Archive For The “Trucking Reports” Category

Northwest onion shipments from storage will be occurring through mid- to late April as usual, but volume will be down because onions remaining to be shipped are down about 40% to 50% from normal, according to Owyhee Produce of Parma, ID.
During the growing season, the Treasure Valley growing region of Idaho and eastern Oregon exceeded 100 degrees for 20 days through mid-July, up from the historical annual average of six days reaching 100 degrees or more. This resulted in a yield reduction.
Top shipping areas for onions in late October were Columbia Basin, WA.; Idaho and Malheur County, OR.; Peru; Colorado; and Utah, according to the USDA.
Truck shipments of Idaho onions, at 394 truckloads the week of Oct. 24, were off 32% from the same week a year ago. Onion shipments from Oregon, at 127 truckloads for the week of Oct. 24, were 52% lower than the same week last year. Washington onion shipments were 646 truckloads the week of Oct. 24, down slightly from 659 truckloads moved the same week a year ago.
While shipments from the Northwest were well off last season’s pace, imports of onions were running well ahead of normal.
Peru’s onion shipments to the U.S. the week of Oct. 24 totaled 602 truckloads, up about three times the 203 truckloads imported the same week a year ago.

Lower Rio Grande Valley grapefruit shipments overall are predicted to be down nearly 70 percent this season, thanks to a devastating freeze last February. Meanwhile, winter vegetable shipments are expected to be more normal.
Grapefruit and orange loading typically start in south Texas during October, but the Texas International Produce Associations reports the 2021 Valentine freeze resulted in a later-starting crop. That delayed shipments, finally picking up around Thanksgiving and winding down in March.
However, overall grapefruit shipments could be down by two-thirds from a normal season.
Struggling to find good news in the whole debacle, the association notes while the overall volume will be lighter, fruit size and quality should be good. Less fruit on the tree means larger sizes.
Lone Star Citrus Growers of Mission, TX reports much of the fruit is also hanging on the internal branches of the tree due to the outer canopy loss after the freeze. Hopefully, this will result in fewer outer blemishes caused by the wind.
The company increased its acreage for this season and expects to produce 75% of what it had last year. Lone Star Citrus, like other marketers, will operate on a condensed harvesting and packing schedule, allowing the firm to maximize efficiencies.
The operation contends despite the fierce freeze in February, the longer-term outlook for Texas citrus is positive and sees having 80 percent of a crop next season.
Lone Star Citrus markets grapefruit and a variety of orange varieties, including marrs, navel, pineapple and valencia.
Vegetable Shipments
Lone Star vegetable shipments kicked off with herbs in early November, with items ranging from cilantro to parsley, and cabbage, followed soon by kale.
Grow Farms Texas, Donna, TX, continues to grow its program in south Texas on both domestic and Mexico Grown products. Its cabbage survived last year’s February freeze, resulting in a great Saint Patrick’s day harvest. An even better crop is seen this year.
The company is looking at good cucumber and bell pepper production out of Mexico, along with increasing volume of eggplant and squash. It is increasing its hot peppers volume each year, led by jalapeno and serrano.

Imported Chilean cherries to the U.S. got underway in late October and will continue into February.
The Chilean Fresh Fruit Association notes Chile is world’s largest exporter of cherries, shipping 77.8 million boxes around the globe last year. Chile projects cherry exports to the U.S. will see substantial growth in 2021-22, with nearly 13,000 metric tons expected for the U.S. market this season.
The Oppenheimer Group (Oppy), report shipments to North America are poised for yearly growth in the future.
China remains the primary destination for Chilean cherries, but production continues to grow and is now sufficient to support good volumes in North America, Europe, India and elsewhere. The North American market is viewed as the primary target for growth this season.
Overall volume this season could be 50 to over 100% higher than last year. The season started in mid-November with air shipments and should continue through February.

While Arizona-California desert growers and shippers have experienced a cool down this week in the midi-60s and low 70s, it follows ideal weather conditions with highs in the 80s last week. But overall, desert vegetable volume is increasing.
In the meantime, green leaf, iceberg, and romaine lettuce volume is good, thanks in part because these are winter varieties which have been developed to have favorable quality and availability during the colder months.
The first crop premium Iceberg availability is inconsistent due to low weights, although premium Green Leaf and Romaine are readily available.
Both Arizona and California desert shipments are in full swing.
Lettuce and leaf quality are good, although growth cracking, mildew, fringe burn, and seeder exist in some lots. As a result, it’s important, as always, to be aware of what is being loaded onto the truck and that the receiver is aware of it.
Shipments have been moderate since Thanksgiving and loadings are starting to ramp up for the holidays.
Broccoli shipments are increasing from the Arizona and California desert regions. Overall quality is good, although pin rot is affecting some lots.
Cauliflower volume also is increasing with good quality great color and ideal size being reported.

