Lettuce and Other Leafy Greens Shipments are Underway from the Desert

Lettuce and Other Leafy Greens Shipments are Underway from the Desert

Phoenix, AZ — Arizona is known as the winter lettuce capital of the US providing Americans with an abundance of lettuce and leafy greens from November to March.  

According to United States Department of Agriculture statistics Arizona farmers grow approximately 25% of the total U.S. lettuce supply each year. On an annual basis the leafy greens farming community in Arizona generates a $2 billion impact. 

“Right now, Arizona farms are actively growing and harvesting some types of leafy greens including spinach, kale, arugula, spring mix, Swiss chard and romaine lettuce.” said Teressa Lopez, Administrator of the Arizona LGMA program.

To celebrate the start of harvest Arizona growers and shippers are celebrating the 12th annual Arizona Leafy Greens Month. 

Since the first celebration, Arizona farmers have produced more than 100 billion servings of lettuce (based on the average production of 9 billion servings per year).