Posts Tagged “Georgia peach shipments”

Georgia peach shipments are making a major rebound from last year’s devastating season. Loadings got underway in early May and have just moved into good volume.
Industry optimism is based on a full Winter of productive dormancy and a long, cool Spring of perfect weather. Combine these growing conditions with well-rested fruit-bearing trees in their prime and you’ve got a sweet recipe for the best summer of succulent Georgia peaches in multiple decades. These conditions are also key in providing premium sizing and vibrant color to the fruit. Georgia Peach Council growers will be picking over 50 varieties of beautifully blushed peaches across 10,000 acres of manicured orchards. Good volume should continue into mid August.
Duke Lane, president of the Georgia Peach Council, as well as Will McGehee, marketing director of the Georgia Peach Council have expressed optimism on large crop with good quality.
About Georgia Peach Council:
The Georgia Peach Council is the proud supporter of Georgia’s commercial peach farms, including Lane Southern Orchards, Pearson Farm, Dickey Farms, and Fitzgerald Fruit Farms. Today, over 50 varieties of peaches are grown statewide. Each year, Georgia produces over 130 million pounds of peaches, between mid-May and mid-August. For more information about Georgia peach background, health information, recipe ideas and more, visit

(FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA) – The Genuine Georgia Group expects to ship nearly 3 million boxes of peaches this season.
With the season start kicking off mid-May, Georgia’s iconic summer fruit expects to have consistent volume over a 15-week period.
“Our peaches have dealt with historically warm winters for the last five years. We’re looking forward to seeing them at their best. Just like us, our peach trees are their most productive, happy and full when they get enough good rest,” says Will McGehee, partner with Genuine Georgia.
Sweet Georgia peaches are a nutritional powerhouse of health. A medium peach packs more than 20 different macro and micronutrients, including fiber, vitamins A, C, E, potassium and zinc. They are also naturally free of fat, sodium, cholesterol, gluten and trans fats. The orange-yellow hue of peaches is a cue that they’re an excellent source of beta-carotene, an important antioxidant that’s converted to vitamin A. In fact, a medium peach (1 cup slices) has about 500 IU of vitamin, equal to about 10% of the Daily Value for this nutrient. Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for optimal growth, bone health and vision.
For more information about the Genuine Georgia Group for the 2021 season, send a note to or

(PEACH COUNTY, GEORGIA) – Georgia Peach growers are anxiously awaiting first harvest of what is shaping up to be the best crop in years. Harvest is expected to begin around the 15th of May and continue through the 15th of August.
Genuine Georgia expects to pack nearly 3 million boxes of Georgia Peaches during the summer months. Offering convenient Grab-and-Go 2-pound bags as well as fresh peaches sold loose by the pound or the each.
With the current situation surrounding COVID-19, many retailers are expecting a huge lift in southern peach sales this summer.
“Many are touting fresh peaches as the feel-good fruit of the summer. With these uncertain times, we’re glad to be able to support our peach partners throughout the summer season. Everyone needs a taste of familiar comfort these days and we’re ready to bring back some normalcy to consumers nationwide with the juicy, healthy and unmatched flavor of a Georgia peach,” says Will McGehee, partner with Genuine Georgia.
“Retailers have the opportunity to merchandise peaches according to their shopper’s preference,” said Duke Lane III.
2020 Genuine Georgia partners can look forward to customized marketing support programs featuring everything from digital ad programs, social media support campaigns, a dietitian toolkit and customer specific merchandisers highlighting sweet Georgia Peaches.
Sweet Georgia peaches are a nutritional powerhouse of health. A medium peach packs more than 20 different macro and micronutrients, including fiber, vitamins A, C, E, potassium and zinc. They are also naturally free of fat, sodium, cholesterol, gluten and trans fats. The orange-yellow hue of peaches is a cue that they’re an excellent source of beta-carotene, an important antioxidant that’s converted to vitamin A. In fact, a medium peach (1 cup slices) has about 500 IU of vitamin, equal to about 10% of the Daily Value for this nutrient. Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for optimal growth, bone health and vision.
For more information about the Genuine Georgia Group or to partner for the 2020 season, go to or call 478.822.9210.
