”

Produce Shipments from the Carolinas are Underway

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IMG_6576Both South Carolina and North Carolina are expecting normal shipments of vegetables this summer, despite a a cold and wet spring that delayed plantings on some vegetables.  Tropical Storm Ana, which made landfall in South Carolina on May 10, drenched fields in both states and further delayed production of some vegetables.

South Carolina Produce Shipments

Up coming shipments on sweet corn, cabbage, squash, greens, cilantro, parsley, beets, leeks and eggplant look favorable.  South Carolina squash loadings started in mid-May, while sweet corn shipments should start next week.

WP Rawl, Pelion, S.C., and Clayton Rawl Farms in Lexington, S.C. are two of the state’s largest vegetable shippers.

South Carolina peach shipments continue, while watermelons will be coming on the latter part of June.

North Carolina Produce Shipments

Cabbage shipments will not get underway until the latter part of June, or early July a week or more later than normal.

Cabbage loadings typically have a gap between the start of coastal production near Elizabeth City, N.C., and the mountain region production near Mount Airy, N.C..  However, this season both shipping areas are expected to start at about the same time.  One of the state’s largest cabbage shippers is Hollar & Greene Produce Co. Inc. in Boone, N.C.

North Carolina usually begins sweet corn shipments a week later than Georgia.  North Carolina expects to start loading about June 1st….Squash shipments have just started, while potatoes should get underway around June 15-20.   Potato acreage remains at 17,000 acres and the state plans to ship red, white and yellow potatoes through late July.

Eastern North Carolinas continues to ship sweet potatoes entering the last couple of months of the season.

North Carolina sweet potatoes – grossing about $2500 to New York City.



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SC Peach Shipments will Continue into Sept.; Wisconsin Cranberry Loadings Start Soon

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HpblueTk1+1South Carolina produce peaches and vegetable loadings continue.   We also take a look a upcoming Wisconsin cranberry shipments.

South Carolina Produce Shipments

There is good volume peach shipments  from South Carolina that finally got going in July and will continue with nice volume through August, although a seasonal decline will begin soon.  Loadings, however will continue into September.

South Carolina, despite being a small state (41st in size among the 50 states), ranks high in produce shipments.  It is the nation’s second-largest shipper of peaches, behind California, and ahead of Georgia.  South Carolina places in the top 10 for truck loadings of leafy greens, cantaloupe, peanuts, watermelons, tomatoes, mixed vegetables and sweet potatoes.

South Carolina peaches and vegetables – grossing about $3400 to New York City.

Wisconsin Cranberry Shipments

Cranberrries have experienced a 57 percent increase in shipments nationwide from 2002 to 2013.  As a result, poor prices are resulting from too much fruit for the amount of demand.  Many U.S. growers are struggling to create new markets to absorb a growing oversupply of the tiny tart berries grown in marshes.   Wisconsin is at the center of the glut.  Between 2012 and 2013, Wisconsin had a 25 percent boost in production, a record-breaking harvest of 6 million barrels of cranberries.  The state produced 67 percent of all cranberries harvested in the United States in 2013, marking the 19th consecutive year as the country’s leader in cranberry shipper.

Central Wisconsin cranberry shipments will be starting in mid September in light volume.  Heaviest volume occurs as we enter November leading up to Thanksgiving (Nov. 27th).


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A National Glimpse of Produce Shipments from Nearly a Dozen States

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DSCN3858+1Here’s a quick glimpse at some produce loading opportunities from 11 different states ranging from coast-to-coast.

Washington Produce Shipments

Washington state continues to ship its 2013-14 season crop of apples, averaging about 1,500 truck load equivalents per week.  Also coming out of the Yakima and Wenachee vallies are fresh cherries.  Volume remains strong, but is still only about one-third the volume of apple shipments.

Washington fruit – grossing about $7500 to New York City.

Michigan Produce Shipments

Peach shipments from the Benton Harbor area and other areas of Southwest Michigan have started.  Loadings for the stone fruit are generally a relatively short haul – within a 500 mile radius for the most part.  Chicago is one of the more popular destinations…..Apples from the area are expected to get underway the third week of August.  Meanwhile, Michigan blueberry shipments are moving into good volume, while summer mixed veggies continue.

Michigan blueberries – grossing about $2700 to Atlanta; Michigan vegetables grossing 15 to 20 percent less.

New Jersey Produce Shipments

Garden State peach shipments started a couple of weeks ago and are now moving into good volume.  Jersey blueberry loadings are still occurring, butare now past peak volume.  The southern part of the state  also is shipping a mixture of vegetables.

Watermelon Shipments

Watermelon loadings continue from a number of states.  While eastern Texas watermelon shipments, as well as Georgia watermelon shipments are declining, volume is steady out of South Carolina, but cranking up in North Carolina, followed closely by the Eastern Shore states of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia…..Look for increasing volume of Missouri watermelons out of the boot heal area…..The watermelon season has recently started out of Southwest Indiana and Southeast Illinois.


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From Coast-to-Coast Here are some Produce Loading Opportunities

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DSCN3219+1Tennessee Produce Shipments, Kentucky Produce Shipments

Looking around the nation, here are a number of active produce shipping areas ranging from Kentucky and Tennessee to Georgia, South Carolina, and California’s San Joaquin Valley.

Although they are a couple of weeks late, shipments of vegetables from Kentucky and Tennessee are underway.

Just want you to know though, most of these loadings are only to regional, if not local markets.  Items range from beans to cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, and a few peaches.

Loadings occur at shipping operations in such  Tennessee towns as Lebanon (near Nashville), Crossville (about halfway between Nashville and Knoxville  and Rutledge in Northeastern Tennessee.

California Produce Shipments

California pear shipments from the Sacramento River District are just getting underway this week.  Shipments from Mendocino County will get started around August 4th, followed by Lake County about August 11th.

