Posts Tagged “South Carolina watermelon shipments”

South Carolina Produce Shipments are on Track

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South Carolina shippers are gearing up for a promising season starting in June with most loads destined for markets in the mid-Atlantic and Northeastern states.

South Carolina ranks 5th nationally in watermelon shipments. It has 10,000 acres of watermelon planted this season. Melon shipments are expected from mid-June thru late July. Approximately 80 percent of South Carolina watermelons shipments are seedless.

Following an early March freeze, the state’s peach estimate plunged to about 70 percent of a normal crop. Still, excellent quality fruit is expected. South Carolina ranks second to California in domestic peach shipments. Loadings started in early May and will continue through early August. 

The state is also known for it vegetable shipments of collards, summer squash and sweet corn, although there are shipments of beans, peas and Sea Island tomatoes. Berries ranging from strawberries to blueberries will come on in June.

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Produce Shipping Round Up from CA to GA

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DSCN7463Here’s a produce shipping outlook from around the nation.  We’ll cover everything from California tomatoes, strawberries and melons, to watermelon shipments in the Eastern half of the U.S.

California tomato shipments are gaining steam from the San Joaquin Valley to the southern coastal area.

For example, tomato loadings from Firebaugh, CA got underway June 1st and within two weeks all the tomato shippers in the San Joaquin Valley were moving product.

If the weather cooperates, the valley could be shipping tomatoes through Halloween.

On the Southern California coastline, pole tomato shipments got underway around June e13th from the Oceanside area.  Shipments of roma tomatoes will start July 1.  Round tomato volumes will likely peak from mid-August through October, with roma peak shipments taking place from July through September.

Good volume with cherry tomatoes should be shipped this summer from Baja, California.  However it will be the middle of October before there are rounds and vine-ripes from the region.

California Strawberry Shipments

Heavy shipments of strawberries from the Salinas-Watsonville area are taking place.  On average, about 950 truck loads of strawberries are being shipped weekly.  The Santa Maria district is shipping roughly one-half the volume of Salinas-Watsonville.

Watsonville strawberries and Salinas Valley vegetables – grossing about $7200 to New York City.

Cantaloupe Shipments

It’s getting awfully hot in the desert region, but cantaloupe shipments are still on track.  About 825 truck loads of cantaloupe are being loaded weekly from the Imperial Valley, as well as the Yuma area and central Arizona.

Watermelon Shipments

Georgia is easily leading the pack of states currently shipping watermelons.  Heavy volume should continue through the Fourth of July before a seasonal decline begins.  Meanwhile, very light volume has started with South Carolina watermelon shipments.  North Carolina gets underway the first week of July.  Another big state for watermelons is Missouri.  Watermelon shipments from the boot heel of Missouri get start in mid July.

Southern Georgian watermelons and vegetables – grossing about $2600 to New York City.

Mexican Mangoes

Imported Mexico mango volumes have been trailing last year, but that is changing.  Record shipments from Mexico are now occurring.  For example, during the week of June 6th, 3.6 million cartons of mangoes were shipped.  This was 6 percent more than projected.


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