By Genuine Georgia Peaches
(Fort Valley, Georgia) – 2019 Georgia peach shipments officially kicked off on May 20th and this season is shaping up to be one of the best with enough volume to consistently supply its receivers over the 15-week availability period.
The Genuine Georgia Group expects to pack approximately 3 million boxes of peaches this season.
“We’re excited for a strong season with our customers. Everyone knows a Georgia peach can’t be beat and this season, we’ve been blessed by mother nature,” notes Duke Lane III, partner with Genuine Georgia. “The cool Spring has set us up for a successful Summer. It’s given us healthy, flavorful, unmatched sugary sweet Georgia peaches.”
Offering fresh peaches packaged bulk by the pound (volume-filled or tray pack) as well as convenient Grab-and-Go 2-pound bags, there’s a compelling opportunity for each retail partner to shine.
A recent Nielsen study on peach trends and opportunities (December 2018) demonstrated that 2018 was the first year that fixed weight produce items outsold loose produce. It also revealed that the top performing retailers in the country carried multiple skus – 2 times more than the lowest performing peach retailers.
“We see that when retailers carry multiple peach skus, mixing bulk with our grab-and-go bags, they instantly maximize sales opportunities by capturing different consumers at point of purchase,” notes Will McGehee, partner at Genuine Georgia. “It’s this kind of savvy partner that we expect to see shine this peach season.”
For more information about the Genuine Georgia Group, go to or call 478-822-9210.
More details are becoming available on that mid March hard freeze that hit crops from North Carolina to Southern Georgia. Spring produce shipments from the Southeast will definitely be affected.
Georgia Blueberry Shipments
That March 15-17 freeze could reduce Georgia blueberry shipments by as much as 75 percent this spring, costing the industry $400 million. At best, there is hope “only” 60 percent of the crop was lost, but it could easily be higher in the south-central areas of Georgia, which is heart of blueberry production.
In this area, covering about 50 miles, 60 to 70 percent of Georgia’s blueberry crop is located. Some farmers have lost 100% of their early production rabbiteye crop. Temperatures in the area dropped to as low as 21 degrees for three nights in a row in mid-March.
Georgia Peach Shipments
Georgia peach orchards, primarily located in the Ft. Valley area, may have faired better than blueberries. Shipments may be reduced by “only” 40 to 50 percent. The lack of chill hours in middle Georgia had delayed the budding process. Now those buds are emerging, but growers now have to take a wait and see approach. Because the peaches were so late, it may have protected the crop.
Still, later on, there’s what is called the “May drop,” where any damaged peaches could start falling from trees.
Vidalia Onion Shipments
Escaping freeze damage was the Vidalia sweet onion crop. Shippers are still making normal plans for the official April 12 opening shipping date. It is described as one of the best crops in years.
Georgia Vegetable Shipments
Freeze damage to Georgia vegetables is all over the board. Bell peppers and other summer vegetables will be lost, while others veggie are expected to be slowed, but not fatally harmed by the weather. It will be awhile before accurate information is available…..As for Georgia watermelon shipments, there is believed to be some losses, but it should be relatively minor.
North Carolina Fruit Shipments
There is widespread damage to peaches and blueberry crops, but little specific information is available at this time.
South Carolina Produce Shipments
We’ll have a report on Monday, March 27th regarding South Carolina, which actually ships more peaches than Georgia or North Carolina in a normal season.
Georgia peach shipments enter the final weeks of the season, while Vidalia onions continue providing consistent, steady loads. In the Northwest pears, potatoes and onions are in light, but increasing volume.
Following a shipping in late July, Ft. Valley, GA area shippers are expecting a final season surge of peaches before loadings wind down around August 16-17. The first half of the season was off to a slow start until the middle of June, but it has ramped up and should continue for a couple more weeks. Total Georgia peach shipments this year are expected to be up about 25 percent from a year ago. Some shippers have already finished their season, but a couple of larger ones remain in operation.
Meanwhile, sweet onions from the Vidalia district continue to be shipped from storages, averaging about 250 truck loads per week.
Vidalia onion shipments – grossing about $3000 to New York City.