Total Bartlett pear volume should hit about 2.6 million  cartons, down from 2.9 million a year ago.  About 500,000 cartons of other pear varieties also will be shipped led by the boscs variety.

California Grape Shipments

Table grapes from the Arvin District in the Bakersfield are  picking up in volume as the new season for the San Joaquin Valley heads towards good volume.

Peach Shipments

California’s San Joaquin Valley has been shipping moderate amounts of peaches for a few weeks and is averaging about 425 truckloads per week.

Meanwhile, in the Southeast, peach shipments are building and will hit a peak very soon in Georgia (Fort Valley area), as well as South Carolina (primarily from shippers in an area south of Columbia).

San Joaquin Valley fruit – grossing about $6900 to Atlanta.


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Loading Opportunities from California to Arkansas, the Northwest and in Jersey

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DSCN3993Here’s a shipping update from various areas across the country, where there should be some loading opportunities.  Here’s also a cautionary note about some splitting of Oregon cherries due to recent rains.

California Tomato Shipments

Vine ripe tomato shipments from the Oceanside, CA area have started, with romas to get underway in August.  Both types of tomato shipments will continue through November.

Arkansas Tomato Shipments

A lot of tomato shipping areas around the country claim to ship home grown quality tomatoes, but consumers certainly know the difference. This season, there’s certainly an exception. Haul Produce is referring to vine ripe tomatoes from Arkansas. This beautiful, tasty product is currently being shipped from the Hermitage area and will continue through July.

Peach Shipments

New Jersey peach shipments get underway within the next week or so and should yield 30,000 tons to 35,000 tons of fruit from the state’s 5,500 acres of trees. Peach loadings will remain available through most of September.

Northwest Cherry Shipments

A monthly record of 10.3 million boxes of cherries were shipped from the region in June.   The volume was more than double the June 2012 tally of 4.7 million boxes — part of that year’s record crop….Rainfall in the last week of June has resulted in some splitting of Oregon cherries, but damage varied by grower. So use caution and pay attention to what is being loaded on your truck.  It could save you a claim or rejected load.  The amount of damage to cherries is estimated a about 10 percent of the fruit being lost.

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California Stone Fruit Shipments are Starting to Crank Up

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IMG_6428California stone fruit shipments have started within the past couple of weeks and volume is building.

These items, primarily peaches, plums and nectarines – and to a lesser extent apricots – play a key role every spring and summer in determing how high produce rates will go out of California.

Early indications point to average volume for stone fruit this season – at the very best.  Before it is over, total shipments could be below average.

Peach shipments started the third week of May, followed a week later by plums and nectarines.  Most California stone fruit loadings occur during a 90-day period spread out between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

The San Joaquin Valley really gets humping as we enter July when table grape shipments crank up.  Grapes seems to be one of the few crops in recent years that have had record setting volume.

Stone fruit – grossing about $5200 to Chicago.


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Southeastern Produce Shipments Hit Hard by Rains

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DSCN1782Poor quality peaches, and poor tasting, waterlogged watermelons are a few examples of how heavy rains have affected many produce crops in the South.

The Southeast had its second-wettest January through July on record.  South Carolina has had more rain at this point in the year than in almost 50 years.      Some South Carolina shippers have lost up to 25 percent of their peach crops.

Georgia has seen the heaviest rains, about 40 percent more than usual at this point in the year.  Peach growers in the Fort Valley, GA area got lucky and escaped most of the excessive rains, with peach shipments all but over for the season.

If you haul  Georgia pecans, loadings could be seriously affected this fall and winter.  Pecan scab disease affects stem, leaf and nut growth, causing reduced yields — and loading opportunities.  The disease is extremely susceptible to moisture.

Further south in Georgia, around Tifton and on towards the Florida state line, there has been tremendous amounts of rain. The regions has had 55 to 62 inches since the first of the year compared to about  17 inches this time a year ago.  As result, fall vegetable shipments could be off significantly.

Specifically, this could hurt loadings of  bell peppers, cantaloupe, broccoli, squash, cucumbers and tomatoes.

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A Glimpse at Produce Loads Across America

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152_5260Summer is here and that means opportunities for produce loads are available not only in California, but pretty much coast-to-coast.  Not only the West Coast, but in Idaho, Colorado, and on the East Coast.

East Coast

For example, peach shipments have moved into good volume from the Fort Valley area of Georgia, as well as from South Carolina.  SC shippers are located primarly south of Columbia.

New Jersey is shipping blueberries, and soon there will be mixed veggies and peaches to haul.

Georgia continues to ship Vidalia onions, with the good news being the quality problems early the season are pretty much out of the way.  At the same time, southern Georgia now has good volume with mixed vegetables.  Watermelons are still being shipped from the northern half of Florida, and are now getting started in Georgia.


In Colorado, the San Luis Valley is shipping about 750 truck loads of potatoes a week.  However, the big spud volume, as always is Idaho, where around 1750 truck load equivelants are moving to market each week – although a fair  amount is being loaded onto the rails.


Imports of citrus from Chile, South Africa and Australia will begin arriving at USA ports in early July and provide good volume through August….Mexican avocados should be providing heavy crossings into the USA this summer and into the fall.

California Produce Loads

In California, between the Watstonville district and Santa Maria an estimated 1300 truck loads of strawberries are being shipped weekly.  Add to this, Salinas vegetables and San Joaquin Valley stone fruit, tomatoes, veggies and other items – and they don’t call California  the nation’s bread basket, or is it produce basket, for nothing.

Idaho potatoes – grossing about $1500 to L.A.

Salinas Valley produce – about $9000 to Boston.

Colorado spuds – about $1700 to Dallas.

Georgia vegetables – about $3300 to New York City.


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