Florida Citrus Loads to Show Small Increase

Loading opportunities with Florida citrus will be up slightly from a year ago, following the trend of  two other major citrus shipping states, California and Texas.

Overall orange shipments in Florida, which goes primarily to processors, is  expected to increase four percent, from 206.2 million boxes to 214.9 million boxes.

The USDA predicts Florida loads to see only a slight increase, with the differnce coming in white grapefruit.  However, a majority of grapefruit is for the fresh market.

Florida’s speciality citrus production is predicted to fall by seven percent for early-season and the later-season honey tangerines.

Overall Florida fresh produce shipments are entering the slowest time of the year.  Good volume normally doesn’t return until late March or April when the spring mixed vegetable season cranks up.

As for USA citrus loading opportunities, the USDA sees a national increase for the fast approaching season.  Overall USA citrus shipments are forecast to increase this upcoming season on all varieties except for Florida tangerines, California valencias and Texas oranges, which all are predicted to see slight declines.  California’s main citrus volume is with navel oranges, while Texas typically ships a lot more grapefruit than oranges from the Lower Rio Grande Valley.

The USDA  predicts the USA will  increase overall citrus volume from last season’s 272.4 million equivalent cartons to 284.3 million equivalent cartons this year, a 4.2 percent hike.

Early, midseason and navel oranges are forecast to remain the same from last season, and late-season valencias are expected to increase from last season’s 73 million boxes to 80 million boxes this year.