Northwest Pear Shipments
Northwest pear shipments, primarily from Washington state and Oregon should be very similar to the 2015-16 shipping season, with a 2 percent increase in volume being forecast. Growers in Washington and Oregon should produce about 18.7 million boxes of pears this season, The initial estimate was made last spring and a revised shipping estimated is expected soon. Harvest of bartletts and Starkrimson pears was beginning in late July, with winter pears expected to begin in mid-August.
However, apple shipments continue to have the heaviest volume, even though it is late in the season, with a few early varieties already kicking off the start of the 2016-17 shipping season. Rates to the East Coast may vary by as much $500 to a $1000. For example, recent rates to Atlanta have ranged from $4800 to $5800, although the majority of the shipments seem to going for the higher end of this range.
Potato and Onion Shipments
Northwest potato shipments and onion shipments for the new season are increasing in volume. In the Columbia Basin of Washington and the adjacent Umatilla Basin of Oregon potato loadings are expected to have a sharp increase as the old crop has finished and the 2016-17 is now the primary focus. This same area also has very light onion volume, but it will increasing in the weeks to come.
Southeastern peach shipments will be wrapping up earlier than usual this season. In Texas, new funding should translate into more Mexican produce crossing the border.
Southeastern Peach Shipments
Georgia and South Carolina peach shippers expect to end peach harvesting earlier than normal due to winter growing conditions.
Most South Carolina peach shipments should be ending by late August, earlier than the typical September 10-12 end. A big production drop of late-season varieties is expected by July 15th.
For example, in a typical week in late July, Titan Farms harvests 180,000 cartons and ships 120 truckloads. This season, the company expects to harvest 70,000 boxes and ship 45 loads a week, 35 to 40 percent of Titan’s 2014 and 2015 production.
Georgia Peach Shipments
Fourth of July shipments were high for Georgia peach shipments, but due to dormancy issues, shippers expect to ship lighter than normal late season volume through late July before seeing a flush of production in early August. While strong August peach shipments are seen, loadings should be completed during the week of August 15th, a little earlier than normal.
Georgia peaches and vegetables – grossing about $2500 to New York City.
Texas Port of Entry
Loadings of fresh Mexican produce at warehouses in the Lower Rio Grande Valley are only expected to keep increasing in the years ahead, and new funding by the federal government will help spur this trend.
Pharr, Tx, is one of the three Lone Star State recipients of Donations Acceptance Program funding from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Pharr will use funds from the public/private partnership for expanded cold storage facilities; an agricultural identification and training facility, which will ultimately reduce waiting times on insect identifications; and expanded secondary inspection docking space.
The Pharr project is specifically focused on facilitating and expediting shipments of fresh produce from Mexico. This is seen as crucial in building trade and helping grow the Texas produce import industry.
The Texas produce industry contributed more than $475 million in economic activity and 4,500 jobs to Texas in 2015. Additionally, there are CBP funded projects in Donna, Tx, and at Red Hook Terminals.
Created in 205, the agency’s Donations Acceptance Program helps expedite U.S. port of entry improvements.
Mexican tropical fruits and vegetables at Pharr, Tx port of entry – grossing about $3800 to New York City.
Ohio vegetable shipments have gotten an early start, while Ontario vegetables are building in volume. Eastern peach loadings remain steady.
Vegetable shipments out of Ohio got underway a week to 10 days early this year. For example, Buurma Farms of Williard, OH started with radishes mid-May, and dill, cilantro and turnip and mustard greens by the end of the month. Beets, lettuces, parsley, sweet corn, green onions and celery were to following in short order
Ohio radish loadings started in mid-May and continue to mid-November, with other commodities starting in June and winding down in October. For example, sweet corn, celery and peppers likely will start in mid- to late July and go to the first frost.
Ohio sweet corn and many other vegetables are shipped to destinations in the Midwest, East and South.
In late June, shipments begin for cabbage and green beans and the second week of July for corn.
Ontario Vegetable Shipments
Canada’s Ontario province vegetable shipments are now coming on and will be in full shipping mode in July. While asparagus loading have been occurring since early May, items such as zucchini starts in late June and sweet corn will be available the first half of July. Other items range from eggplant, to red and green peppers, colored potatoes and cluster tomatoes.