The first forecast since the apple harvest was completed last month has The Washington State Tree Fruit Association (WSTFA) concluding there will be fewer fresh apple shipments than under the previous estimate.
The August forecast estimated the Washington state apple harvest to be 124.85 million standard forty pound boxes of fresh apples. After receiving updated data from WSTFA members who have picked a majority of the crop, that estimate has decreased by 5.3%. The decrease places the volume to be at 118.255 million boxes.
WSTFA members are reporting smaller crops of some varieties including Honeycrisp, Galas, and Red Delicious. High heat earlier in the season was cited.
The organic apple crop is still projected to be over 15 million boxes. In spite of the smaller harvest, high-quality fruit is seen throughout 2022.
This report is based on a survey of WSTFA members, and represents fruit picked through Octobter 31 and a best estimate of what is still to be harvested. It represents the harvested total volume of apples that will eventually be packed and sold on the fresh market (excluding product sent to processors).

NEW ROCHELLE, NY – LGS Specialty Sales, a leading importer of citrus, avocados, grapes and persimmons, anticipates a strong grape season from December 2021 through May of 2022.
For six months, LGS will be importing red, green and black seedless grapes from Chile and Peru. This will include specialty varieties like Cotton Candy and Candy Hearts. The grapes will be available in both clamshells and clear bags.
“We have a lot to look forward to with our upcoming grape season,” said Luke Sears, president and founder of LGS Specialty sales. “We’re partnering with one of the biggest Sweet Celebration and Cotton Candy growers in Chile, as well as importing new proprietary varieties out of Peru that include both conventional and specialty grapes.”
The company noted that its growing region in Peru continues to expand with new varieties, reporting a 10 percent increase from the previous year. LGS’ volume is on schedule to meet both retailer and consumer needs this upcoming import season.

An above average crop should translate into more Maine potato shipments this season.
The Maine Farmers Exchange of Presque Isle reports the past three seasons were plaqued by drought, unlike 2021 which has had adequate rain and good weather.
Shipment should continue into May 2022. Maine potato acreage for the fresh market is estimated between 12,000 and 15,000 acres out of the state’s total of 50,000 acres.
Cambridge Farms of Presque Isle reported a good growing season with great quality potatoes in storages.
Green Thumb Farms Inc. of Fryeburg, ME points out potatoes were in storage by mid-October with great quality.
The Maine Potato Exchange notes with the cost of transportation increasing each year the state has an advantage of being eight to 16 hours from one third of the nation’s population.

Peruvian mango exports are predicted to be at 220,000-240,000 tons of fresh mangoes in the 2021/2022 season. This would be very similar to the previous two season, which were 237,000 tons in 2019/2020 and 217,000 tons in 2020/2021.
The Peruvian Association of Mango Exporters (APEM) note, 60 percent of the total volume would is destined for go the U.S., 30 percent to Europe, and 10 percent to Asia and other Latin American countries.
Peru’s mango season typically runs from December through March.
Peru has nearly 86,500 acres of mango for export (80 percent located in Piura, 10 percent in Lambayeque, and the remaining 10 percent in Ancash) that are grown by 14,000 producers.
This season Peru will have 17 certified hydrothermal treatment plants to ship fresh mango to the U.S., when 5 years ago there were only 11 plants.

Imported Peruvian asparagus should be up slightly over last season.
Peruvian growers exported 206.48 million pounds of asparagus to the U.S. during 2020, according to the USDA. The Peruvian Asparagus Importers Association predicts shipments should be slightly higher for 2021. The group sees steady imports through the end of the year and into January.
Square One Farms LLC of Sunrise FL, notes Peru supplies asparagus to the U.S. market about 10 months of the year, with the fourth quarter binging heaviest volume.
Square One Farms expects Peruvian asparagus volume to be up over 15% this year compared to 2020.
Southern Specialties Inc. of Pompano Beach, FL had increased imports by early November and expects slightly more volume this year. The company imports asparagus from Peru year-round.
Seven Seas of Vero Beach, FL, imports Peruvian asparagus from mid-April through mid-January, and is a big item for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, Mother’s Day and Easter.

Fresno, CA – With good volume of California grapes available through December, shipments are predicted to continue through year-end in the U.S., and in Canada, Mexico, and other key export markets, according to Kathleen Nave, president of the California Table Grape Commission.
According to Nave the 2021 crop volume has been tracking close to that of 2020 for most of the season. The 2020 crop volume was 101.1 million 19-pound boxes with 20 million boxes shipped after November 15.
Noting that harvest is still underway in some areas, Nave said that in a typical season California ships grapes throughout the U.S. and to multiple export markets into January and this year looks to be no different.
“The U.S. is a good market for California grapes,” Nave said, “and even better this season in terms of demand and price than it has been in recent years.” Noting that the U.S. retail commitment to stick with California through December – as opposed to focusing on imported grapes – remains strong, Nave added that Canada, Mexico, and Central America have all been particularly good markets this season with exports to Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan steady, in spite of the worldwide shipping issues.