Eastern Peach Shipments
South Carolina peach shipments are good and will remain so approaching the 4th of July. Loadings are expected to decrease some after the holiday, but then pick back up the second half of July. Steady shipments are seen through August, before the season winds down in early September.
Georgia peach shipments remain strong, with a season similar to that of South Carolina. Georgia is reporting its finest crop in at least a decade.
Georgia peach shipments – grossing about $2600 to New York City.
Peruvian Avocado Imports
Peru should export about 100 million pounds of hass avocados to the U.S. this season — about the same as a year ago.
However, expect more fruit next season due to newly planted trees starting to bear fruit in 2017. Exports to the U.S. and other parts of the world will increase by 20 percent. About 25 percent of Peru’s avocado exports are destined for the U.S.
Here are shipping updates from different produce production areas on both the West Coast and the East Coast.
In the summer months, 1,600 trucks pass through the Nogales-Mariposa Port of Entry every day. About 1,500 of these 18-wheelers are carrying produce.
Whatever the cargo, each truck must be inspected for contraband. The produce gets another look for pests and disease that could damage U.S. crops.
Currently, there are heavy watermelon shipments, and good mango volume. Grapes are crossing the border and will hit peak shipments entering June and continue for most of the month.
Mexican produce shipments through Nogales – grossing about $2200 to Dallas.
California Desert Produce
Yellow, green and red bell peppers are among produce shipments coming out of the desert of Southern California. The peppers, as well as other vegetables, plus table grapes are being shipped out of the Coachella Valley for the next several weeks….In the nearby Imperial Valley, there is good volume with onions being loaded.
Oregon Cherry Shipments
While Washington state and California have larger volumes, Oregon also ships a significant amount of cherries. Loadings get underway with the start of June, particularly from the Dalles, OR area.
Nut Shipments
It is estimated that by 2020 as much as an additional 1.2 to 1.3 billion pounds of walnuts, almonds and pistachios could enter the market—up 35 to 38 percent from the 2015 crop. The vast majority of shipments will originate from California.
Georgia Peach Shipments
Georgia peach shipments are moving along as expected and should be steady through mid-July. Georgia should have its largest amount of peach shipments in at least 10 years.
Georgia peaches, blueberries and vegetables – grossing about $2600 to New York City.
South Carolina Peach Shipments
South Carolina peach shipments kicked off the first week of May with cling peaches that go primarily to processors, but now has moved into the free stone peaches for the fresh market. The Palmetto State ships about 40 percent of the nation’s peaches. FYI – palmetto refers to a tree, the sabal palmetto, which also happens to be the state tree, and appears on the state flag.
From Georgia peaches, to sweet onions loadings around the country, to potatoes and sweet potatoes, here are some produce loading oppportunities.
Vidalia onion shipments have gotten off to a fast start. Much of the reason is due to light supplies from areas creating a larger demand for the sweet onion from Southeastern Georgia…. Onions also are experiencing brisk shipments out of the California desert area of the Imperial Valley…..Sweet onion shipments out of Walla Walla Washington are expected to get under way about June 20th.
Georgia Peach Shipments
Peach shipments from Georgia are expected to get underway the third week of May from the Ft. Valley area. Georgia is expecting its best season in a decade.
Colorado Potato Shipments
Walked into my local Wal-Mart supermarket in northeastern Oklahoma May 5 and the first thing customers saw were of bins of Colorado russets. They were priced at 75 cents for a 5-pound bag. Why don’t they just give them away! The San Luis Valley of Colorado is shipping over 600 truck loads of potatoes a week.
Colorado potatoes – grossing about $1600 to Dallas.
Wisconsin Potato Shipments
Potato loadings are coming out of Central Wisconsin. Volume is averaging around 250 truck loads per week.
Wisconsin potatoes – grossing about $950 to Chicago.
North Carolina Sweet Potato Shipments
Sweet potato shipments, primarily from Eastern North Carolina, are having pretty steady volume from week to week. The Tarheel State is averaging about 250 truck loads being shipped a week.